Cornwall Community Hospital VP Alan Greig GETS Medieval with CFN – Calls in Police!

CCH Nurse Darlene Walsh on left

CFN –  The phone rings.  It’s Darlene Walsh, a nurse at CCH who’s extremely upset as she’s been called in for a hearing about an interview she gave CFN a few weeks ago.  LINK

She’s afraid that she’s going to be fired and asks that I come into the meeting as she’s having trouble finding some friends and family for support.

I get to the hospital and we chat outside the meeting room when VP Alan Greig shows up.  He’s belligerent and aggressive demanding why I’m here and with a camera.  I explain politely that I don’t like to leave my camera in the car and have not shot anything.

He asks how he knows this and I offer to hit display and allow him to look at its contents.

He demands I leave this publicly funded place that my tax dollars support that I was invited in for a specific purpose for.

Next thing I know two security guards show up.  We politely go through the same story and I offer to let the security people take my camera away and hold it until the meeting is over.

Then one, two, three Cornwall police officers and one OPP officer show up followed by Mr. Greig who uses the exact same belligerent and aggressive tone in front of everyone as though he’s trying to bully me and make up rules on the fly.   He says I’m trespassing on the hospital so now it’s not about the camera; but about my person.

Not having any criminal record nor wanting one I decide to acquiesce and leave.   I’m escorted, or surrounded by the police as they walk me to my car.    I’m sure some people would be nervous about being in an elevator with three armed people when you’re not packing.

This is a huge problem.  This is why I won’t set foot in this hospital other than to visit a patient again ever.

For someone like Alan Greig to be sucking public dollars for behaving in this manner is utter insanity.  He had very peaceful options and instead he chose to spend tax payers dollars on the use of police.    What was it that the hospital feared by me sitting in and supporting in this meeting?

I personally will be boycotting any CCH funding until this is addressed.  We do not live in China, Russia or even the US of A.

This is Canada dammit – escorting polite citizens without criminal records who are showing no disturbance or belligerence by four armed police officers is not fair dinkum.   It’s not civilized.   I felt bad for the police because they were forced into this and they didn’t look to happy about it either.

We’ll be updating Darlene’s situation as news becomes available.  Hopefully a good nurse has not lost her job in Canada for speaking her mind.

Because it’s a dark blotch on our city, province, and country if that’s what happens and good people sit quietly by.

You can post your comments below.




  1. Wise decision, Cory.

    Responding to Stella’s every word is to validate her hyperbole and feed the troll. People are not stupid and see for themselves who is who. Now it’s s/he who is controlling the direction of the discussion.

    Conservatives should cut spending on bilingualism in general and on grants to francophone organizations (lobby groups) in particular (attention to James Moore). This could curtail Stella’s enthusiasm.

  2. Last count -federally there are 700+ french language rights groups dividing up billions .

    Provincial in Ontario (separate entities ) 270 of these franco rights groups dividing up part of the 640 million from Ontario.

    Anglo rights groups ?????? 3 from what I see .

    I’m sure stellapropaganda is receiving something for her fight to maintain the status quo of french first .

  3. Thanks Helga, 🙂

    Thanks for the info. Highlander!

    It is frightening to see that as a taxpayer, I am paying for French advocacy whenever I have no stake in the matter!

    Hundreds of French organizations on the government dollar?

    I will remind readers too that I am bilingual, and am married to a French woman.

    And too I speak 55% of the time in French at home.

    I don’t know why comapnies like Desjardins, Bombardier etc. don’t flip the bill for this French only organizations? Perhaps representatives of these linguistic groups never approached these companies?

    All the best everyone,


  4. Hello Treats,

    Just another warning to you should you decide to post something again. Stella is known to interject into other’s comments not directed at her. Case-in-point, my message directed to you today, October 7, 2012 at 6:13 am, Stella felt necessary to add her own comments as indicated starting with the following:

    “Cory you retreated because…”

    Just something to keep in mind, Treats.



  5. Cory, you slipped again. Why do you still care what Stella says and where she interject? Treat her with her own medicine: ignore completely or twist and exaggerate.

