Here is the latest from our Columnist Richard Komorowski.  Today’s installment is titled: Hydro One’s Revenue Grab So far we’ve talked about Smart Meters and electricity prices, and how they can impact your household budget. Hydro One is introducing Smart Meters in an effort to balance the grid load –Continue Reading

A Taste of Morocco By: C. Shawn Kretz Recently I have been delving further into various ethnic cuisines.  While I enjoy all cuisine, I am particularly taken with a choice few; Indian, Moroccan and Thai.  Many dishes in this culture can be identified as having a blend of spices thatContinue Reading

Here is the latest column from our resident Chef, Shawn Kretz For some creating a menu while maintaining a fluid concept can be a difficult proposition.  Expedience certainly comes with experience. For me the two most important factors to menu and meal creation are freshness (esp. Seasonality) and maintaining aContinue Reading

Here is your latest column from Chef Shanw Kretz – if you wish to contact Chef Shawn email us at or The Farmers Market is upon us… Finally! I was excited to get out and see the inaugural weekend of the Downtown Cornwall Farmers Market. Granted that manyContinue Reading

Parisian Style Bistro: What’s the Fuss About?   Chef Shawn Kretz turns in his latest column typing with only one hand! What makes a Parisian style French Bistro different than a Bistro in Lyons, Strasbourg, or Dijon? Well, for the most part a Parisian Bistro will draw the best from allContinue Reading