Cornwall Community Hospital VP Alan Greig GETS Medieval with CFN – Calls in Police!

CCH Nurse Darlene Walsh on left

CFN –  The phone rings.  It’s Darlene Walsh, a nurse at CCH who’s extremely upset as she’s been called in for a hearing about an interview she gave CFN a few weeks ago.  LINK

She’s afraid that she’s going to be fired and asks that I come into the meeting as she’s having trouble finding some friends and family for support.

I get to the hospital and we chat outside the meeting room when VP Alan Greig shows up.  He’s belligerent and aggressive demanding why I’m here and with a camera.  I explain politely that I don’t like to leave my camera in the car and have not shot anything.

He asks how he knows this and I offer to hit display and allow him to look at its contents.

He demands I leave this publicly funded place that my tax dollars support that I was invited in for a specific purpose for.

Next thing I know two security guards show up.  We politely go through the same story and I offer to let the security people take my camera away and hold it until the meeting is over.

Then one, two, three Cornwall police officers and one OPP officer show up followed by Mr. Greig who uses the exact same belligerent and aggressive tone in front of everyone as though he’s trying to bully me and make up rules on the fly.   He says I’m trespassing on the hospital so now it’s not about the camera; but about my person.

Not having any criminal record nor wanting one I decide to acquiesce and leave.   I’m escorted, or surrounded by the police as they walk me to my car.    I’m sure some people would be nervous about being in an elevator with three armed people when you’re not packing.

This is a huge problem.  This is why I won’t set foot in this hospital other than to visit a patient again ever.

For someone like Alan Greig to be sucking public dollars for behaving in this manner is utter insanity.  He had very peaceful options and instead he chose to spend tax payers dollars on the use of police.    What was it that the hospital feared by me sitting in and supporting in this meeting?

I personally will be boycotting any CCH funding until this is addressed.  We do not live in China, Russia or even the US of A.

This is Canada dammit – escorting polite citizens without criminal records who are showing no disturbance or belligerence by four armed police officers is not fair dinkum.   It’s not civilized.   I felt bad for the police because they were forced into this and they didn’t look to happy about it either.

We’ll be updating Darlene’s situation as news becomes available.  Hopefully a good nurse has not lost her job in Canada for speaking her mind.

Because it’s a dark blotch on our city, province, and country if that’s what happens and good people sit quietly by.

You can post your comments below.




  1. I think our hospital is a joke.Ii wont donate any money to our hospital nor will i go there anymore after what i was told at the hospital when my wife had our baby. They were no help at all. i asked for help to get my wife to the shower cause she can barely walk and they said oh if we have time. I said its just because i don’t want to leave our baby in the room then they said well you can bring the baby to the nursing station. So i said to them you have time to watch my baby but you don’t have time to help my wife. Some F***ing help you are. i never go to this hospital i have not used this hospital in years. i think there pathetic all they do is sit around and talk thats y our hospitals wait times are like 3-6 hours

  2. ..Darlene spoke the truth..accreditation was a joke..get the patients out of the protocols and paperwork..spit shine everything minutes before the accreditors walk through the was scrambling to put smiles on all employees..I’ve seen it 3 years in a secret..only people that will tell you otherwise..upper management.

  3. terrible situation for you, Jamie. and worse, some people will be treating mr. grieg like a hero. man needs some serious training in managing his behaviour.

  4. At the very least a union rep should have been there. I would take this as high and as far as you can, including on what grounds were you removed from a publically funded hospital when you were peaceful and respectful.

    What were the police going to charge you with, trespassing? causing a disturbance? Surely they have guidelines that have to be followed and can’t just blindly follow orders from someone who obviously should be in the job.

  5. Hey if I ever fall sick while in the Cornwall area never mind a medical alert bracelet just leave a note on me that says “Bypass the CCH please!”

    Jamie, Darlene I recommend a lawsuit and now! Unbelievable! Honestly, where do they find these managers?

    Darlene, there goes your professional integrity. What was done was very unprofessional considering the circumstances. Being disciplined (I am not sure this is the proper term to use here – perhars berated is better) in front of everyone is atrocious to say the least.

