Idle No More Border Peaceful Blockade in Akwesasne by Don Smith – January 5, 2013


CFN – As was anticipated to be the case at several U.S./Canada borders today, the Idle No More movement, known as the Turtle Island Movement to some, demonstrated along the International border that passes through the Akwesasne Mohawk territory between Cornwall and Rooseveltown.  Estimates of the crowd size vary, but average around 1,000 participants including some non-natives.

Protesters crossing the Seaway International Bridge at CornwallPhoto courtesy Teneya Mitchell
Protesters crossing the Seaway International Bridge at Cornwall
Photo courtesy Teneya Mitchell
Idle No More arriving in CornwallPhoto by Don Smith
Idle No More arriving in Cornwall
Photo by Don Smith

The protest march began at 10 a.m. on the U.S. side of the border at the GM plant, then proceeded to Cornwall Island where others joined before continuing on to Cornwall around 11 a.m. In anticipation of the protest, police had prohibited all traffic on both bridges and closed off a section of Brookdale Avenue to allow safe passage past Customs, and around the traffic circle. Participants round danced in a double line around the traffic circle. Some shook rattles while others beat drums. Flags and banners were also carried. The day concluded with a Peoples’ Fire potluck.

Double Circle forming on Brookdale Avenue Traffic CirclePhoto by Don Smith
Double Circle forming on Brookdale Avenue Traffic Circle
Photo by Don Smith

Organizer Jose Verdugo had requested that this be a peaceful, respectful march. Camo wear was prohibited; anyone desirous of indicating status of a warrior was requested to don a traditional ribbon shirt.

Protest rounding Cornwall's Traffic CirclePhoto by Don Smith
Protest rounding Cornwall’s Traffic Circle
Photo by Don Smith

WhyShouldNonIndigenousCareThe movement is protesting what participants view as unwarranted infringement of rights, the rights of First Nations people as well as the rights of all Canadians. They are speaking out against omnibus Bill C-45 and other acts of the Canadian government which are seen as stifling debate and undermining democracy. Concerns abound over respect for the natural environment and fears that corporate greed will trump clean air and water as well as access rights.

Participants hold diametrically opposite views in some regards. While some are happy to work within the framework of Canadian law and work for law reform, others very much view themselves as citizens of another nation entirely with laws of their own, intent on asserting indigenous sovereignty.

Our first video clip features highlights of the Cornwall section of the protest.

In our second video clip, two of the many protestors coming from across North America, Ochekwi Sipi ekwa Kinosao Sipi Muskego Ininuuk Territory (Manitoba)  A.K.A. Fisher River & Norway House (Fish River) Cree Nation Rita Campbell and Rose McLeod  share why they felt that they had to participate in today’s event.

Protestors planting indigenous flags below Canadian flag
Protestors planting indigenous flags below Canadian flag – Photo by Don Smith


To discuss concerns over Bill C-45 and various Treaty rights, Prime Minister Harper has agreed to meet withTreatyExpiredLeaseUp Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence on January 11th, exactly one month after she began her well-publicized “hunger strike.”

The Idle No More Community has a Facebook page located here.

The Truth Movement Canada Network is an umbrella group comprised of approximately 50 groups which are part of the Occupy Canada effort.

You Are on Indian Land by Mort Ransen, National Film Board of Canada

Don Smith reports on a variety of topics, notably good news items as well as social justice issues.




  1. Excellent coverage Don! Thank you and keep up the good work. So glad people from Cornwall turned out.

  2. It saddens me that the “Idle No More” movement is viewed by many Canadians as a “Native” issue. There are amendments being made that will solely impact the aboriginal communities throughout Canada this is true, but it is not the only amendment being made this is a 450 page document with many changes that should cause people to be concerned. I support the root of this movements and stand firmly against the changes to these two acts Navigation Protection Act: Under the act, major pipeline and power line project advocates aren’t required to prove their project won’t damage or destroy a navigable waterway it crosses, unless the waterway is on a list prepared by the transportation minister. The amendments remove that protection for 99.9 per cent of lakes and rivers in Canada.
    Environmental Assessment Act: The first omnibus budget bill had already overhauled the assessment process and the second one reduces further the number of projects that would require assessment under the old provisions. I object to the faster approval process. The Harper government is constantly selling/giving our natural resources away and or allowing them to be massively damaged. Before you judge and base your opinions on an absurd resentment towards Native Americans look into Bill C-45.There are things being done that effect us all regardless of race.Protect your country, the land and the water, educate yourself and form educated opinions. )0(

