CFN – It was an historic and emotional night at South Stormont Ontario Council. After a near 20 minute presentation from language activist Howard Galganov council voted unanimously to pass a new by law that categorically states that in South Stormont Ontario businesses can put any language they wish on their signs.
Galganov recent battles in Russell Township Ontario where it is law requiring both English & French on signs triggered the “Push Back” the first ever in over 40 years of official bilingualism in Canada.
Mr. Galganov’s speech also targeted MP Guy Lauzon whom Mr. Galganov stated he spoke to urging the MP to attend and support the intiative,but Mr. Lauzon was said to have commented that it was “too controversial. Several in the crowd called for the MP’s resignation showing their anger at his lack of support for them and their community.
Howard’s UNEDITED speech
The crowd responds to Howard’s speech and Mayor Bryan McGillis and council vote.
Mr. Galgonov and council drew three standing ovations from the crowd of nearly 300 with a very loud roar after council voted.
It’s amazing how one letter to the editor by Dr. Dany Tombler of the Cornwall Community Hospital and the perseverance of Nurse Christopher Cameron and his tiny group’s protest over bilingual hiring practices at the hospital have galvanized support in Eastern Ontario; not against the French language or culture, but of the unfair policies that are seeing a migration of young people from their communities and a seemingly unfair hiring and promotion process skewed to those that speak or are French.
MPP Jim McDonell did not attend the event either, but did send his executive assistant. No representative of Cornwall City Council showed, but we did wave hello to City Clerk, Denise Labelle Gelinas on our way in. It’s amazing how many top wage earners from Cornwall Ontario’s government live outside the city limits?
The meeting in Long Sault Ontario drew media from as far away as Ottawa!
For tonight the residents and government of South Stormont basked in the glow of their historic accomplishment. It should be interesting to see the response locally and across Ontario and Canada.
You can post your comment below.
the way it’s phrased it sounds good but its not. There goes the minorities succumbing to the will of the majority. Kuddos to howy, sheep are listening.
WOW !! Great News !! I’m speechless and that’s the honest truth !!
How sweet it is!!!! A glorious night for all who came out to see all of South stormont council stand up,stand proudly in protecting our Charter of Rights & Freedoms
A job well done! Hopefully this is just the beginning of people waking up to what has happened and/or will happen if we don’t start to fight back. Bravo!!!
BRAVO! Last night I was so proud to say that I am a resident of South Stormont and was there to witness history in the making. The videos above speak for themselves. So glad to have my Freedom of Expression now protected!
Guy Lauzon your cowardly avoidance is shameful!
A HUGE THANK YOU to Howard Galganov and team, South Stormont, Language Fairness for ALL(LFA), Canadians for Language Fairness(CLF), Cornwall Free News and all the public that have supported us from near and far(hello New Brunswick)! Keep up the good work everyone. We all are advocating for fairness, freedom of expression and equal opportunity.
Have a great day everyone!
Hats off to South Stormont Council for wanting to keep a Charter Right available. You would think there should not be a need! (On a side note, your facility with an available extra room is well designed and has a modern yet respectable colour layout.)
Mr. Galganov’s speech reminded us of what our relatives have done to make Canada, now it is our generation that needs to keep up the fight for all of our society, to make it better for all.
Patrick said, “the way it’s phrased it sounds good but its not. There goes the minorities succumbing to the will of the majority.”
I think you are reading the article with your biased glasses on!
If I understand it correctly, and feel free to correct me if I’m mistaken, the article stated “…council voted unanimously to pass a new by law that categorically states that in South Stormont Ontario businesses can put any language they wish on their signs.” So if I want to make my sign exclusively Romanian or German or Mohawk, then I am well within my rights. I don’t even have to put english on it if I don’t want to. It might limit my bottom line by excluding other languaged customers, but it’s my business to screw up or succeed. My choice. And that is the key I think, it’s my choice not yours and not some yahoo francophone with his panties in a bunch.
Thanks for playing though! Come try again when you change your glasses.
I am sure the MINORITY English in QUEBEC would wholeheartedly DISAGREE with you, Patrick.
Too bad “recognized” minorities are against our INALIENABLE rights and freedoms. Maybe you should move to a 3rd world country that doesn’t believe in our Rights and Freedoms that this great country was built on, WITHOUT any language laws.
This is absolutely touching. I wish I could have been there in my own area where I grew up in to experience this.
I have always had reservations about what it meant to be a Canadian. But now I have to admit it feels pretty good to be one.