    And Jamie, you’re right, there goes Freedom of Speech. Are we in China? I’m not sure this would even be done there?



  6. Shame on Alan Greig & CCH for their bad behaviour, Mrs Periard needs to make a report for media,I think that Ottawa lawyers are going to have a field day with the law suits coming from bad management.They need to resign or be fired!!!

  7. Here is a thought; there should be a collection started, instead of donating to the hospital donate to the CCH Anti Bullying fund.
    If the hospital takes action against Alan Greig’s bullying then the fund goes to the hospital.
    If they don’t then the fund goes to Darlene. My bet is that Darlene would get the money.

  8. I know Alan Greig personally and professionally. If he felt inclined to remove you from the premise (which must happen often in your case) he made a clear and concise decision to do so. Alan Greig is a man of integrity, intelligence and his passion to improve the hospital is beyond your knowledge or concept. He is critical for our health care in Cornwall and beyond…and to diminish a man of such stature is quite deplorable. There are situations Jamie – that you can’t control. Let the knowledged do their job…as Alan Greig does.

  9. Author

    withheld don’t you think that your identity and history with Mr. Greig would jaundice your statement?

  10. No jaundice…print my name…It’s Traci Trottier!!

  11. Author

    And didn’t you have a relationship with Mr. Greig?

  12. No bias there ,Ya …call in my lover to protect me …hahahahahaha.

    Wow and the plot thickens …who needs soaps -we have them right here in Cornwall ….forget about reality TV .

    This is far better then Reality TV.

    Perhaps it could be called: dysfunctional hospital
    “These are the days you should pray for your lives”

  13. never heard of this happening in ottawa hospitals or winchester either. i think the only solution to this problem is to hire a lawyer on behalf of the hospital employees then they could bring the issues to light without fear of reprisals. unions cant fight a problem this widespread. cornwalls sick people deserve good care and this environment doesnt sound like its healthy for patients or staff

  14. Author

    I just think it would be insane to lose a good nurse. The world needs good nurses.

  15. What does that have to do with his job?? LOL. You should write for Star magazine. No further comment – because your trash site doesn’t deserve it.

  16. And “stupid” sends me a personal email…ie Jamie. I have a job to do!! Chow.

  17. I honestly can’t believe the mentality of some of these blogs….especially when mariah says Greg worked at Levi’s. Why do people have to fabricate stories to try and make their gossip even juicier. I know for a fact the VP NEVER WORKED AT LEVIS, I know him from way back…..get your facts straight and quit making up stories…..

  18. I am appalled and disgusted. I am not certain I would have left when the police came, since I distrust cops, but I probably would have been intimidated enough. Of course, I would have phoned the media and/or a lawyer immediately afterwards.
    Exactly why is McDonald defending the indefensible and the right for employers to bully?
    Since I am not in Ottawa, I know my comments won’t count for much. How many people have written Lilley or the MP/MPP yet? Reports, people!

  19. Author

    Traci it’s Ciao. Chow either refers to eating or a large furry dog…

  20. @withheld

    this news report doesn’t appear to have its focus turned on grieg’s character or role, simply his behaviour during an interaction when he had a perfect opportunity to demonstrate his “good stuff.” i would suggest grieg diminished his own stature when deciding to throw a tantrum and use strong arm tactics. it’s a classic example of why managers should have media training.

  21. Author

    exactly Soc!

  22. And you would certainly know about eating!!

  23. Author

    Oh Traci, taking a shot at my weight? Did you see me take a shot at your drunk driving charge?

  24. Re Alan Greig = If he was belligerent & aggressive toward you or anyone else then he deserves to be dealt with but don’t fire him demote him to a much lower position ( like on the end of a broom )
    W.R.Parisien seems to me that you have summed up the
    situation @ CCH ” Houston we have a problem ” . A classic comment Sir if ever there was one . Most certainly an employee when required to go into a supervisors office should be allowed a witness that they choose .

