Dear Editor:
I am appalled that Cornwall city council is considering a proposal by councillor Andre Rivette to use a per capita population formula to increase the pay of members of city council during the period 2011-2014.
Under councillor Rivette’s proposal of 43 cents per resident, the pay of city councillors would go from $14,456 to $19,780, a whopping increase of $5,324 or 36.8%. The Mayor would also receive a similar pay increase.
I have to wonder what planet the supporters of this ill-considered proposal are living on. How selfish can you get? We are still living in a recession and a period of financial restraint where everyone is being asked to hold the line on remuneration.
I hope that when this ridiculous proposal comes back to city council the Mayor and a majority of city councillors will use good judgement and follow the lead of councillor Mark MacDonald and reject it outright.
It is unfortunate that city council ignored the recommendation of the Compensation Review Committee for a pay increase based on the Consumer Price Index from the previous year.
In the matter of council members’ personal expense accounts, they should be eliminated. They are not necessary because there is already a separate public relations budget of $10,000 for council as a whole including the Mayor. There is also a separate budget of $30,000 for council as a whole including the Mayor for travel, conferences, workshops, and seminars related to city business. It should also be noted that council members’ remuneration is 1/3 tax free to defray out of pocket expenses for council members in the performance of their duties.
In summary, a pay increase of 36.8% is simply outrageous and there is clearly no need for a personal expense account for council members.
Yours truly,
Brian Lynch, Cornwall,ON.
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How wonderful. Pigs at the trough. It’s a feeding frenzy, lining their pockets with our cash! Vote them ALL OUT in the upcoming elections or it will never cease.
I think it is time for Andre Rivette to step aside and find a part time job elsewhere. If he is in it for the money, that won’t help the city. What I like about Mark MacDonald is his passion. We need more people like Mark working to bring some pride back to this city.
We need a slate of new faces in City Hall.
. Oh Brian it’s no wonder you were never voted back into politics in the area again.
Though I agree Rivette is a bonehead what you state is no better. You are the only person claiming there is still a recession. You poise your information not on fact but on the ignorance of the people in the area. There is still some liberal left in you.
The Markets have begun to grow, employment is on the upswing and unless we spend money nobody is going to invest.
I ask you Brian, if you believe the accounts should believe as you state “In the matter of council members’ personal expense accounts, they should be eliminated. They are not necessary because there is already a separate public relations budget of $10,000 for council as a whole including the Mayor. “ Why did you not implement this when you were mayor?
I doubt anyone in Cornwall minds paying for service but you need to pay for good service. Right now we have a welfare government. A bunch of unsuccessful underachievers living from check to check hoping nobody catches them.
As for Rivette and a part time business, maybe he could go back to Iroquois water, or is that closed too
Stan, maybe Brian Lynch for Mayor.
Wasn’t Andre Rivette a Tory candidate in a previous election?
And if I have it wrong, my sincere apology to Mr Rivette.