The Maple Leaf forever,
Stella, where were you last night? I was looking for you. I thought if you have enough time on your hands to drive by and honk wave to the protesters you would have been there sitting in the front row.
Just as well you weren’t there. I had a hard enough time finding an empty chair.
Great leadership. Bravo!
Hey Colleen, CUE THE CRICKET’S… 🙂
@bella-b RE: September 27, 2012 at 6:39 am POST
Well said bella-b. I have to admit, you got me smilin with this quote,
“My choice. And that is the key I think, it’s my choice not yours and not some yahoo francophone with his panties in a bunch.
Thanks for playing though! Come try again when you change your glasses..”
Hello out there. Where are you Stella? Great job South Stormont, wish too that I could have been there. Congratulations.
As far as MP Lauzon goes, is anybody surprised? Met with him a few years ago on behalf of my daughter, who at the time was looking for summer work. Top of the class student but had blisters on her feet looking for work in Cornwall. Many, many jobs available to students if you spoke French. Told me he understood that billingualism wasn’t working but raised his hands so many times and repeated it’s the law of the land that it made me sick. Yes he had to leave the meeting for a public announcement that afternoon. To announce more funding for French organizations in Cornwall…
The speech that was presented last night was one of passion and true emotion that had the room completely galvanized.
The fact that we, the citizens of Canada, had to fight to get freedom of expression respected is troubling but the council stood tall and their courage is to be highly commended.
That governments feel they have the power to legislate against our basic fundamental freedoms through vehicles like the OLA will soon prove to be rejected by more jurisdictions.
This landmark decision will be forever etched into Canadian history as a true barometer of our fundamental values of freedom and Canadians proved, last night, that they will not let these rights be trampled on.
Shame on MP’s and MPP’s who did not participate because protecting our freedoms is too “controversial”. They seem oblivious to the real pulse of the people that elected them and they should be punished in the next election.
Shame on CTV for showing up then leaving before Howard’s presentation. Why did they show up at all?
More proof that the consensus media has no interest in letting the truth be set free.
The true spirit of Canadian values is alive and well as shown by the turn out last night and South Stormont should take a bow to the rest of Canada.
Congratulations to the S. Stormont Council for the courage to vote for this very simple motion – a motion that says that it is not the government’s job to impose the use of a language on a commercial enterprise. This Freedom of Expression (Section 2b) clause of the Charter is a fundamental right of ANY free society and it is to the shame of the courts of Ontario to use the Notwithstanding clause to over-ride that clause.
We owe Howard a great deal of gratitude – it takes a lot of courage and determination to stick to his guns and continue this battle through thick and thin. The various language organizations, composed of ordinary citizens, have been fighting to be heard but we needed someone like Howard to give us the leadership to bring this issue to a level that is now officially enshrined in a by-law.
The battle for the rights of the English-speaking majority has only just begun. This victory will give us renewed energy to continue the fight and for this we need more citizens to be involved. Please contact Language Fairness for All (LFA) or Canadians for Language Fairness (CLF) or English-Language Advocates (ELA) and give your support.
I am proud to a resident of South Stormont and I am proud of our Township Council for doing the right thing, although I never had any doubt that they would.
As a small business owner I find it refreshing to see a government organization guarantee my right of freedom of expression and promise not to interfere with the pursuit of my business, at least as far as language is concerned.
It is a very conservative thing to do even though our conservative MP was afraid to get involved.
Finally, finally guts and common sense cut the mustard. Stupidity up to now has ruled. All of Canada take note.
Cornwall city council, take note and pass the same by law before the courts tell you otherwise. Have some gal to stand for what is right.
so I guess I can put up a German sign or even French if I want 🙂
Fantastic news. Stormont council did the right thing for the right reason. People have lost sight of reality where language laws are concerned. Bravo to Galganov, we owe him a lot. This is a big step down the pathway of fairness and let’s hope there will be more steps to make a freedom of speech highway.
isn’t that wild Jane 🙂
Beth hasn’t been to Québec in a while. The province provides more bilingual service then all the other provinces put together. Anglos in Québec have colleges, Universities, school boards and then some… you could be in Shawinigan and still get service in english in a Hospital
This is not a question of rights and freedom but a question of the government providing service to its citizens. Protecting a language and a culture can only enhance Canada has a whole. Francophones and Quebecers pay taxes and should have service in their own language. (Where numbers warrant the need) Its not a question of cost, its a question of what should be done…curtesy. Not doing it will create two classes of citizens…one that is anglo, and does not have to speak anything but english. The other is franco, has to be bilingual if he wants to get medical care or any other governemnt service…this is not the right thing to do.