  3. i cannot belive that in the year2013 the damn goverment is still trying to [steal, and,push the native americans around. HELLO maybe WITH our president obama in there[you,d think he would take a interest like the wonderful president lincohn. he was one of the first great pres; to really stand up and listen to what was happening to the indians and the way they were being treated.the only thing they ever really wanted was the same RESPECT THAT THEY ORDERED AND DEMANDED AND IF THEY DID NOT GET IT??? THE GOVEMENT STARTED BURNING AND FRCING THERE WAY INTO INDIAN HOMES AND LAND WHICH THE GOVERMENT GAVE TO US AND THEY SOME HOW CAN TAKE BACK AND DESTROY WHEN EVER THEY PLEASE ..WHY BECAUSE THEY ARE THE GOVERMENT WHO WRIGHT TREATIES BREAK TREATIES OH GOD HELP US ONCE AGAIN PLEASE WE MARCH WE DANCE WE PRAY WE BEG ALL JUST TO KEEP A SMALL PIECE OF LAND THAT WAS GIVEN TO US NOW THEY WANT TO DIRTY IT AND TAKE IT BACK…THIS IS ALL WE HAVE OF COURSE WE WILL FIGHT PRAY DANCE SING WHATEVER IT TAKES

  4. rashedah is correct. We should all be very concerned. Bill C-45 is an abomination, as it puts at risk the rights of all Canadians to clean air, clean water and a healthy environment. “Idle No More” therefore deserves to grow into a pan-Canadian–even a global–protest movement against government by vandals.

  5. @rashedah and murdockcarol

    You both express arguments with ‘some’ merit.

    Now I am going to ‘suggest; to you why the Indian ‘nations’ have such a hard time convincing the Canadian ‘nation’ meaning the people of Canada and the Canadian government of your concerns.

    One being your constant refusal to ‘vote’ as Canadian citizens whereby you would be able to send your personal representatives to parliament as your MP’s. Instead you like to block our roads and crate mass media hype.

    That is NOT how our government works….blackmail and intimidation methods are all wrong. Your pressing land claims are unsettling and confusing to the Canadian public. The ‘appearance’ this projects, is that you want each of your peoples to live high without applying yourselves to hard work and paying taxes like those of us that do. Canadians generally don’t get the notion of your claim to have ownership on lands they have bought and paid for 200 years or more. They believe in a statute of limitations but you seem to feel their ‘squatters rights’ have no validity.

    Many of your fellow tribe live in abject poverty, yet BILLIONS of the Canadian tax payer dollars go directly to your band councils where much of the funding goes directly to million dollar Chiefs salaries…….as in 850 plus Chiefs across Canada having over a million plus each. Fat cat payments to associates as shown in Atawapiskat Chief Theresa’s boyfriend making $850.00 a day plus travel, office space, etc. These kinds of things do not wash well with Canadian s who vote. Is it any wonder why full disclosure is demanded. Starving peoples on your own reservations stacked up against millions overspent on management shows delusion at the very least on their part and total selfishness and greed to the rest of us.

    Go to the UN, Pound your drums, blackmail the Prime Minister who wants to open your books does not make your secretiveness speak quietly now does it……….are we seeing the hiding being perpetrated on us or are we really that blind.

    You surely with your vast knowledge and depth of understandings must surely have heard of the ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ have you not. It works kinda like putting a frog into a pot of cold water and turning it on to boil whereby the frog never realizes what’s happening, like being boiled in oil as you and your people’s managers and handlers have been perpetrating on the Canadian peoples for eons.

    Reverse psychology convincing others how hard done by you are in order to garner their sympathy through obtuse media such as the CBC and others. I think your game maybe is being blown wide open.

    In any event, I pray your challenges to your own Chief’s accountability prevails and coolers heads sort this Pandora’s box out for the best resolve for natives as for the Canadian voters.

    If you are younger than I or many non natives I believe that those of us born before you were really ‘here first’….another Stockholm Syndrome, especially if the Adam and Eve theory holds true.

  6. Dukers, instead of spreading false information why don’t you do a little research for yourself. The lies you perpetuate with your rant are insulting, and you should be embarrassed to even repeat them.

  7. congratulations to cornwall area natives on their well organized peaceful protest. it is beautiful to see the children and young adults taking part in this cause for their future.