  6. Now my feelings are really hurt!! You guys are not playing fair ganging up against me **s**

    Piper, It was not me that called Cameron the KKK” GOT THAT!! So before you accuse me of saying that, go back and read the blogs and quit putting words in my mouth. See…that is what I mean by you guys twisting and fabricating…..YOU GOT THE WRONG PERSON……comprends tu? Ce n’est pas moi

    This is Thanksgiving, we should all be thankful that this country has two officail languages French and english **s**

    Please do not respond **s**

  7. Cory…..when my name appears in your post, not once but twice, you’re darn right, I will interject no matter who you are addressing… “Bonne journee d’Action de Grace”

  8. Jamie Canada is in the same situation as the “good ole US of A, China, Russia and any other country. We are no longer free. The US has been the most free a country on the planet and they have the first amendment of free speech but no more. The constitution is being ripped apart. Here in Canada we are no better than the US at all so don’t think that we are because we are not. What we once knew of our Canada is gone and if you don’t believe me look it up.

  9. I would like to second what Lolochuck said on October 6, 2012 at 12:32 pm
    Lolochuck said “@ Ferris. You were bullied and intimidated into learning the language. That is NOT right. That is what still is happening in our society.”

    AND I ADD… This is exactly the sort of thing that happened in the “province” of Quebec “back in the day.” The Francophone’s began there “take over” and whenever there was any opposition by the English to what they were doing —

    (like H.Galganov with his early protests in Quebec which were so early in the process that he didn’t get much support from the English back then)

    — the French would squash it with threats of violence, drawing out the old, “calling them bigots and racists” then ALSO REAL violence.
    At that point, it seems the Anglophone philosophy moved into a sorta, – well, Quebec is not worth fighting for in a sense and, all they really want is there own little “Frenchdom” area which they can call their own so we’ll let em have that province – and rather than fighting back the Anglos’ simply moved away and let the French “take it over.” Which they quite effectively did.

    That was then, and this is now. The “move away and let them have it (re: other Canadian cities and provinces)” model IS NO LONGER an option… And the idiom “learn their language and beat those SOB’s at their own game” (as quoted from Ferris) is NOT a valid course if we wish to hold onto Canada as an English dominated country. The concept of attempting to “learn their language and beat them at their own game” would accomplish the EXACT OPPOSITE. It would guarantee that Canada DOES eventually INDEED become a French dominated country.”
    So, as far as “learn their language and beat them at their own game“ goes, I draw a quote from “the father of — take MORE rights from the Anglos — himself” Pierre Curzi at step 0:49 of this clip regarding the new harsher bill 101 known as bill 593 ——– “I don’t think it is a good ting for nobody.” 🙂

    PS: Unlike the lack of support in those early days Howard, (if you’re watching), I believe the English are primed up and ready to take this country back NOW!!

    Vivre le freedom and democracy for the hinglish 🙂

    Oh yeah and… PPS: I WHOLHEARTEDLY agree with Ferris re: spelling, – “I type as fast as it comes to my thoughts” – and therefore, JUST RELAX and go with the “intended message” and don’t get caught up with minor spelling errors.

  10. I am thankful the English beat the French long time ago (but we should finish the job). I am thankful Quebec got a new Moses to lead them out of the Anglo wilderness. It has been a long 50 years. It’s time. Amen.

  11. @ Highlnder. I am so glad when I see your posts with this kind of info.
    On October 7, 2012 at 11:56 am Highlander wrote,
    “Last count -federally there are 700+ french language rights groups dividing up billions .
    Provincial in Ontario (separate entities ) 270 of these franco rights groups dividing up part of the 640 million from Ontario.
    Anglo rights groups ?????? 3 from what I see.”

    It is good for anyone reading to get this information. KEEP IT UP.

    And, also Highlander. I KNOW you will agree…
    This time the English MUST NOT ALLOW any tactics by “the other side — to oppress the message” —

  12. @ Ferris – Wooo hoooo… We need more folks like your pop. We Must all take a page from that concept. Stand up and speak your mind anywhere and everywhere in this great country. just like “they” do. Even something seemingly small like say your grocery store (anywhere in Canada outside Quebec) has the french labels facing out, let it be know it is not acceptable. Sometimes it’s the little things that add up. Or, someone over hears you and they realize it’s OK for them to stand up at the next opportunity as well.

