JOINT POLICE INVESTIGATION DISMANTLES DRUG TRAFFICKING RING Project Amberjack (HAWKESBURY, ON) – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau (OCEB), Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU), in collaboration with the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) conducted an investigation that focused on a cocaine and methamphetamine (speed) trafficking network in and around the TownContinue Reading

SD&G OPP NEWS (STORMONT DUNDAS & GLENGARRY, ON) – The SD&G Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are investigating several incidents after responding to 161 calls for service from Friday February 1, 2019 to Monday February 4, 2019. Among these occurrences, SD&G OPP responded to: –             20 Motor Vehicle collisionContinue Reading

(PRESCOTT, ON) On February 2, 2019, at approximately 2:30 a.m., officers from the Grenville County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), stopped a motor vehicle travelling west, on Highway 2, in Augusta Township. Further investigation revealed that the female driver had an outstanding warrant for her arrest and that a male passenger had breachedContinue Reading

(Ottawa) — In December 2018, the Ottawa Police Service Organized Fraud Unit began an investigation following a complaint that a man was accepting money for delivering St. John Ambulance courses despite that fact that he was not qualified to do so nor did he have any affiliation with the organization. Continue Reading