It is a common misconception that if lands are owned by a public agency that one may enter without permission. This is in fact incorrect. These lands are for the benefit of all. Imagine the possible outcomes if lands occupied by hunters is also being used by a family on a leisurely hike. I received a note from a Conservation Organization reminding the general public that all hunters are required by law to get written permission before entering private lands or tracts administered by municipal or federal agencies. People on Publicly held lands may be charged or fined if they have not received permission to be there. For your safety contact the public managing body of the public lands that you wish to explore.The common milkweed plant, not just a “weed”.
A “weed” is a term we give to any unwanted plant in a human landscape. To this we also add, what is one mans weed is another’s treasure. The milkweed is one of the first plants that I had a great fondness for as a child. There was something very attractive about its showy plump seed pod when it decided to open to show its fluffy white cache. The white fluffy seed wings provide nesting material for birds such as orioles and goldfinches. The plant grows from four to seven feet tall and has one of the most aromatic scented flowers you will ever inhale. The common milkweed is the only plant that serves as a food source for the larvae of the Monarch Butterfly; definitely key to the life cycle of this butterfly. Further to this very important function the milkweed is a multi-purpose plant which can serve people as food, fiber or medicinal remedies at various times throughout its life cycle. Never attempt to ingest a plant unless you are certain that you have identified it as an edible plant. Milkweed shoots, (the young growing plant) immature seed pods, flower buds and the silk (immature white stuff found in the immature seed pods) are edible. The milkweed sap is a common folk remedy used topically for clotting small wounds, removing warts and as a natural remedy for poison ivy.Never eat any mature part of the plant, only the young or immature parts of the plant are edible.

The milkweed floss (found in the mature pods above) was used for floating life vests in the 1040’s. Today this floss is still used to stuff pillows, comforters and jackets. The milkweed floss is a hollow wax-coated fiber which is approximately six times lighter than wool. A pound and a half of milkweed floss would keep a 150 pound person a float for 10 hours.

Thumbs up to a company using minimal packaging.

The milkweed floss (found in the mature pods above) was used for floating life vests in the 1040’s. Today this floss is still used to stuff pillows, comforters and jackets. The milkweed floss is a hollow wax-coated fiber which is approximately six times lighter than wool. A pound and a half of milkweed floss would keep a 150 pound person a float for 10 hours.

Thumbs up to a company using minimal packaging.
I was sharing breakfast with a friend and discovered the following product. What I appreciated about this product was the scaled down packaging. My impression was that of a company that does business with respect and caring for our planet. The packing also included statistics about the resources saved in producing a product with scaled down packaging. I did not personally try the cereal however my companion (who regularly eats this cereal) raved about how the cereal retained its crunch even after being in milk for a while.Your comments are encouraged and always welcome below or to earthmatters@cornwallfreenews.com