Dear Editor:
I am very disappointed that the Cornwall Community Hospital has been forced to close 18 beds and lay off 30 employees because of inadequate funding from the provincial government. These cuts will certainly hurt the quality of health care in Cornwall and area.
With an aging and growing population, the provincial government should be investing more in health care instead of giving away $2 billion a year in tax cuts to the big, profitable corporations. Ontario spends 13% less per capita on its hospitals than other provinces for an annual savings of $2.5 billion.
Forty % of Ontario’s hospitals, including the Cornwall Community Hospital, have been in a deficit position forced to cut services, reduce the number of surgeries, close beds, and cut staff in order to balance their budget.
It is time for the McGuinty Government to put the health care needs of people first, provide the necessary funding, and cancel the $2 billion a year corporate tax cuts.
Yours truly,
Brian Lynch – Cornwall Ontario
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I am also very disappointed hearing about the bed closures.
It won’t be long. We are almost equal to the USA. Payroll cut’s, job losses, low paying jobs, reduced health care and a small population not strong enough or willing enough to fight back. It all started with Brian Mulroney and Michael Harris. It has been carried over by the Liberals, both federal and provincial (McGuinty and Chretien).
I certainly feel it is time for an NDP government.
We have been voting the same with our politics for the past 25 years. Liberals, conservatives, liberals, conservatives. They all do the same thing, expecting different results.
Maybe it’s time to start fund raising to keep our hospital beds open.