Maxime Bernier’s Quebec Provincial Aspirations? Why do so many people seem to want Jean Charest’s Job? Comments on Comments – Cornwall Ontario – April 20, 2010

Cornwall ON – Bob Dylan sang “When you’ve got nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose.”   So what is up with the new comments by disgraced Conservative former cab min and MP Maxime Bernier?

Keith Beardsley quotes Mr. Bernier in his latest National Post story:

Maxime Bernier’s latest speech in Quebec in which he refers to Quebekers as “spoilt children”, and indirectly attacks the Quebec government and civil service in Quebec raises an interesting question.

What I find interesting is Mr. Beardsley’s suppositions of what  Mr. Bernier’s comments could possibly construe.

Considering the turmoil in Quebec politics right now, Bernier could be setting himself up for a departure from federal politics to the provincial scene?

I personally have always loved Quebec politics.  I especially love them now from the relative safety of Ontario as one of the millions of “refugees” that have left La Belle Province.

Jean Charest is akin to Caesar.  Nobody loves him, not even his own team, but what are his real sins?  He has moved the province forward and governed with stability in a place that rarely has been stable.   The economy has grown during his term in office, and no major catastrophe or risk to the province via referendums or other political journeys have been attempted and Quebec’s image via that stability has gradually improved.

Of course in politics success is always a reason to hate a politician, and it looks like that’s possibly at the root of this issue.   Mr. Beardsley may have come to the aid of his former Progressive Conservative Comrade by outing Mr. Bernier’s political aspirations, but in the end the people of Quebec, who have shown that they can be pretty darn forgiving; IE re-electing Mr. Bernier, and in the end Quebecer’s always love to back a winner.  Nobody ever liked Robert Bourassa and he certainly won his share of elections.

So far, like the mayoralty race here in Cornwall Ontario, there is no real leadership rival to Mr. Charest in Quebec; at least one that offers a better chance on all the metrics that count.

What do you think Canada?  Feel free to post your comments below.

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  1. God’s gift to lightweights

  2. I was shocked to read that Quebec gets 8 billion of the 14 billion dollar equalization fund. Maybe Mr. Bernier is onto something.

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