Paleo Princess Kristin Blasiak Special Greek Salad Dressing! FEB 16, 2016

I have been trying so hard to emulate a salad dressing that I LOVE from this one Greek restaurant. After many attempts, my friend told me that they sell it for 4$ a container and that I should just go buy it. But we all know that that’s not my style! I had to persevere until I found the firmly guarded family secret. And by persevere, I mean make a Facebook status begging for advice hahah. Well, good thing I live in a small town because a friend who had a friend that worked in that restaurant happened to spill the beans. The secret was…. mayonnaise!! I should have known. I think mayo is the answer to most of life’s questions. Bacon is the answer to the rest, in case you were wondering.

pp feb 16Anyways, this recipe is relatively simple now that I have played around with the ingredients. The only bummer is that like all of my recipes, there are no measurements, since I just eyeball and taste until it’s perfect. Therefore, you will need to experiment to find your favourite combination. But hey, that’s the fun part!

Dressing Ingredients:

Olive oil

Red wine vinegar



Lemon juice

Garlic (I used the minced in the jar variety)

Salt & pepper




Add all ingredients into a dressing jar and shake to combine.


As a Paleo devotee,   my successes and failures are dedicated to leading a healthy Paleo-inspired lifestyle.

Most of my recipes do not include exact measurements because I rely heavily on my intuition when cooking. These measurements also fluctuate depending on how many people you are cooking for and your personal preferences so I invite you to put your own personal spin on any recipes I post.

Please update me with any interesting additions or alterations to my recipes, I am always open to trying new things!

And please post your comments and questions below; especially how the recipe worked out when you try it!

To check out more of Kristin’s recipe’s you can read her blog by clicking HERE.


  1. Thanks for the recipe! I am 100% definitely going to make this, love all the ingredients. Gosh darn that picture looks soooo good. And the salad looks really good too.

  2. We use all the ingredients except for feta cheese and mayonaise which we don’t touch at all. I remember when I used to work on Laurier Avenue downtown where the library is located and I went next door back then when there used to be a Greek restaurant and I ordered a Greek salad and I turned my nose at the feta cheese. My husband eats feta cheese but not in salads. I remember the Greek man where I used to make my order and I couldn’t stand him at all – had enough here at home to put up with. LOL LOL. The rest of the ingredients named are very good. That’s it that is the other herb that I have to get this summer – rosemary – and my husband was asking me just this morning what to plant this spring. I did pick up some mint about a month ago and I planted some in one of my planters and have it inside at the balcony door getting plenty of sunshine. The smell is wonderful and we put that in salads as well and other foods.

    Jerry herbs are excellent for your diet and lots of luck with the recipe. We eat Lebanese food a lot and just a while ago I made the dough for the little pies and my husband made the meat ingredients and I am letting the dough rise for some time and will start on making those little pies.

    The Greeks and the Lebanese/Syrians, etc. have similar diets but the ingredients differ sometimes. The same with the pastries – there are the Baklawa pastries where the Greeks use honey and the Lebanese use rose water and orange water.

  3. Jules, I agree herbs are an essential part of any healthy diet. I grow my own summer savory, rosemary, parsley, basil, sage and many more in the summer and dry and store them. I also pick a fungus herb called chaga to make tea with. Chaga is a forgotten, and oppressed super food that has anti cancer and tumor agents. Well known in Russia and know to homeopathic healers. You should google chaga and check it out. Will blow your mind. Also aids and heals many, many other conditions and ailments. When I drink it I get instant energy boost and mind clarity. I pick mine in the adirondack mountains. My diet also includes another oppressed herb, RAW cannabis(I’m a licensed user). When cannabis is eaten raw, you don’t get “high” at all but you get all the benefits. And you can’t deny the amazing benefits of cannabis. I can talk about herbs for hours LOL.

  4. Author

    Hi Jerry. I drink chaga too, but I don’t see any instant result. I mix mine with turkey tail mushroom as well, and cook it up as a tea in my crock pot with some sliced ginger in it.

  5. Jerry, I used to eat raw cannabis (in brownies) and always got a lovely buzz.

  6. Thanks Jerry I wrote down about Chaga and will look it up on the net. You spoke about Canabis and do you know that socks for men are being made out of canabis and I saw some here in Ottawa when I visited the store. Not only that but I saw some sort of cereal in Farm Boy Store here in Ottawa a few years ago when I used to go there to shop and my eyes just bulged out in shock wondering how they can sell that product. Canabis was used in ancient times by the Fathers of the Constitution in the US and they smoked it and they also used it for making rope which was a great deal stronger than the rope made today along with many things that were made durable.

