Dear Editor:
The McGuinty Government’s handling of the eco fees issue has been a complete fiasco. There was no plan to protect consumers from being blindsided by these new eco fees on July 1 at the same time as the introduction of the HST.
The Ontario NDP support the concept of producer responsibility for the recycling of their hazardous, toxic products. However, putting oversight directly in the hands of industry is the wrong way to go. This fiasco has once again shown that self regulation by industry does not work.
The industry-controlled Stewardship Ontario should be replaced by a government body that is fully accountable and transparent. The bottom line is that companies that produce harmful, toxic goods should pay the costs of protecting our environment, not Ontario’s consumers or cash strapped municipalities. This would certainly give producers an incentive to develop products that are less toxic and better for our environment.
Yours truly,
Brian Lynch,
SDSG Provincial NDP riding association
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Come on Brian Mcguinty fees are no worse then Rae fees
And Bob Rae was a Liberal in NDP clothing.