We’ve had a lot of feedback since we announced that we would stop allowing viewer comments on CFN stories after July 31, 2019.

So after a lot of internal discussion we decided to allow those that want it to stay to put their money where their mouths are.

If we receive enough viewer donations by July 31, 2019 @ midnight we will keep them alive. You, our valued, and occasionally deranged viewer can have your say.

Please send your viewer donation via e interac to info@cornwallfreenews.com and please put some feedback in the message section.

And if you want the comments to remain and be JULES free please add that to your message as well.

It really is up to you. Now all you have to do is pony up!


  1. Author

    Hugger nothing of value in this world is truly free.

  2. Agreed. I won’t write things now if you won’t respond to them. My WOW!! was not about the possible paying to keeping comments alive. I think you know where the WOW!! came from.

  3. Author

    hey stranger!

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