    In solidarity.
    Happy Turkey day to all..

  13. ..actually..after re-reading my kinda sounds like a cheap spaghetti western lol..thx for not tearing it apart seems we’ve grown a mutual for the SOB phrase..that’s my dad for you..kinda dramatic, Clint Eastwood like..

  14. that this line of discussion could morph from an issue of the bad behaviour – not by a nurse but a senior manager at the hospital – to raging against soup cans that may have their French labels sticking out, something’s gone very weird and whacky, base and hateful.

  15. ferris……like I said before, respect is earned. After being put down, being accused of false statements by some folks here, one tends to retaliate and say things that are totally out of their ususal character. Thinking you know what I mean… You and I may not always have the same opinion but we respect each other, that is the difference and I will tell you why…because you are not into name calling or putdowns when someone doesn’t agree with you.

  16. Did you look in the mirror before you typed that post Stella? You are most guilty of false statements and accusations, with few apologies. Funny how it’s okay for you, but offensive when it come the other way.
    Still waiting for my apology.

  17. We have certainly butted heads before Stella..I don’t know how you do in and day come on here and get slammed..any person that is willing to be run over by the bus for what they TRULY believe in their heart, deserves my respect..that is why you will get mine.

    Ferris Bueller.

  18. Fanaticism is a belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal, particularly for an extreme religious or political cause or in some cases sports, or with an obsessive enthusiasm for a pastime or hobby.

  19. ..noted Highlander..remember, just because I’m singing kumbaya with Stella doesn’t mean I’m not loyal to the cause.. men like my father the Camerons and Galganovs of this country give fellas like myself a voice..and for that I am truly grateful.

  20. Ferris, you have not answered Concerned2’s question of October 6, 2012 at 10:43 am

    “Do you believe a second language should be an asset or a qualification as is a Nursing Degree?”

  21. Lolochuck,

    Great video ,CCH could learn a lot from this video .

    TO CCH management -Its about a team effort ,your front line workers are the ones that deal with the public if they don’t feel “Part of the Team ” then inadvertently it shows .

    Management is not about telling professionals their jobs -They know their jobs ,its about leadership not control.

  22. Ferris thanks for the comment .

    Hi Folks

    At times standing as I do can be a lonely place, but I feel the promise of change is coming.

    I have been advised by many that in this fight for equality, the enemy is really not the Francophone’s, but the ENGLISH APATHY.

    I never would think of Francophone’s as enemies as they are my family, but the government institutions and their blatant discrimination of the English with their hiring practices are truly the enemy.

    Why must so many have to fight so hard to bring “fairness ” to the equation with their own government ?

    Our group continues to grow daily, more are aware that this fight has always been against unfair government policy.

    We as a group advocate for fair government policy, such as South Stormont’s recent bylaw that respects the Charter of Rights & Freedoms. Business owner’s now have the RIGHT to choose what they wish to put on their signs.

    When in our society has the rights of the few trumped the rights of the many ?

    We as Canadians need to stand up for our rights and by doing so get to understand or get involved in your own local/provincial and federal politics .

    Take care my fellow Canadians,

    Christopher Cameron

  23. ASSET or french where numbers my opinion, the CCH has achieved that don’t have to be fluently bilingual to understand need, pain and suffering, or to bond and empathize with need to be caring and, you won’t hear from me again until Patrick comes and out.

  24. Chris, you are asking, “Why must so many have to fight so hard to bring “fairness” to the equation with their own government ?”

    Because the French highjacked the power and changed the laws to suit themselves. We had more rights under the Canadians Bill of Rights than under the Trudeau Charter. He took away language rights for ALL and gave them only to his French tribe. Until the Conservatives of Stephen Harper came to power, French Power Ottawa ordered the subject of Bilingialism a TABOO. Media was silenced, and those who dared criticism were treated almost as enemies of the state.

    People were still fighting. We fought Chretien’s push to entrench in the Charter the city of Ottawa as officially bilingual capital. We fought McGuinty’s push to entrench the city of Ottawa as officially bilingual in the Municipal Act. Now, politicians should find their cojones and stand up with the people, for the people, not for a tiny group of French zealots who try to keep power, influence and privilege for themselves. .

