Letter to the Editor – Brian Johnson – Draft Disaster Protocal Proposal – January 18, 2010 (Haiti)

(Haitian Tent City in Aftermath of Earthquake)

As a Nation we have the wealth, infrastructure, generosity, ability and compassion to create a world class disaster response mechanism.  We must get aid to those that need it, as fast as possible, as any delay will mean lost lives.  This plan could be put in place within minutes of a National or International disaster.  Aid and rescuers should be on route within 30 minutes of a disaster.

In time of disaster we should act as if we saw our neighbour’s house on fire.  You call for others to help, then go see if you can assist. The fire department isn’t going to call the burning house for confirmation that there is a fire.  We all know that minutes mean lives, so you send help whether you know if they need it or not.

What if a corrupt government won’t let us help?
If they are unable to shoot down our aircraft, we must  air drop supplies over the widest area possible to make sure the supplies get to where they are needed, bypassing their corruption/inhumanity. If we are unable to put rescuers on the ground, we can at least air drop rescue kits.  We should no longer sit idle while victims succumb to their wounds and circumstances because we are afraid we may offend some government official.

Draft Disaster Protocol

Attempt to contact the Government of effected area to see if aid is required, if there is no answer, we must assume they are in dire need. If at any time the effected area formally denies our offer of help, we should consider standing down depending on the circumstances.

All Armed Forces should be called to action.
Canadian troops around the globe should be sent to the effected area if available. They and the equipment they bring will be a great asset, and it will show the world our new set of priorities.

Equipment needed to facilitate landing of planes should be dispatched immediately. Bulldozers etc should be air dropped and should start clearing runways/roads for aid shipments. All parachutes will be dawned with a large Canadian Flag. All rescuers must, at all times, wear their Canadian vests to clearly identify themselves as a Canadian rescue worker.

Back hoes and operators should immediately head for the nearest International airport to be sent to the  effected area.  All aircraft able to transport heavy machinery should report to the nearest International airport. By the time these planes arrive in the effected area, we will hopefully have made contact with the Government, have a runway established, and started clearing roads.

Canadians should be informed of the disaster by the Prime Minister, via emergency broadcast system.  The Prime Minister will ask for volunteers and inform them of the disaster protocol in place.

Roads to our international airports should be cleared for emergency supplies and rescue workers.  Electronic road signs leading to International airports should be updated to advise rescue workers on where to report, or drop off their supplies.

Smooth flow of traffic is essential, tow truck operators, snowplows, and police should be on alert, and monitor roads to International airports.

All Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics and qualified personal that are willing to travel to the effected zone, should immediately head for the nearest International airport. They should bring as many appropriate medical supplies as possible and photo identification. All health care workers must wear a white medical jacket when arriving at the airport for quick identification. They will be given medical jackets with a Large Canadian emblem before entering the disaster zone.

All willing pilots, heavy equipment mechanics and operators are to report to their closest International airport to see if their are needed.

All retailers that have needed items are requested to contact Purolator to have these items delivered to the closest International airport. We request the public to treat the Purolator vehicles as ambulances, as they are transporting life saving items. Purolator trucks will likely make many stops before going to the closest International airport, consequently they will need to travel at higher speeds, and police should consider escorting these vehicles.  Purolator may request items to be dropped off at a central location, to facilitate quicker pick up, depending on the circumstances.

We may need hydraulic jacks, work gloves, bottled water, energy bars, satellite phones, tarps, tents, shovels, pry bars, ropes, generators, fuel cans, flash lights, batteries, inflatable boats, life jackets, hip waders etc.

All strong bodied willing volunteers are to report to the nearest Tim Hortons where we request all available buses to report, in order to transport them to the closest International airport. Tim Hortons was chosen as they have approximately 3,000 locations and are open 24 hours a day. Buses will be used to help avoid congestion at our airports.

Any aircraft, including helicopters, and pilots that can make it to the effected area, and can assist in air drops should report to the nearest International airport. There our armed forces will be at work fuelling, loading and inspecting your aircraft. Once loaded you will depart immediately, with a supplied co-pilot if required.  Air drops will ensure that aid is delivered to the widest area possible.  It is important that aid arrive as quick as our infrastructure can bear, before thirst and hunger turn the survivors to desperate acts.  Air drops should be directed to where there are the fewest Canadian flag parachutes on the ground, or where there is the greatest apparent need.

