Peter refers to his work as a language of ‘stuff’- the art of juxtaposing objects such as salvaged wood, brass or copper- and making them communicate in a rich, articulate manner.
When interviewed about his work for the upcoming art show in Cornwall, Leclair had this to say:
“The destiny of our planet has always been a grave concern of mine. We have lost the delicate balance between human activity and the natural world. As an artist my intent is create pieces that focus on this imbalance, and to have the audience reflect on the global state of affairs. We have been blessed with the awe-inspiring gift of creation but is it sustainable?”
Peter’s work will be on display at the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery, 168 Pitt Street from November 20 until December 30. Appropriately, the title of the show is: “The Changing Dialogue” and will feature 12 of his latest art pieces.The Official Opening of “The Changing Dialogue” will be on Sunday November 20 at 2:00 pm.