So will you drink SoBe now? Body Painted Twilight Star Ashley Greene for SoBe Lifewater – January 18, 2010

Is it art?  Is it sex?  Is it working?   Are you thirsty?

Twilight actress Ashley Greene stripped down and was body painted for a SoBe Lifewater commercial.

It’s gone viral around the internet as people oggle and goggle at the images.

The question is do these ads work and does it create awareness for the product that leads to purchases?


In the eye-popping promo shots and video circling the Web, Greene frolics on the sand and strikes a sultry pose in theTurks and Caicosislands promoting Cherimoya Punch and Strawberry Dragonfruit drinks.”


Dragonfruit, huh?  What do you think Canada?

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1 Comment

  1. Reminds me of the hype created by Evian water when they were coming onto the market. Why do we need pictures of pretty girls to market something like SoBe Lifewater? By the way, Evian spelled backwards says NAIVE.

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