  8. This is ridiculous… stay out of Cornwall

  9. Would’ve loved to see that level-crossing moved right off the reservation, and finally leave these people in peace on their own island.

  10. Re:

    bella-bJanuary 7, 2013 at 6:55 am

    Dukers, instead of spreading false information why don’t you do a little research for yourself. The lies you perpetuate with your rant are insulting, and you should be embarrassed to even repeat them.

    Kindly highlight the issues you see and avoid the personal attack. I would be happy to recant,

    As I ‘suggest’ I do believe that most Canadians are fed up with the method of protest every time disagreement evolve.

    Please note too that your concerns would NOT be needed if millions of others did not agree……….right or wrong, the bill you are protesting would never seen the light of day if others did not see points in the presentation of it. THAT has little to do with me. I merely express angsts against too many ‘Cry Wolfe’ scenarios.

    Time to vote in an MPP and MP. Just imagine the impact the reservations could have if ach had one of these to represent them more appropriately in parliament where you arguments belong……..not on the street in blockades.

  11. BedfordStreet, hopefully you realize that participants in the local protest included much more than just local First Nations people.

    Also, the local community of Akwesasne includes much more than just “the island”. The Canadian portion of the reservation is in three districts (Cornwall Island ON, Snye QC and St. Regis QC). The NY state portion is in two U.S. counties. All areas of Akwesasne are within a short drive of Cornwall.

  12. @No borders
    First of all I don’t care who participated in the protest. Second, I realize perfectly well what comprises Akwesasne, as I’ve lived here my whole life. My point is simple, move the border crossing off the Island, leaving it’s residents in peace, resulting in an end to the never ending disputes, disruptions, and inequity in treatment of Canadian citizens crossing it. I think the powers that be in Akwesasne badly overplayed their hand this time, and now the years of conflagration are going to reap for them what they sowed. The goverment will, of course, never say so publicly, but it’s payback time!

  13. Dukers, would you vote for an MP or MPP that we put forward, or would your bias keep you from letting us progress as far as you have?

    Stockholm? That the natives have caused the whiteman? Please. gmafb.

    How can it not be personal when it involves me and mine and you and yours? Or do you not care about the future generations that will follow us all.

    “If you are younger than I or many non natives I believe that those of us born before you were really ‘here first’…”
    you really want to go there or were you just venting because you don’t understand?

    And last but not least, I’ll leave the final point to bobgeneric, who answered you yesterday in another article:

    “Protest is a democratic tool used to give voice to the oppressed and disenfranchised.

    Below are a couple of excerpts from Brian Martin’s “Protest in a liberal democracy”, Martin is Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Wollongong, Australia.

    “The idea of ‘protest’ typically evokes images of a dissident minority taking a public stand, as in rallies against particular wars or blockades against logging of a rainforest. Protest is usually associated with groups that are outside the mainstream, that lack inside connections with the wielders of power. Protest is often ‘against’ something or other, an attempt to stop a policy or practice which would otherwise go ahead unquestioned. To many people, protesters have a bad image: the rabble in the streets. Although the vast majority of protest activity in liberal democracies is nonviolent in reality and intent, an aura of actual or potential violence commonly accompanies media presentations and popular perceptions of protest. These images are part of an overall view which balances the ‘right to protest’ against a need for ‘law and order.’

    Challenging the status quo is a difficult business. Dominant groups have various ways to limit the effectiveness of challengers, including promoting a narrow conception of ‘acceptable protest,’ channelling dissent into appeals to the government and, if necessary, using repression. The very idea of ‘protest’ should be considered suspect because it diverts attention away from the routine activities of powerful groups.”

    If there were ever a group “outside the mainstream….with lack of inside contacts”, that would be natives.

    You obviously don’t grasp what protest is so maybe you should do a little research and educate yourself.”

  14. Congratulations to the ‘Idle No More’ movement. No doubt with social networking and media access this movement will only grow to be ready to make their strong views known on issues of the day.

    No question I and others here have thrown forward some opposing thoughts, but that will always be, otherwise there would be no need for you or others to speak out would their?

    Questions do arise.

    In this case I would wonder how did the federal government at its inception, come to believe that there was potential for acceptance of their omnibus bill C-45? I do NOT accept that they just showed up in the bill…that is such dramatic changes and challenges to past thinking.

