…and there was our MP. The one that refuses to be interviewed by me. … and he was somehow going on about all he’s done during the bridge crisis. THE SOURCE ON COGECO
His out was that there were things that were secret and couldn’t be discussed with the public because of National Security. Say what Willis?
There are issues at this crossing. Real issues and difficult ones. Smuggling, territorial claims, law enforcement jurisdiction, and in some way I guess National Security.
But what about National Security and this border crossing could be so secret that an MP would refuse to go to the new Grand Chief’s swearing in ceremony or be visible during what has been this riding’s greatest crisis that impacted the financial health of so many businesses and people?
I mean if we put in a Freedom to Information request would we be refused for any area of this?
I personally have spoken to a lot of politicians during this crisis and other than our MP I haven’t heard one mention anything that would warrant mammoth secrecy and non disclosure?
And our Mayor, Bob Kilger, who was an MP and showed a lot of courage and leadership during this crisis surely would be restricted by this secret mumbo jumbo too, but somehow he managed to visibly spend time and effort to try and find solutions.
So I’m going to throw this out to the public which of course includes our MP. I’d like to know what possible area could necessitate such a news blackout. Feel free to post your comment or thought here or email it to us at info@cornwallfreenews.com
Our MP also said that he was active in finding a long term solution, but then didn’t give out much detail about that either. The temporary solution at the foot of the bridge frankly is quite scary to me. I can’t see this working in the winter without some major risks to motorists and CBSA staff.
I think this is again a poker game. Canada Customs wants to expand on the Island. Akwesasne doesn’t. Now it’s a matter of whether there’s anything to actually negotiate or we have to find an expensive alternative solution.
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