Harper Government Asserting Canadian Rights Over Lancaster Sound – December 9, 2009

lancI know I’m going to freak a few of the regular readers of this site out by posting this, but Canada’s rights to its territory and protecting them; especially in the North where I worked when I was young, is very important to me.

L I N K I’m going to give the Harper Government and minister Prentice kudos for taking action and getting a project going to create a conservation area in Lancaster Sound in Nunavut.

“The federal government has moved more aggressively to assert sovereignty in the North as the Arctic sea ice retreats under rising global temperatures.

“As global climate change continues and traffic through the Northwest Passage is expected to increase, our government is committed to safeguarding Canada’s Arctic and protecting its most special natural features,” Mr. Prentice told a news conference in Ottawa.

“This project will allow us to significantly advance our knowledge as well as our protection and conservation activities in the area.”

The US & Russia contest Canada’s claim to the area.   It’s important for Canada to stand up and lay its claim and protect its territorial integrity.

What do you think Cornwall?

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  1. Thank God thats it’s the Conservative government that is dealing with this question. If it were the Fiberals they would be looking for the highest bidder.

  2. I guess that I was the ONLY Canadian to have read this very important topic.

  3. I don’t believe Canada has the right to claim any territory whatsoever. Harper and his minions have shown they are not responsible for any land or its conservation, supporting the worst and most cruel massacre of wildlife the world has ever seen on harp seals for 5% of the income of a handful of non-inuit, wiping out ancient forests and caribou, and working to derail the global warming talks in Bali. Harper even flew to Europe to beg them to continue his horror story on the ice, because since their ban on harp seal fur, it earns zero profit. Thanks to Harper’s efforts among others, Canada is one of the leading arms dealers in the world and is thoroughly entrenched in killing civilians in Afghanistan. Harper behaves like an unethical used car salesmen pushing Alberta tar sands, the dirtiest oil in the world, a barren treeless landscape the size of two Englands with toxic lakes which can be seen from space, on other countries. The list of Canadian government corruption is endless.

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