15 JD Salinger Novels hidden in Safe?? Recluvisve Authors Unpublished Work may be released – January 31, 2010

You always want to give less than people want in creative endeavors; not to cheat them so much as make them want to come back for more.

It looks like reclusive writer JD Salinger who passed away this week may have a treasure trove of over 15 novels hidden away in his home.

It should be interesting to see what his family do with the works; either publish them and make millions or destroy them; or simply do nothing and leave it up to the next generation of Salingers as to what to do with the works.


“However, he never stopped writing. For 40 years, alone inside a concrete bunker in his rural New Hampshire home, he is said to have furiously bashed away at his typewriter.

But he didn’t allow anyone to see his latest works – locking the precious manuscripts away as soon as they were finished.”

It looks like Cornish New Hampshire may have a busy tourist season this year.

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