  25. Author

    Hi everyone. I’d like to remind everyone that the subject of this story is Alan Greig’s actions. Language issues are in other stories. It makes for much better reading if we stay on topic.


  26. CBC is the worst offender Helga ,being the have the clear majority of media in Canada -be it radio /print or TV.

    The CBC is no longer impartial but more or less represents the philosophy of its board of which is heavily stacked with ex-Liberals .

    As for Cornwall Community Hospital they continue to damage their own image ,these management are entrenched and are willing to damage the hospital for their OWN interests .

    Has Management not realized that the community no longer trusts them hence volunteerism and donations are drastically down.

    It does seem to be more desperation in their radio and news advertisements for funding .

    When will the provincial government step in fix the many problems at CCH before the community suffers anymore?

  27. darlene walsh, diane shay, andre rivette, perry dunlop, jaimie gilcig

  28. I have to agree with Helga: “We fought McGuinty’s push to entrench the city of Ottawa as officially bilingual in the Municipal Act. Now, politicians should find their cojones and stand up with the people, for the people, not for a tiny group of French zealots who try to keep power, influence and privilege for themselves.”

    It’s time to let business owners choose what they want, instead of legally forcing it on them. “Do not fear change, embrace it!”

  29. @ Highlander

    Do you have numbers to show that volunteerism and charitable donations for CCH are “down”? You could be right, I’m just asking.

    As far as the community not trusting the hospital…why is the ER and all other departments so busy every day? From a little bit of personal experience, I find the CCH to be an excellent community hospital.

  30. Yep the community is suffering but it certainly isn’t caused by the hospital. It’s a very small group that encouraged people not to donate. Continuously picketing in front certainly doesn’t help the hospital’s cause either. How one can take pride in stating that the hospital is advertising for funding and they seem desperate is unbelievable and shameful. Like I said before, many don’t post here, but let me assure you, they are definetely not impressed and totally turned off. Who in their right mind would treat and talk about their hospital like you guys?. It’s disgusting!!!!!

  31. Hmmmmm, no response from the top managers at the hospital on this issue either on here or any other media site/paper explaining their side. Well after all it is CCH we are talking about. On a positive note to City Hall, the CCH and Alan Greig took you out of the spot light.

  32. CityBS and why would the hospital respond? They owe nothing to the public. If they owe anything it would be to those involved if it is prusued that is.

    Soc….I agree!!! They are top notch as far as healthcare goes for a small city like Cornwall. It is too bad they have to keep jumping hurdles and getting a bad rap from a small group.

  33. The CCH administration still has not answered why 60% of all nursing positions and ALL Full-Time nursing positions are classified as requiring French language (proportion of francophones in Cornwall is 24%). This practice has not been accepted by OPSEU and CUPE unions.

  34. @stellabystarlight. Why would the hospital respond? They created these issues. From the CEO’s ignorance to real concerns, Alan Greig’s ” I am the bully and I will show you who is the boss antics”. You sit there with one agenda and you’re so obvious, stop blowing smoke Stella nothing you can attempt to say will ever sway the majority from fighting the truth. People have had enough, if you have not got it, when things change and they will, then you will get it.

  35. Author

    I did speak with Ms Despatie & Periard this evening after their presentation in Council. It will be interesting to see if there is a positive result from that chat. I give both ladies credit as they were way more polite than Mr. Grieg.

  36. Jamie..Do you think the two ladies were aware of the confrontation you had and were escorted out by all level’s of police forces? Did you get the feeling that it may have been a bit overkill?

  37. Now don’t give them too much credit Jamie. First they had to have anticipate you and them crossing paths. Second, they weren’t on their turf to have you “throw” anywhere LOL

    Bottom line. I hope that you asked them both to resign!

  38. CCH french agenda….if it was not accepted by the union, then why isn’t the union fighting it? Just wondering?

    city BS….again….the hospital does not owe the public an explanation, only to those involved. Did they not speak to Jamie last night?

    Mrs. Despatie and MMe Periard are professional women who care and take their jobs serioulsy. Mme Periard is a no nonsense woman, former Principal of a school and very well respected by many. I am not surprised they took time to speak to Jamie and I am happy they did. They are two classy women!!!! Hoping this gets resolved in your favor without delay.

