Looking for TV News Anchor Starting in September 2012 in Cornwall Ontario – CLICK FOR DETAILS

CFN – Seaway TV is putting out an audition call for two news anchors!    We are looking for one male and one female broadcaster to do a live week day broadcast starting in September here in Cornwall Ontario for our regional coverage.

Must be fast on your feet and politically knowledgeable & Savvy!

A degree in broadcasting is a helper, but not mandatory, bilingualism is an asset as well as experience.   If you feel like you want to be the FACE of the Seaway Valley email us at info@cornwallfreenews.com with your CV & Video link.

Please note that we will only be replying to those under consideration.

Cornwall Free News


  1. I hope Seaway TV will offer real news like CFN does, not disco news like United Way articles, or public relations puff which is the forte of Standard-Freeholder and that shopper called Seaway News.

  2. Author

    The viewer always comes first whether on Seaway TV or in CFN. If you run an outlet any other way you shouldn’t be in the biz. I remember Mayor Kilger once telling me that the biggest issue a politician could have was when conflicted between his constituents and his political party. His answer was a lesson. The voter always came first.

    It’s a lesson I embraced. Sometimes I wonder if he truly did…

  3. I humbly accept the job. My first year of university was at the Carleton School of Journalism. Unfortunately I flunked out due to my poor skills on the IBM Selectric typewriter. So I took my Poli Sci and Economics degrees and went into car sales for a while where I sold a few to bilingual people with nice faces.
    I don’t do lefty stories.

  4. Do you want me to be the male or female anchor? My vXXXXX never dropped.

  5. You gotta hire Wow!
    He’s your man/woman for sure.

  6. Wow should have his own gig on Seaway TV simply called WOW!

  7. …or maybe under a retro banner: Wouldn’t a Wow go good now

  8. Jamie, you should get some local musicians to enter possibilities for the theme music for Seaway TV.

  9. The music track from Dallas would be appropriate seeing as we have all this intrigue in Cornwall.

  10. I love all the replies,was good for a laugh especially Wow whether male/female or an it

  11. When is the deadline for applicants?

  12. Author

    We will always be accepting applications. You always want to find good new talent.

  13. Seaway TV needs a good city hall reporter thanks to all the shenanigans going on. Why not Andre Rivette?

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