Nobody wants an election. It’d be bad for the country. Canada, it’s media, and airwaves alike are being pounded with this message.
Here’s Minister Van Loan, who actually can speak! L I N K “What is of concern with an election looming is the number of pieces of legislation that we have on the tackling crime front that would be at risk,” he told a news conference shortly after announcing almost $2 million in crime prevention spending.”
Each minister takes turns with the scare tactics, from losing the Home Credit to all the criminals of Canada running amok if there’s an election call. Could you imagine what could possibly happen if the Libs or NDP won. I mean if Elizabeth May became Prime Minister there are probably some Conservative Wunderkinds ready to tell you that Cannibalism would become rampant in Alberta…..
Mr. Ignatieff just released the first election commercials. Paid from from Liberal coffers. Meanwhile the Harper team is slyly using our tax dollars to put commercials out by Canada’s Economic Action Plan which is basically being used as propaganda.
As gross as all this is it has to give people the strength to face this mass of sleaze down and save the country. If I was cynical I’d suggest the Harper plan is to spend Canada so much into the hole that when Mr. Harper has to skitter back under his rock he’ll leave such a mess that Mr. Ignatieff wish he’d never come back to Canada.
The reality is that the ones that want this election most are the Harper Conservatives. They just want Canadians to blame Mr. Ignatieff for the calling of the election.
If there is an election the only person to blame is Mr. Stephen Harper, but if all it takes is $300 million to save Canada tell me where to write the first cheque.
Here’s a good article from Jeff Jedras in the National Post. L I N K
“Harper forced the last election claiming parliament had become dysfunctional, when any objective analysis shows it was anything but. He just saw a positive polling picture and wanted to bounce, while avoiding the blame.
The irony is that, should his government be defeated this fall, it will be because parliament actually has become dysfunctional. And it will be Harper’s hyper-partisan, my way or the highway approach that made it so.”
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There will be no fall election. In March when the Budget is presented in Parliament, that would be the time that an election could be triggered if the opposition decides they pass a non-confidence vote in the House. The loyal opposition will be the ones to force the election and not Stephen Harper. The loyal opposition will be to blame! Iggy….go home!