Cornwall Ontario Community Hospital (CCH) Using iPads For Better Outcomes & Registry Network

CFN -With the vision of “the best possible beginnings for life-long health” information gathered in the BORN (Better Outcomes and Registry Network) database will support the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MoHLTC), the Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health (PCMCH), Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) and Public Health Units of Ontario in measuring maternal-child health status and outcomes, by developing responsive health policies and improving evaluation and accountability.

The process to collect this data at CCH has just improved and has become more efficient by allowing the nurse conducting the assessments and patient history the ability to input the information directly into the BORN database. The information collected is extensive, separated in sections such as history and pregnancy, labour, birth regarding mother and birth regarding the child. Each section can have as many as 50 questions/areas to fill out.

By utilizing the portability of the IPad tablet and CCH’s wireless internet capabilities, data collection for BORN (Better Outcomes and Registry Network) database can be completed at the patients’ bedside, with more accuracy and opportunities for completion. “We are pleased to leverage our new Wifi infrastructure to include applications which can improve patient care” explains Mario Alibrando, Director of IT at CCH.

The old process included the nurse collecting the information manually on a paper form, then the clerk inserting the information onto the online database. If there were any questions missed they would simply be inserted blank, compromising the quality of the data collected. The transfer was also an area where possible errors could occur.

“The steps we are saving in this process will ensure efficiency and in turn improve the quality of the data, as well as the quality of the care provided in women’s and children’s health”

explained Kemi Ogundipe-Micho, Manager of this department.

Flowers Cornwall


  1. Are they bilingual? lol

  2. Are the IPads in English or in French?

  3. How do they do this at Winchester Memorial ?

    Do these positions exist at Winchester Memorial ?

    If yes, compares salaries ?

    explained Kemi Ogundipe-Micho, Manager of this department

    explains Mario Alibrando, Director of IT at CCH

  4. Thinking they are bilingual otherwise they would be inefficiant….**smile**

  5. The information gathered will support the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MoHLTC), the Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health (PCMCH), Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) and Public Health Units of Ontario in measuring maternal-child health status and outcomes, developing responsive health policies and improving evaluation and accountability. Hospitals and midwifery groups, as well as Provincial Screening Programs, will leverage the information for planning, monitoring, performance management and quality improvement. Healthcare providers and women and families will be supported as BORN helps ensure individuals have been offered all of the resources available to them across the maternal/newborn care continuum. Finally, BORN will contribute to hypothesis-generating research and innovation.

  6. Technology is a tool ! It can`t replace what we really need… doctors that are available and numerous in all specialties from peds to neurology….. this Ipad is the best way to share meaningful info fast and accurately..but We NEED DOCTORS… 1,000 less doctors across Ontario is shameful …give the medicine students breaks on tuition and offer them easier loan repaymetns and setup costs when they graduate and dump LHIN!!!!it sucks money where money is needed frontlines ..

  7. Yes a great tool but they have already many tools
    They are called the executive board and their management
    Till they clean house Cornwall community hospital will remain a 3rd class hospital.

    Their bilingual policy has cost them much donations ,well you can call it community hospital if you now hire out of province can you?

    Remember cch serves the community not the other way around.

  8. Oh Stella bilingual is not efficient,
    When you have to train them at additional cost of 15-20 thousand when someoneis already skilled for the job.

  9. Author

    Hi everyone. I know debating a point can be exasperating and emotional. I ask everyone to please remember principles over personalities and keep attacks to a minimum and no profanity. Nearly 7% of our viewers are alleged to be under 12.

  10. LMAO! Sometimes it is soooo hard to control thy tongue when you are dealing with stupid people. Concerned Citizen 2 you are so right about CCH! Let’s hire only French, give crappy service, cause many citizens living within walking distance vow never to use their services……then give’m IPADS. Ya, that’s what they need….French nurses with IPADS!!! That’ll solve the problem with health care in this province…..OY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Get those Ipads out of the hospital they are a total violation of
    your privacy. Otherwise prove me wrong that this information is secure..

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