    Could it be that some or even many of your leaders among your hundred’s of reservations saw for themselves a way to provide for the reservations through use of ‘mother earth’ to allow for self provisioning just as a farmer on the reservation provides food for his family and community, thanks to mother earth, she now also sees other opportunities for ’employment’, empowerment, lifting up the fine citizens of your varied communities.

    Your claims of corporate take overs may be your own people who would invest in industry on behalf of yourselves.

    Perhaps it is mother earth who is offering up herself to impart blessing upon you by better use of her resources that can also provide for uplifting many others world wide. YES, outsiders would actually benefit too. Would this not be a reservations way of gaining a cohesiveness with their brothers and sisters off the reservations. To gain acceptance I would think is to show yourselves as open, thoughtful, intelligent masters of your own fate while benefiting all of mankind.

    Food for thought is it not?

  15. We all need to be “Idle No More” on a number of issues…

  16. Dukers, please! You are just going to throw all the blame off your fancy harper government and put it on the natives? Without any proof? Nothing but your own imaginings and wonderings? Thank gawd you are not the one in charge. The worst part is, some biased idiot will believe you know what you are talking about and repeat your lies as gospel.

  17. Admin, issue like these?

    “Idle no mo”, could lead a revolt against rap music and it’s attack on language and values.

    “Idol no more” could revolt against the proliferation of mindless TV reality shows. Tow biz and hillbilly fish catching, really!

  18. Response to Bella-b

    With respect I thank you for providing information in your January 8, 2013 at 8:11 am comments.

    Your valuable incites though good for me, also educates all the readers of this site. Much can be gained by your apparent clarity.

    Stockholm ‘syndrome’…….please Google it as my attempt to convince you of how it applies here would miss its real message relative to the reasons for people finding acceptance of others.

    Regarding voting for an MPP or an MP put forward by Akwasasne to manage the representation of Akwasasne and S.D & G, why would I not vote for such a person had one been available to consider. As it was the only opportunity we had to vote for such an MPP or MP had only been presented from S. D.&G,

    Why not consider running yourself. As a man with no bias’s no doubt you would offer greatness to all our communities and certainly an education of the greatness of the good peoples of Akwasasne.

    Once again I want to thank you and congratulate you on such a well organized protest of the ‘Idle No More’ movement. May it meet with a roader acceptance and understanding as our mutual government reconsiders its Bill C-45.

  19. Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy, sympathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them

    Sounds more like Canadian natives then Canadians, dukers. Doesn’t help your argument at all. sorry.

    “Why not consider running yourself. As a man with no bias’s no doubt you would offer greatness to all our communities and certainly an education of the greatness of the good peoples of Akwasasne.”
    You are so far off the mark it’s funny. I’ve made no secrets of my gender, heritage, or beliefs. Again you are basing your arguments on assumptions and make believe. sorry.

    Instead of fighting against us, why not fight with us, and become part of the solution instead of creating more problems.

  20. Are there any comments or conspiracy theories about the news from Attawapiskat?

    I think maybe before people always blame the government, which I am not proud of by any means; you should first clean your own house.

    As for Idle No More, they were never idle, see the news on OKA and the Belleville news where the 401 was closed for similar reasons….always blaming someone else yet never taking responsibility and trying to improve their standards. Most aboriginals are employed yet so many live in such poor conditions? Is that the rest of Canada’s fault?

    What would happen if you still owned the land you claim? How would everything be so much better? How would your way of life be so improved?

    Nobody can say and if we look at how people now live you can erst assured the same would occur only on a grander scale….

  21. I like ‘some’ of your ideas Bella-b and actually I like the courage of your willingness to share here as well.

    Maybe this Stockholm syndrome is working on me too. I better watch out. I just might come around.

    From my perspective though I see most non-natives, for years have seen you guys as the perpetrators because of all the bad press I guess, never because your blockading of us of course 🙂 and therefore over time ‘some’ come to see your point of view, thus the syndrome effect goes more to your favor rather than more of you seeing our side of things as good and right and a best scenario.

    More our so called ‘bias’s’ have been ingrained from our births. You are insulted or upset because we see things differently than you, and we are the same in reverse……how many years must this go on bella-b? Eternity is too long to wait.

    In any event, at this stage seems Theresa Spence will be honored by all of you though (I’ll use the term lightly) the rest of us may have other thoughts like further investigations by the RCMP but that is not our call is it.

    As far as running for office Bella-b I assure you, it has been suggested to me many times over the years, however my situation does not accommodate such a move. Enough on that issue here to.