All water vessels that can make it to the area to help with aid distribution or evacuation should change course to the effected area immediately.

As volunteer buses arrive at the airports, they will be informed of method of entry to the effected area. Parachuting will likely be the quickest way to get rescuers to the trapped survivors. Those willing to go will be trained on route to the effected area. Volunteers will have access to satellite phones so they can remain in contact.

The United Nations should be contacted with our rescue mission plans.

The United States should be contacted and informed of our intentions, and ask for their immediate assistance in rescue effort.

Planes should be on route within 30 minutes of the disaster to air drop life saving aid/supplies and rescue workers. Timing is important, aid must arrive before unrest and corruption sets in. Once the survivors know thousands of rescuers will be there in a few hours,  it will be much easier to keep the peace in the effected area.

Once on the ground all rescuers are to identify themselves as a Canadian rescue workers, and to assist in any way needed.

All aircraft landing in the effected zone will depart as soon as possible in order to  avoid congestion at the airport. Aircraft should be unloaded, and loaded with any evacuees as fast as Canadianly possible.

All Canadians will be unarmed, this is a rescue mission. Lethal force weapons will not be taken into an effected area by any Canadian. If there is an official request for security, then our armed forces will convert to a Peace Keeping force with non lethal projectile weapons.

Once on the ground, satellite phones will be used to coordinate aid efforts.

Distribution channels should be set up before ships with aid arrive. Aid should be unloaded and put on helicopters as fast as possible and distributed around the effected area, before the survivors start migrating to where they think International aid will arrive.

All employers are urged to keep paying rescue volunteers as if they were still at work. The Canadian Government will reimburse these wage upon request.  All volunteers on Government benefits will continue to receive those benefits.  This is to reduce the burden on the rescuer’s family.

All supplies will be paid for, or replaced by the Canadian government within 30 days.

Brian Johnson
Wingham, Ontario

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  1. Dawn Amelia Rush
    Martintown, Ontario

    January 19, 2010

    Open Letter to :

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper Canada
    President Barak Obama USA
    Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Australia
    Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende Netherlands
    Chancellor Angela Merkel Germany
    President Nicolas Sarkozy France
    Prime Minister Gordon Brown England
    Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg Norway
    Federal Council – Doris Leuthard Switzerland
    Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt Sweden
    President Herman Van Rompuy European Union
    Prime Minister John Key New Zealand

    Greetings and Salutations,

    I could fill this letter with a lengthy, impassioned plea, in an attempt to move your heart, to motivate you to grant instant refugee status to all predetermined Haitian orphans, but if the broadcasts from Haiti and the video footage, you have no doubt been following, has not moved you to action yet, then I doubt a letter would either.

    Bottom line is there are hundreds of thousands of vulnerable, precious and innocent victims in the catastrophe and we are the only nations that have the money, the infrastructure and a population void sufficient to receive these children.

    Our nations have tens of thousands of people desperately seeking to adopt.

    These are not potential terrorists, they are the innocent ones.

    I am asking you to TRULY TAKE A MOMENT, look outside at your capital, and God forbid imagine,what if in an instant, you saw your citizens decimated by such a calamity? Would you not beg, plead and pray for mercy and help for them?

    “The moral test of government is how it treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”

    Hubert H. Humphrey USA

    “A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members and among the most vulnerable are surely the unborn and the dying,”

    Pope John Paul II

    The only humane option here, is to grant asylum to these children and babies. Regardless of the state of your rule, as leader, that action would leave a mark in history that your nation could be proud of.

    You are being called on through this letter to answer a call that was made millenia ago.

    Esther 4:14 (New International Version – Holy Bible)

    For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”

    (“Jews” in this case being those babies who are crying out.)


    In His Service

    Dawn Amelia Rush

    Martintown, Canada

  2. It is with the best intentions I am sure, but we are dealing with people. Do you want to be immobiled in 30 minutes to go somewhere that you have not even seen on a map? And really, what good is getting there fast in this case, Haiti, without knowing what they need and if they have funtional road and airport space.
    Canada did a remarable job on this case, the money and concern from everyone is equally remarkable. Have plans at each level of government yes, but you can not, what amounts to invading another country, without consent and rational thought towards needs.

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