-rights and freedom…doesn’t mean you can do or say anything you want. Promiting both official languages should be commended not condemned. YOu don’t have to learn english or french BUT, when it is a job qualification and your not bilingual…dont cry discrimination. Should we all be like the majority…imagine how boring life would be if we were all the same.
-Howard, oh my howard, aren’t you tired yet. In your case, calling yourself a francophobe and promoting the extermination of the french language in Ontario, and getting others to follow you…Thank god the REAL MAJORITY, will not follow you.
Great coverage of this historic event.
Kudos to you Jamie & CFN.
A big lemon to our MP
Hope the seed is finally planted for other medias to pick up the story and run with it Nationally.
Remember it all started in SDG
Let’s take a step back and look at this from another angle – one that Howard only hinted at in the meeting………
We are celebrating here the unrestricted use of languages on signs! He is absolutely right in asserting how crazy things have become in Canada. Look at how bad things have gotten whenever our rights have been taken away by something so innocent as the using/practicing of a language!
The scary fact is how difficult and how much of a long road it has been thus far just to pass a municipal law to the effect of being able to express oneself in the language of one’s choice on a sign. Have we become so pussy-footed that we worry about being able to express ourselves in the language of our choice?
Obviously this is overdue. For those of you who stand against something so simple you better run to the nearest psychiatrist’s office. Because I fear that government propaganda has really worked better on you than even they had anticipated.
Congrats to everyone involved in helping making this happen. I really can sleep better this morning.
All the best to everyone,
You people up there in ON make all Canadians proud although it is unfortunate that this has to happen at all. It also makes one question Canadian democracy as we have a dictatorship operating in one particular province or should I say “Nation”.
Hopefully this ruling will ripple throughout Canada ASAP.
Here is CTV Ottawa’s article on South Stormont meeting,
I am so excited I am crying…… wonderful is that!!!! Yep the boasting is phenominal!!! Just like I stated before, it would give you the right to say we won……then what? Could someone please tell me how this will effect you on a personal level? Will the english signs help you get ahead in life? Will the businesses with english signs really make a difference to the consumer as far as quality and services go?
I must say I am overjoyed and breathless of the deicision in SS…….already it has changed my life **s** I will be doing all my shopping there for sure and it will make my life so much more easier knowing what the signs say.
CHEAP THRILLS….doesn’t take much to appease small minds!!!
@patrick boucher RE: September 27, 2012 at 9:39 am POST
Patrick said, “The province provides more bilingual service then all the other provinces put together.”
Oh c’mon…
They don’t even want the English people to have the option to select English on the damn telephone when calling their own government… not to mention how they DO NOT want the Canadian flag in their N.A.
Patrick also said,
“Not doing it will create two classes of citizens…one that is anglo, and does not have to speak anything but english. The other is franco, has to be bilingual if he wants to get medical care or any other governemnt service…”
The French have already created two classes of citizens. One that is French with the law on their side, and one that is English with their language being illegal. Nice…
Besides, what the hell is wrong with the French having to speak English in Canada when the population is 96% Anglo in the first place? Isn’t that the normal way things work? YUP… Sure is. Check most other countries. The Majority rules and minorities conform in order to get along. The minority respects the fact that they are just that, “a minority” and they do what is necessary to fit in… Only in friken Canada where we allow the minority to push the majority around and dictate what the minority wants. BUT THAT my dear Patrick is changing. It’s time.
Besides, they have Quebec where they can rush back home to so they can Speak French as all they want. This is why we should separate.
What the hell do you think is happening right now to the Anglo “majority” speaking people of this country who live in the “province” of Quebec (and even to some in Ontario who cannot go to those French only clinics in Ontario) for crying out loud?
Patrick said,
“Promiting both official languages should be commended not condemned.”
That is exactly what South Stormont did. They promoted the FREEDOM to choose ANY LANGUAGE.
Please take off those rosy glasses of yours Patrick… You ARE NOT SEEING — TRUE reality —
oh and PS. Have a good “two class of citizen in Quebec” day eh 🙂
Well said Bella-B.
This is what Partick Boucher said about the unamimous vote in the South Stormont Council chambers recently on Language Fairness.
Patrick boucher September 27, 2012 at 3:29 am said andI print his words:
“the way it’s phrased it sounds good but its not. There goes the minorities succumbing to the will of the majority. Kuddos to howy, sheep are listening.”