    I am bound then to comment when and where I have alternate or even agreeable views in this manner.

    Kind regards to you and all of your family and yes, all of your extended family and friends Bella-b. Lets simply agree on a less stressful note to disagree, with some understanding of how and where from we have garnered our views. Neither are alone.

    Thank you.

    Perhaps neither of us can ‘come around’.

  22. Are there any comments or conspiracy theories about the news from Attawapiskat?

    Yes Hailey there are in fact. Smoke and mirrors. Just like last time, nothing but a distraction.

    Ms Spence and the Idle No More movement were gathering support from across the nation, and interrnationally as well. the Harper government, just like last year during the state of emergency, looking bad in the eyes of the world, threw Ms Spence uder the bus to face. What is everyone talking about today? How peaceful and meaningful the march was this weekend? No, we are talking about Attiwapiskats finances again. You know the records they looked at were from 2005-2010. Ms Spence wasn’t even chief then, but who cares, we’re not talking about Bill C-45 anymore either. Looks like the master statesman wins again.

  23. “What would happen if you still owned the land you claim? How would everything be so much better? How would your way of life be so improved?

    Nobody can say and if we look at how people now live you can erst assured the same would occur only on a grander scale….”

    I guess the natives would be rich as shit! They’d have all the mineral and land rights, control over their waterways, the right to as they pleased on their own land, and still have all their babies at home. In fact I guess the real question is where would you be, if the natives had control over what was theirs?

  24. Bella-b, your colors are showing.

    ‘I guess the natives would be rich as shit! They’d have all the mineral and land rights, control over their waterways, the right to as they pleased on their own land, and still have all their babies at home.

    Your emphasis is not on ‘mother earth’, ‘we are here to protect’, the mantra of the reservationists but obviously your high animosities about ‘control’ and more to the point MONEY, MONEY, MONEY…..

    Well, please go for the gold. The rest of Canada wants you to dear girl. The rest of Canada wants all of you to be self sustaining. What’s wrong with that?

    Time to let go of mothers (Canada’s) apron strings and literally strike out on your own.

    Oh, Bella-b, I’m so proud of you for finally coming up with the solution. Thank you, thank you, thank you from all of Canada, thank you, because Bella-b, that is exactly what we wish for you too. Amazing isn’t it. We finally have the answer then, the agreement we’ve all been looking for centuries now. I/we, want you to be rich. Besides just your Navigators, Hummers, Lincoln’s and 4 cars in your yard, we’d like nothing better than for you to have screaming mansions and Kids too.

    Gee, I wonder if that is what C-45 is really all about?

  25. Once a thief……..always a thief!!!

    Bravo Hailey……well said and my thoughts also. Enough is enough.

  26. dukers, I was replying to a post of what ifs.

    Now if you would like natives to be self sufficient, then lets open up some treaties and start negotiating. Ask your Mr Harper why he won’t renegotiate any treaties. Also ask him why he won’t even put a stop to native tobacco. He doesn’t want to open the can of worms like other countries have done.

    So if the folks that are holding everything in trust for the natives refuse to let anything change, how do you suppose we should put an end to it all?

  27. “Once a thief……..always a thief!!!

    Bravo Hailey……well said and my thoughts also. Enough is enough.”

    Stella, back off. You already got your pee pee slapped for putting your nose where it doesn’t belong. I suggest you put it back in your pants and move along.

  28. Bella
    You merely speculate in order to stir controversy. You have no proof. You already have natives rich as hell….you also have poor natives living in poverty. I guess there truly is no difference.

    Cleaner water ways?
    You must be referring to the cleanliness maintained by the speed and fishing boats on the river, perhaps net fishing aids in the conservation of the species in the water. Isn’t that similar to claiming the mineral rights, you would be rich but in short order there would be none left or in danger of loosing it all. How would you extract the minerals from the ground? I think by the easiest method possible as is learned from progress just like they do now. Considering the amount of eager and hard working natives in Fort Mac you would be doing the same as is done now.

    Where would I be bella? Same place I am now struggling to earn a living.

  29. Aren’t we all Hailey, aren’t we all.

    Just because your skin is differet colour, doesn’t mean we are different on the inside. We all just want to be left to our own and try to get by. Imagine doing what you do everyday, and then imagine doing it with all the negativity heaped on top. How would you feel if everyone looked at you like dirt on their shoe? Spreading lies and misinformation, and telling you you aren’t good enough. How would you get by Hailey? Honestly, how would you manage?