  39. LOL LOL. Remind me to bring my lawn chair to sit down across from the hospital and see all the action going on with cops showing up and all. There are no more permanent jobs out there. When we first came back to Ottawa 8 years ago – 9 very soon in December my daughter was diagnosed with thyroid disease and we went for a walk in the hallways at the Civic Hospital and on the job postings everything was part time for nurses, etc. At least Chris Cameron has a job in demand and can work anywhere in Cornwall, Ottawa, etc. wherever his licence accepts him. I would tell him and everyone stop griping at least you make very good money and have a job in hand. Don’t rock the boat and make things bad for yourself and others just keep on going the way you are and you won’t change much. I do know the reason behind all of this. Jamie it is best for you to stay on the side lines and not get involved in these skirmishes being a reporter.

  40. Still waiting to hear news about Darlene and whether there was any disciplinary actions. Unless i missed it ?

    In the meantime here is the new October video and even Stella has a “cameo mention.”


    I haven’t heard anything about Darlene, but I am thinking of her & VERY concerned. Darlene if your reading this, please know MANY care about you & will do whatever it takes to help you thru this difficult time!!!!

    Secondly, I watched your video & it brought tears to my eyes.
    What are WE allowing to happen to OUR Canada…
    I want my Canada back & I will do what it takes to make that happen.

    I voted for Harper & for the love of God, why is he allowing this to go on.

    The future of Canada depends on ALL of us…

    The question is,


    It is a crying shame! I totally agree with you Debbie. How can we allow this to happen in our Canada? A very caring and intelligent nurse speaks out and we are VERY worried about her. Does she still have her job? Rumor has it she hasn’t been around?!?! People you need to stand up. Silence mean consent to what is going on. Shame on those that don’t stand up for what is right. It’s one thing to quietly agree that things are NOT right, but it is another to get off of your rear ends and stand up!!!!!

  43. The union at CCH does nothing to protect you unless you are missing your break or didn’t get a shift premium. Protection when you do your job and speak up…..forget it! Protection after many years of service and no chance to move up the ladder because you are not advanced French…..forget it! There is strength in numbers. ALL THE NURSES MUST STAND TOGETHER!!!!! SHOW YOUR STRENGTH!

  44. Yes, what’s going on with Darlene? Jaimie, we are waiting anxiously for an update. Does she need help and how can we help?

  45. @jules RE: October 10, 2012 at 10:49 am POST

    We have been silent , apathetic and complacent for long enough.

    It’s Time

    It’s now time that — WE DO rock the boat. — IN A BIG WAY.

  46. Darlene I’m thinking about you & your strength of conviction to be an advocate for your patients’ care. Whistle blowers are treated badly here in Cornwall,some end up laughing ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK!!!

  47. AND ALSO… Re: Harper…
    – He named a unilingual auditor general 🙂
    – He named a unilingual Supreme Court judge 🙂

    Funny how when this Liza Frulla person sticks her finger in the air and proclaims “there is one job like this in the whole of Canada and nobody can find a bilingual one” that within her worry that some some bilingual (French) person would be missing out on this position she has ZERO understanding or clue of the irony of the fact of the “bigger picture” that “IF” this job did indeed go to a bilingual (French) person it would automatically exclude the majority 96 percent of the population of this country.

    THEY really don’t get it. There is such a sense of entitlement among such a small group that they are blinded to this reality.

    OK yeah, we get it there Liza. “There is ONE JOB LIKE this in this whole country” and we should exclude everyone else among the 97% majority and give it to someone who is among the tiny 4% minority of the total population. OK, gotcha… We’ll get right on that. ARggghhhhh….

  48. I guess I will be the 200th entry on this subject.I have been waiting to see if someone would ask the question as to..why?

    She’s afraid that she’s going to be fired and asks that I come into the meeting as she’s having trouble finding some friends and family for support.

    Why would she not be getting family and friend support?

    Has anyone heard from her at all she may need support from someone..It seems there are close contacts on here and why all the silence.

    Someone has some sort of a update…Jamie?

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