This is perhaps one of the most glaringly biased statements on this subject I have ever read…bar NONE! Monsieur Boucher apparently has no idea of what the motion means to all Canadians….including his biased & miniscule group. From my perspective, his supposed minorities WILL be protected more than ever as this motion passed with flying colours. Kudos to the Mayor & council for their due diligence in giving ALL members of their town the right to advertise in any language they wish to use.
Congratulations also to Mr. Howard Galganov for an excellent overview of the topic at hand…clear as mud Howard, keep up the good work. Methinks we should be making arrangements to have you come here to Moncton for a repeat of your message on subject topic. We’ve had french representation from Quebec trying to sell bilingual signage to Monctonians on more than one occasion; now we need the other side of the coin for a true comparative analysis.
This presentation has made my day.
R.H. Matchett
Moncton, N.B.
this is all quite silly imo… Is this truly not a great gain imo not 🙂 Funny you do not bitch about other things only language.. well I bitch about the prices of produce in Eastern Otnario… Made a trip to My Quebec yesterday and got a garlic braid that was selling at Long Sault farmers market for $30 I paid $12.99 for the same thing.same amount of garlic clusters.. .. Strawberries that are $7 are $3.50 in QC butternut squash 2/$4… Huge ones.. and I will bet any money dear old Howard goes to QC for many thing too..
I am not sure what your folks gained here it mays sound like a lot but it will be appear in the media as negative to many folks not only Francophones
Have a good gloating day is all I can say “any language they want to post on their business” does not make much sense
It has stirred my patriotic pride to see democracy, pure democracy, alive and well through the efforts of Mr. Galganov. It is refreshing to see that others are aware of the promotion of Frenchification and the exploitation of our chartered rights in the name of bilingualism.
Well done to the council of Stormont and Mr. Galganov.
Holy Gilles Latour’s Wallet! That’s a lot of Long Sault folks on the city dime. I feel that if one cannot live in the city, they can’t work for the city. Fireman, policeman, city clerks, and money churners move out for a bit of space away from the people they view as swill as they take their money in taxes or other means and profit.
Let THEM eat cake! REvolt citizens and unite in voting all out of office next year!
Awesome vote and congratulations to South Stormont!!!!!
People lets not cloud the issue with who lives where. These side attractions always take a story in the wrong direction!!!!!
Proud to live in South Stormont!
Congrats Howard!! Finally some common sense. It has been long time coming!
@ Patrick Boucher You obviously don’t live in Quebek either. I am an Anglophone who was born and raised in Quebek and will never leave. I’m one of the ones who has to fight every time I need services from the provincial government to get services in English. Have you tried to get English services from a CLSC in St.Hubert. 15 minutes from Montreal and they don’t exist.
And yes, Quebekers do pay taxes, but they receive double that back in transfer payments. Face it Quebec is a welfare province that Canada would be better off without.
believes in Bilingulism, what is silly, unelected court judges forcing a private business owner to have bilingual signage while infringing a section of the Charter of Rights? Why not have the 4 Eastern Ontario townships who put in that bylaw remove it?
This affects Francophones as well, their rights to put up whatever sign they want is being trampled too!
CLSC site in st-hubert, as you can see its in english.
811 call info santé…available in English
…there is even english service available in montérégie for youth
But, I’ll agree with you that in specific areas it might take more time for you to get service….but it is available. Every government service in Québec is available in english. Now in certain areas it is available upon request…but at least its available.
YOu were born in Québec, but you call your province a welfare state. You say that Canada would be better off without Québec. So angryphone…are you a séparatiste ?
I took the time to listen to Howard’s speech all I can say many Canadians French ones also were in the wars and in Afghanistan now .. I think it sounds good but is not cutting to what he really stands for .. he is a good speaker which I am sure most people were sucked in by..
@ Stella and believes in Bi…
You clearly don’t understand. ALL the businesses in SS could post “French only” signs and we would jump to our feet and applaud their right to do so. That’s because we’re celebrating a business person’s right to choose without interference, without force, without shame or language police.
Patrick and Stella… Let me pay for your move to Quebec, your both obviously 2 very ingnorant people to equal rights for all Canadians and it’s sad that you can’t even admit this is unjust instead you both rebutt everything said with such truth to your own ignorance. The role has been reversed for far to many years and we ENGLISH have had enough and simply are standing up for us. I love it that not only is this a local issue but becoming National and beyond and your seeing change in the making, possibly history in the making and your running scared (but to affraid to admit it). Please do take note. I do not dislike the french I simply wish everyone equal rights, not forced rights. I ask you to join us, be equal.
