350.org October 24th is the International Day of Climate Action – CORNWALL ONTARIO


October 24th is the International Day of Climate Action, the largest climate action the world has ever seen. In over 141 countries, well over 1800 events will be held showing our leaders that we are all united in wanting serious and immediate action on climate change. Help us put Cornwall on the 350 action map!

What’s 350?

The number 350 refers to parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. 350 ppm is the level that scientists have identified as the safe upper limit of CO2. We are already above this safe zone at about 390 ppm. Unless we are able to drop CO2 levels below 350 ppm this century, there will be irreversible catastrophic global impacts.

Why now?

This December, world leaders will meet in Denmark to carve out a new global climate change agreement. The treaty that is currently on the table doesn’t meet this new 350 ppm target. October 24 is an opportunity to influence international climate politics as governments finalize their positions for this global summit.

Find out more at: www.350.org

What’s happening in Cornwall?

Our search for a Cornwall group taking action was unsuccessful, therefore, three of us have decided to launch something, as concerned citizens. Our purpose for the event is to urge people to lobby our government to set aside their differences and work together to craft an effective climate change agreement.

Initial plans for the event:

– 10:00 a.m. – 12:00, Saturday October 24th, Cornwall Public Library

– an information table with mail-in postcards to the Prime Minister as well as information about 350 and local climate change resources

– a very large cut-out of the number 350 posted on the wall, to be covered with pictures of children and grandchildren- representing our future

– a press release with information about 350.

-official registry of Cornwall area on the 350.org global map

We would like to have:

– skits and songs related to climate change

– a screening of An Inconvenient Truth, the Al Gore film on climate change

– an information session on 350, using a PowerPoint presentation that is available on 350.org.

How can you help?

Please use your resources and creativity to contribute to this event in some way. Your group may already have many resources we could use, for example:

– a network of people who can attend the event and bring pictures of their children or grandchildren

– help with copying postcards and written information

– people with skits, songs, costumes related to climate change

– handouts on lobbying politicians

– handouts on climate change resources in Cornwall

– ready-to-use films or presentations on climate change.

Are You In? If so, please give me a call as soon as possible – only 16 days to go! Please note that I’ll be away all next week but will be checking e-mail.

Looking forward to working together with you on this!

Susan Towndrow


Susan Towndrow stowndrow@cogeco.ca (613) 938-8459

Susan Lilley susanalilley@gmail.com (613) 933-1753

Daune Macdonald  dappled@cogeco.ca (613) 933-8133

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1 Comment

  1. Small efforts often lead to more efforts and sometimes greater efforts. And pretty soon, each of us is a part of the solution in our own way. And best of all, most of the time it’s fun.

    In the course of planning this climate action I have experienced the power of taking action – like a pebble falling in water, the ripples never stop reaching out.

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