    There is a Palestinian man that we get our computer parts from and he has heart condition and he told my husband about taking raw ginger the kind that you cook meat, etc. with and to make a tea out of it and sometimes my husband and I will make a tea out of the ginger and it is very good and very good for the heart.

    We use parsley in meat and salads like you wouldn’t believe and all kinds of herbs. Herbs are wonderful for the digestion. We make Lebanese Kafta and use ground up parsley in the meat along with allspice or seven spices. Seven spices differ from one country to another in the Middle East. A few Greek ladies that used to babysit my kids when they were little made Kafta and all kinds of Middle Easter dishes because they too ate some of the same foods but would make them slightly different. We have a big balcony here and surrounded by cement and I will be buying more pots to grow more tomatoes and herbs and I have a number of pots just now but I am going to increase the number.

    Jerry, Jamie and folks we are having another snow storm here in Ottawa and it is a good thing that I had my daughter and I go to the store earlier and she is sick with a chest cold and is in bed and has to work tomorrow morning from 8 a.m to 12 p.m. and the supervisor today told her not to call in sick and it was a madhouse for a couple of days at the store – literal insanity at its best. We had (you won’t believe this) thunder and lightning flashed quickly and I ran to the window in the living room and my son saw it as well and my husband heard the noise. The weather is nuts and always be prepared for food and everything else – you never know what happens. Monday I will be going to get other provisions as well with my husband.

  7. That’s great Jamie, very wise choice to make it a part of your life. If you ever need any big chunks, let me know. I would be happy to hook you up.

  8. Jerry and Jamie I went on the net about Chaga Tea and it sounds very good and I saw one girl using a Chaga tea bag. I haven’t seen any around in any supermarket here that I have been in and I have to inquire how to get that. My mother in law used to cut wildflowers in the mountains in Lebanon and make camomile tea out of that and I found real flowers of camomile at the Middle East foods and I tried that one time and very good. After seeing the few videos this is good.

  9. Author

    Jerry I scored 5 pounds from Quebec that will take me awhile to use up. I’ve actually been giving some away, but thanks!

  10. Author

    Jules the best way to do Chaga is in tea, but I’d be careful with tea bags. Get some chunks and toss them in a slow cooker. I use filtered water and add some ginger slices. After a day you get a really dark brown brew. Remove what you need and you can just add water and and repeat. When the water stops getting dark it’s time to toss the chaga in the pot and add some new.

  11. Jamie where do you get Chaga? I don’t have a slow cooker so I would be all day trying to boil it if not longer. LOL LOL. Just now I am making lentils called “m’jadara” and I have salad, green onions and radishes. Yesterday I bought the veggies over at Food Basics and they were not in very good condition but after washing and peeling away the crap off them they turned out very nice. I buy lentils and the red kidney beans at Food Basics because they are cheaper in price than the Middle Eastern Store and I bought some lately and have them in my cupboard. Now it is time for chow.

  12. Furtz, I should clarify that I consume raw cannabis as raw as can be, like in salads or juiced. Once you add heat to cannabis its activates the thc and yes you will get toasted.
    Jules, Chaga looks like chunks of charcoal that grown almost exclusively on birch trees. You can buy online, but if you walk in the woods near creeks or water with old birch trees, you may find some. Chaga can take 25 years to reach a useable size.
    Np Jamie, and sounds like you are very experience in chaga use. Good on you.

  13. Author

    Jules Ottawa is blessed with a lot of ethnic stores. I come up to shop at T&T every once in awhile. You can order online or maybe Jerry can hook you up. I can send you a few chunks of chaga to try if you wish. Just email me a mailing address. The trick is not to boil it. You want to simmer the essence out of the chunks.

  14. Author

    Jerry I have a friend with a Maple Sugar bush that turned me on to it and turkey tail mushrooms. I find the Turkey tail more medicinal.

  15. Yes turkey tail is a regular for me as well. I pick reishi mushroom when it’s at it’s peak and combine that with chaga. Chaga is wonderful. It makes the birch tree that all these great compounds, consumable for us humans. I simmer mine on the stove with distilled water, making sure to never go over 80 celsius. As Jamie says, when it stops giving up good color and flavor, add more or start a new batch. With fresh chaga chunks i simmer short times like 10 min, then longer the next time. I also add some of the outer black parts for more tumor and cancer protection. One of my favorite parts of using chaga is walking in the woods looking for it. Setting up a small fire and having a fresh pot of it right beside the tree i picked it from. And i never take more than 50% of it, so that it can keep growing. Just amazing stuff. I encourage anyone to google chaga and just give it a quick read. It will peak your interest, I assure you.

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