Oh yeah…. Really Patrick? Well try this one out (others can try too)
Go to this link as you suggested …
— then along the left margin where you see
List of Services
Info-Santé 8-1-1 (Health
Information Line)
Click on the “health information line” link
Now, tell me how much English you see to the right in the middle section of the page that comes up… Right !!! So damn typical of these French sites which are supposed to have an equivalent English version.
Here’s an even better one as it involves what all have been angry about — JOBS in ONTARIO —
Go to this link.
Near the top area you will see
Patients and visitors Health professionals join our team etc etc…
Clink on the join our team link (this one)
That brings you to the next page where you will see
Check out our jobs available now. Click on this link (this one )
and VOILA… What do you get? A completely French page in a place where it should be English page where you are supposed to be an English person clicking on a link to see the “jobs available now” in English at a hospital that is in Ontario — NOT Quebec — which btw was saved from closing using billions of Anglo Canadian tax dollars.
RIGHT !!! typical Crap and it’s done all the time.
All you have to do is peel off a layer of the onion because your type are very coy you know. They hide things under the first layer like this all the time.
Oh and, have a nice “just below the first layer” day eh… 🙂
The courts have been recorded as stating that “YES!!” it is acceptable that we the English Speaking Community” sacrifice our Charter of Rights in order to promote the French Language minority and culture! A Charter that spells out the inalienable rights of all Canadians..but has not been!! Ironically it has been used in the favor of those who don’t even want to be Canadian..but who have no problems using it for their political gain. I have been a silent Canadian who has apathetically listened but said nothing….there are many of us. This is finally a chance for we, the the “people” to proudly stand up and fight for our “rights” to determine the manner in which we can run our businesses and our lives.This signage Bylaw passed by the Mayor and council of Stormont is definitely a historic moment for all Canadians! At least for those of us who truly consider ourselves Canadians!
Soc…..that is great, but your radical leader wants to abolish french altogether as clearly stated in his pamphlets…..just like many others here would love to do.
City BS….I guess you only choose to read your buddie’s post. I have said many times, the changes won’t affect me either way. I really and truly don’t care. What I do care about is when trouble makers who want to destroy another culture for no other reason then hating the french… is so obvious it’s pathetic.
How will the big victory in SS change one’s life and benefit anyone?
Believe in bilingualism…..I never took the time to listen to galganov’s speech…….it hasn’t changed since his defeat in the elections.
Patrick stated during a previous story here that he doesn’t live in Quebec, however, he sure appears informed of the English Services there. Perhaps he is a high paid gov. employee in the Cornwall area.
Well said “No Longer Apathetic” VERY well said. Glad to know that you (and likely many others) are indeed “no longer apathetic” because if there is something this movement needs in order to put an end to this injustice it is for the (generally apathetic) majority English tax paying citizens of this country to take a stand NOW.
Why? Because, it is almost too late already, that’s why. The entrenchment is almost complete and if it there ever was a time to take a stand and push back… IT IS NOW!!
People of Canada — English majority out there — DO NOT allow yourselves to believe that everything is just peachy keen fine just because it isn’t affecting — “YOU” — right now at this moment in time. This “Franco” movement, just like a cancer, is advancing “the French cause” or as they call it “raison d’etre” as it quietly grows and grows, more and more every day, moving it’s way across this land, taking over small communities as it moves along while hoping that no one is noticing, watching or paying attention till one day, it’s in “YOUR” back yard. Don’t let that happen.
Why ? Because if it does show up in YOUR BACKYARD it will then be too late.
Act now, get involved. Write to your MP’s etc. Speak out when you see injustices and let it be known when you don’t agree with how something is being done, or is not being done. Just like “the Thibideau’s” on the French side we MUST be sure that our voices are heard as well. And believe me, the more voices they hear the more it becomes a necessity for them to act.
This is so awsome . A victory that all of Canada can rejoice in
Freedom of expression, that’s all it is Patrick!
OH Stella… I feel sorry for you, sorry you can not see times are changing and eventually whether you want to admit it or not, voices are getting louder, actions getting noticed and sooner than later the Government will have to correct it and not have any choice in doing so.
And don’t be surprised Stella to see this debate in the next Federal Election, and when that 1 politician takes the stand to fix this issue, there is roughly 85% english speaking Canadians ready to vote, then what will you do?