  25. How about you stay on topic Jamie? Can’t do it? Insecurities crying…

    So as for Alan Greig – great man…be careful – maybe the hospital will be suing you next…there must be a lineup? Over and out.

  26. I feel I must speak up at this point because my family has felt the wrath of this Senior Administrator Allan Greig . I have no respect for a man who would call the police for a Mother & her 2 children visiting their Father,who was protesting ALONE at CCH. Not one, but two cruisers were sent for a family visiting their Dad after a dentist appointment with Dr. Navaneeln.

    I will say, the police were very kind, but who in their right mind would do such a thing. A bully, that’s who!!! CCH senior admin. are experts at bullying.

    Furthermore, this man called the police several times when Chris was protesting for only one reason-INTIMIDATION!

    I ask you the people of Cornwall is this the type of person you want running our community hospital?

    Lastly, to my dear friend Darlene. Be strong & be proud, you have done the right thing! To advocate for your patients well-being & safety is not only the right thing to do, it is what you must do as a nurse. Patients always come first! Thank-you for speaking on their behalf & remember many stand behind you,you are not alone!!!

  27. Author

    Traci we have not lost a court case yet. Remember the cheque you had to write CFN? You took the shot at my weight. You got it back. End of. And yes, the subject is your ex’s horrible behavior which shows what you both have in common. Could that be why he behaved in the manner he did?

  28. I believe Allan Greig should have been the one escorted out by police, not Jamie!

    CCH needs a big cleaning ,starting from the top down!

    I feel like getting a tatto that says:

    *In case of emergency bypass CCH*

  29. sounds like a drunk sailor..Greigs not the old fart in the pic above with Darlene, is he?

  30. @ Ferris

    The old fart in picture is Mr.Jean LaCompte, he professes to be “Mr.Bilingualism”-Society for the Promotion of Bilingualism,yet he belongs to Franchophone rights groups….

    That old fart told Darlene he does not want any English Nurses providing CPR to him if he should require it. As a matter of fact Don Smith has it recorded,hopefully he will be kind enough to provide link for ALL to hear!
    That old fart,also said we we’re ALL bilingual because we took French classes in school.Yup,it’s true! So I guess I’m a Doctor because I watch Grey’s Anatomy!

  31. Ferris, I think that is Jean Lecompte owner of the Society to Promote Bilingulism and has been an advisor to L’Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario

    La mission de la Société pour la Promotion du Biligusme à Cornwall est de promouvoir la visibilité et l’accessibilité des deux langues officielles, garantissant que l’anglais et le français soient également visibles et également accessibles dans l’ensemble des établissements du gouvernement municipal et dans les établissements commerciaux des grandes chaînes commerciales.

  32. HA HA. Fight the power man.

  33. stellabystarlight
    September 30, 2012 at 8:07 am
    No highlander it is called freedom of speech….you know, the thing you are fighting for. It’s called democracy where one has the right to sign and talk in the language of their choice **smile**

    Not often I agree with the stellapropaganda.

    worth repeating,she finally gets it ,it not anti french but democracy at work

  34. Mr. Jean Lecompte is labelled Mr.Bilingualism and his not for profit agency is majority sponsored by government grants -to promote bilingualism.

    Yet he sits on the board of numerous french only not for profit but once again government sponsored groups.
    This is surly a question of conflict in interest as is he for bilingualism or franco rights groups ?
    how many of the 270 odd franco rights groups sponsored by various governments .

    People take a guess how many English language rights groups?
    But that’s the government for you willing to blow your hard earned tax money -Ontario 624 million for less then 4% of the population ,but hey their french they deserve that special treatment ..dont you think.

    McGuinty has cut back on health care ,welfare and many social services but hey … don’t touch the sacred cow of bilingualism-yes that’s right in these tough times where even his teachers are mad at him …no cuts on bilingualism .

  35. Maybe the police were there to kep you safe from VP Alan Greig.

  36. Oh Trottier, don’t you know the rules here? We don’t come on to name call or punch below the belt. It just shows how shallow and desperate you are!