  30. Bell-a, these comments here in particular have NOTHING to do with ones skin color, unless it comes from your side and I honestly don’t believe off hand comments that way are really intended either. Be in charge of your own happiness. It is a choice Bella-b, regardless of circumstances. Never allow the outside world take that from you. Now smile and come back out with your arguments…NO accusations or personal attacks. Can you do that?

    Lets have it out without the rhetoric, shall we?

    All that aside, I think we are all getting a little exhausted with all that has been said. What one see’s as factual, another envisions as lies, misinformation or bias’s.

    If your home life is getting you down, as you say ‘with all the negativity heaped on top. How would you feel if everyone looked at you like dirt on their shoe?’ Seems to me you have a lot on your slate right now and your ‘out’ is to lay it on in this media.

    Okay, if that’s it, I get it. All the more reason to call it a day.

    Your media ‘friend’ Bella-b, yes. friends can disagree about issues too.

    Have a nice evening.

  31. Author

    Photo credit acknowledged:
    “I work for a university research network looking at Canadian-U.S. border cultural issues, and I am just putting together a collection of links and resources regarding the role of the border in the Idle No More movement.”
    Appreciation to Don Smith & CFN for use of Flag Planting photo
    Catherine Barter
    Research Network Administrator |
    “Culture and the Canada-US Border”
    School of English, University of Kent

  32. Bella
    Only you can change the negativity, it is a photo you paint for yourself.

    Any time I have had any interaction with natives it has always been positive. Of those I had the privilege of working with or associating with, most think situations like this are simply unwarranted and sensationalizing of situations they themselves are responsible for creating, and or lack the full understanding of how the situation came to be.

    Dirt on a shoe, Bella I am a woman working in a man’s world? Think about it….Like your situation it was up to me to resolve the problem and it has worked out very well. It actually builds character and a little satisfaction of self accomplishment. I suggest you try it

    So really Bella all I can say is quit complaining, finger pointing and do something. All I see now is a people hiding behind one persons action crying foul against others….seems a little feeble and sympathetic soap boxing to me sorry.

    If you truly have proof show it all to the public

  33. really? I can stop it?
    Not long after moving to the area, I took my family for a nice lunch down town. The gentlemen (and I use the term lightly) sitting at a nearby table were having a heated discussion about the local natives. There was no need for the anger as they were both on the same page, at one point yelling, “those fucking dirty indians!” My children looked to my husband and I for an explanation. But what can you say to that? They were not old enough to understand, but old enough to know he meant them and their family. What had my children done to deserve to hear such things? In fact what had I done to be subjected to such nicities?
    Did I paint the picture well enough for you?

  34. Abstract stories bella, you can make up things so easily, actually you could have also pressed charges…Did you or would that have meant taking some form of action to make your life better

    Would you like to hear about the Project Coordinator who thought my butt was a stress squeeze toy….One squeeze too many rendered his needing a new pair of glasses….course I was reprimanded to but we now have an understanding

  35. So you are saying it is my job to educate an entire town because they can’t keep their opinions to themselves, and refuse to educate themselves?

    A new pair of glasses wasn’t punishment enough.

  36. Hailey…….well said and many agree with you……..they create their own problems. To be honest with you…..that one is a waste of time…..**smile**

  37. You are missing the point Bella.

    Too many people use excuses and poor discretion by others to rant and complain and live a miserable unhappy life.

    Did you report him for slander? Or just take the abuse? Did you do anything more to stop this from further effecting others? That shows you may like the mistreatment so you have something to fight about making you just as guilty as the aggressor.

    My slap in the face earned a new bit of respect for everyone in the office and yes it was enough, your statement of it not being so seems to point to anger issues with you and my previous point was right, you like abuse.

    All you are doing here is being argumentative with people not sharing your views, maybe had you done that in the restaurant this issue would have been resolved.

    This is the huge fault with globalization, the unfortunate reality of everyone getting along is not possible and it never has been. It is who we are.

    It has nothing to do with race creed or color, every one of them is guilty of genocide, rape, murder and all in all mistreatment of others sine history was kept.