    Who the hell cares what kind of a man Grieg is. It is his actions on the job that matter. One thing I know for sure is that he is too trigger happy with his fingers on that phone. He called the police on me one day when I was out supporting the LFA at the hospital for just standing there! Somebody so high up should have some clue about “wasting” taxpayer money!

    Ask any of the police officers that were bothered for no reason to have to come out to CCH many a time to check out the quiet and orderly protest that was going on. They will all tell you that LFA is a peaceful and fair group….and they OBEY the rules. Absolutely NO need for 4 police officers to remove Jamie. Boy CCH must really have something to hide in order for Grieg to go off the deep end in anger like that!

    I hope they sue CCH’s pants off! They can’t keep treating people like this! Darlene doesn’t deserve the crap she is having to go through now for protecting the public(part of her roll as a nurse, a professional and a human being). CCH has a stupid confidentiality contract that doesn’t hold water. Sure, don’t discuss inside issues relating to patients diagnosis etc, but when it comes to cover ups, that is a whole new ball game.

    The citizens of Cornwall demand an explanation and an apology!!! Darlene is a hero in my eyes for speaking up for every patient that had to sit in the hallway behind a screen and have a crap! Let’s get rid of these upper management, then we can all donate and get on with a better hospital!!

    “CHOW” LMAO!!!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Has there been any news or updates on Ms. Walsh’s meeting? I would like to know how things turned out for her yesterday. Hopefully her meeting was with someone besides the angry guy.

  38. Author

    bella-b I think everyone is waiting word….

  39. I thought you might have the inside scoop, Jamie. 😉

  40. I’ve read all the articles,above, I knew a person like Mr. Grieg, one day he lefted his office and disappeared, to this day,never found him. Maybe he should have protection at all times or quit his job. Seems he’s useless in a severe stressing position, in fact I blame the hospital commitee for allowing this horrible situation to exist. The hospital committee, Mr.Grieg and the HR staff, be remove from there duties immediately.
    To the representatives of both goverments, I am totally ashamed of the reprehensible, responsibity for the lack of assistance towards your wards. I hope you both retire before the next voting day.
    Have a nice day.

  41. Without out a doubt this is a Human Rights Case and Bill 168 Darlene. Creig should have learned from his past actions at his previous employer but obviously he still thinks his S%%T don’t stink. A comlaint from you to the Ministry of Labour will be a good place to start, secondly do the same thing with the Human Rights Commission. Obviously something wrong happened here and you felt scared and threatened to need a witness to be with you. As for Ms. Trottier, you have your own serious issues to worry about including an up-coming court date, so you should have stayed out of this, you do not need more negative attention brought to you in Cornwall. You and Grieg were a couple so of course you will say nothing but good, if that is the type of person you say he is, you’d still be with him now.

  42. So how will the hospital resolve this mess? yet another black eye they did not need attention too. CEO, maybe you should rid this guy before it ends up costing you $400.000 plus like it did the city. This has up shit creek without a paddle written all over it.

  43. Holy Gilles Latour
    To Traci,
    The people have known about your drunken infraction for many months. It is Only the goodheartedness of the CFN to not mention it until you stepped into the still here. Have a great night. We know you will!

  44. Darlene, I am in complete support of your actions in speaking out publicly. How brave of you. As a co-worker of yours, I know that you are totally dedicated to your patients and value the care you provide. How unfortunate that your speaking out regarding the hiring practices(ie. prefered advances french over experience)and inhumane treatment of patient( yes, beds in the hallway with little privacy or dignity) and the insurmountable stress on us front line workers was not met with a willingness to adresses these important issues but met with heavy handed intimidation and resistance. This does not bode well for staff moral and pt. care. The stress that this must be causing you is a personal afront to you as a professional. Attitudes need to change.

  45. I commend Darlene for speaking the truth; WHAT A HERO, she must be at a breaking point and can no longer stand to work under these conditions. She’s a good nurse and a caring person. It’s about time that someone speaks up, too many staff are afraid to lose their jobs and no one has the guts to speak up as they have too much to lose…a career and finances, everything one needs in order to live today. Darlene took that chance…
    From the CEO and downward, including Mr. Greig which are drowning and much over their heads and have been from the beginning. Has anyone looked at the true qualifications of those clowns and their followers….ie: VP’s, Directors, Manager, Assistant Managers, Assistant to the assistants. Please take a look at most credentials you will see that most are unqualified and have no clue on how to manage, work or treat people or staff. Those who love their job are few and far and if they tell you they do, well it’s because they are the managers! Oh wait some Nurses have high paying jobs replacing once clerical positions as they could not handle nursing positions. Let’s call them Senator’s, can’t do the job, and we like you, let’s give you an easy job and pay you big money….. The Hospital’s image is very important, it’s all smoke and mirrors, as long as no one speaks the truth, we look good…and bottom line that’s the image that they like to portray, but for those who work there, we know differently…and we know that they have no understanding of an efficient health care institution, they have no vision,or leadership, (how can they when they are not even qualified) no thought process or experience, and are costing the taxpayers so much money that your head would role, if only the public was aware. Their mission and vision should read, “We bully, we instill fear, and we can rule the healthcare system of Cornwall and our staff” If we can continue to operate in this way, we will retire with a big pension or eventually get a big payout.
    Jamie, you have unveiled the City of Cornwall Town Hall Crap, maybe it’s time to clean up the Hospital crap, after all, people from the City were also friends of the Hospital admin, of course high salary people frequent high salary friends. The word is out and they are afraid of you Jamie, afraid of what you may tell the public and there is so much more you could say
    Anxious to see what happens now! Will they pay Darlene off to go away forever and not to speak, as they have done in the past or will they hire a hit man for Jamie?. Don’t bother approaching the BOARD members, they have drank the water and believe everything they are told and are all rubber stampers and friends of… well of you know who…..

  46. @ Diane

    EXCELLENT! I see that we have another nurse coming forward here to support Darlene!!! How BRAVE and LOYAL of you to speak up Diane!!!! I don’t only mean loyal to Darlene, I am referring to being loyal(and accountable) to the public. Hmmm, first Chris Cameron, then LFA is formed with ex/retired nurses, several more nurses join the protest(many others talking in private but fear their jobs), Darlene speaking up, now a coworker outright supporting her despite the risks. Being that so many of these mentioned people are nurses/healthcare workers that have worked at the hospital, or are still employed. This speaks volumes doesn’t it?!?!?! How could so many nurses be wrong? How could so many nurses want to do damage to the hospital? These nurses really care so much that they are taking the extra time and effort to bring public awareness. Things have not changed at this hospital in years and it is getting worse! We want to see new management in place ASAP to clean up this mess. We want the best community hospital possible!

    Well, we are still waiting to hear word on Darlene’s fate. In the meantime, speak up demand an explanation. You are the taxpayers that are paying for this mess! Are you a satisfied customer?

  47. Author

    Actually in this life the only way to “Be the Change” is to step forward. If City Hall had 10, 20, or more Hospital staff protesting at the next council meeting it would have a huge impact…

  48. watching the video of Darlene, once again, there is nothing she talked about that isn’t in the public domain already: patients in hallways, that’s an issue for all community hospitals; that things were “cleaned up” before the Accreditation team showed up, every hospital would do that; that nurses are overworked, sometimes stressed out or experience burnout, that’s a universal issue for nurses; and that English-speaking nurses are being passed over for jobs, well, that all started when Dr. Tombler spoke publicly. Darlene also spoke calmly about issues that she cares deeply about. In many ways, her comments were a good education. Surely there’s nothing that would put her employment at risk. Public demonstrations and media coverage has been going on for many weeks now.

  49. Question: Were any hospital employees forbidden (by management) to give interviews or speak publicly?

  50. Author

    Soc I think there’s a huge responsibility for the Union to step up and fight for this situation. If the union can’t or won’t protect Darlene they should pack up and go home. They should be there for more than just taking their cut of the nurses pay.

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