  38. Um you want me to fight, but you chastise the Idle No More movement that is fighting for you and me and our children and our childrens future. you want us to take care of our own, and when we try to protect our people from nut jobs with guns, we should just shut up and live with it. You want us to be Canadian, but you don’t want us to have the same rights and freedoms. you want us to clean up our land, and what’s happening to the old Domtar site?
    Ok Hailey, you are right and I’m just an angry, abuse loving citizen of your great country. If only I had your courage to make the world a better place for all of us. I’ll just take my ball and go home, if that’s okay with you.

  39. stellabystarlight January 9, 2013 at 11:43 am
    To be honest with you…..that one is a waste of time…..**smile**

    love you too stella!

    If you feel I’m such a waste of time, why do insist on following me around to warn everyonewhat a waste I am?

  40. Re: bella-bJanuary 9, 2013 at 6:20 am

    A little light reading from the other side

    Bella, I’ve read with interest the site you sent. I’ve never seen so much lack of responsibility by those in favor of the inaction about management of millions of dollars not accounted for of $105.0 Million over 6 years only 20 % with appropriate accountability for a community of 1500 people already getting $51.0 million per year from the local Diamond mine.
    To compare this against a $114.0 Billion bailout of a major Canadian bank servicing 30.0 million citizens is complete complacent lunacy.
    Now I suppose they will want to apply to the Pope to make Theresa Spence and her incompetent partner Saints.
    Bella-b, this tkes the cake.

    Than God your people do not vote. Consrvative P.M. Harpur is doing a credible job in trying to make YOUR life less miserable and your speculative MCA council should be more supportive of its people.

    Attawapiskat has their diamond mine Bella-b and so does Akwasasne…actually two 1) The Canadian government and 2) The local BILLION DOLLAR Casino.

    With all that money litteraly rolling in out of 13,000 citizens in your territory alone, every citizen should have three Escalades and 4 Navigators in their yards. Did you get your yet?

    Our Canadian government has every right to withdraw any payments to any tribe that does not show full transparency including Theresa’s $3,000,000 investment portfolio since 2008……how coincidental to the missing kink might that be Bella-b.

  41. Bella again you misread and misinterpret what people say, I hope you are not a cook as I fear how you would read a recipe.

    I do support change and praise those who challenge a situation intelligently.

    I do not recall chastising the person for trying but it’s more how people such as you look at what is going on and comment out of context.

    Even from my last post you twist the content and turn it around to be controversial. That is an illness Bella, it truly is

  42. Yup it’s all on me. Good think I’ve got big shoulders. lmfao Uncle Hailey, I call uncle. You win. I’m wrong, I’m confrontational and I can’t cook. Winner winner, chicken dinner. enjoy your victory.

  43. Great reference Bella, is that the natives version of smoke and mirrors?

  44. The forensic audit is a good idea, but what would you think about how much money it will cost to do what the natives are asking for in the audit??

    By law a business is required to maintain all copies of transactions for 6 years. Or face the consequences and it is not the government that is reasonsible to chase the trail for you

  45. You know Hailey, last year when Chief Spence declared a state of emergency over a housing crisis, the Harper government accused them of mismanagemnet and sent an accountant long before they even promised housing. guess who had to find the funds to pay the accountant? That’s right! the reserve had to pay him. No wonder they fought it. No wonder the Supreme court of Canada agreed and sent him home. As was pointed out at the time, all the records are out there for anyone to see. Go ahead search it out. They are required to post it for all to see. Just one of the many rules that must be followed.

    Did you read the article from the co-manager? Did you read how the recent audit was half assed? Do you wonder at all why the Harper government sat on the results of six months? Did it not seem just a little too convenient that the results came out ater Chief Spence and the Idle No More movement we gaining support from Canadians?

  46. Bella-b….you nor any one else, except perhaps the government realize the embarrassment to the PM if he first had a meeting with C. T. S. and then the Auditor Generals report had been table………….especially if had assure agreements he otherwise would not.

    CANADA would have been fuming! (none natives only of course because none of you would have given a damn). This would have been an international embarrassment since you good folks made it so. That my girl is a no, no — Bella-b you do not do that to YOUR countries leader.

    So, I do NOT blame the government for their wicky-leaks. SMART MOVE ON THEIR PART……….IF THAT WAS THE PURPOSE IN THE FIRST PLACE AS ALL OF US BELIEVE IT WAS.

    By the way, I can not understand the P.M. or his people accepting such a meeting with someone who shows such disrespect for the Canadian flag as Attawapiskat pictires would indicate. What a total insult……and they are demanding more money……oh oh, oh oh.

    No, I did not read you last URL. I haven’t decided yet.

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