CFN – Alexa is a great tool for measuring web traffic. The Amazon owned company rolls three month totals with over 1 million Alexa tool bar users to come up with a ranking formula. Compared to small sampling that are extrapolated over a short period Alexa is a great way to compare apples with apples.
Here are your Canadian rankings for the Cornwall/Eastern Ontario area for Tuesday November 20, 2012.
1) #8 website overall for Cornwall Ontario 4,536
171,725 with 91% Cdn traffic!
2) 8,616
238,998 – 80% Cdn traffic.
3) (Brockville) 19,290
4) 19,727
1,036,616 75% Canadian viewers
5) 50,155
1,167,741 85.4 % Canadian viewers.
6) (Corus Radio Cornwall – news department headed by Bill Kingston. Not enough data for Cdn ranking. 676,794
Truly Local
Truly Intense
The Cornwall Free News
News, View, & Reviews 24/7 LIVE from Cornwall Ontario!
Call Don to book the largest Sky Scraper Banner
in time for the holiday season!
Great work and good news for CFN. Keep it going because CFN is a special part of my day. Thanks.
Great Job -Don -oh ya Jamie too .LOL.
keep plugging away Jamie ,it still grows .
I love the fact that we have independent Journalism right here in Cornwall .
As many of you may not realize that most media are owned by media giants and are politically motivated.
CBC is an example of a media that is publicly funded and is for Canadian content .
That being said much of those purely Canadian issues that are not in the interest of this “Public entity” such as the politically sensitive “language issues” will often not even get reference -therefore it is contradictory to their mandate to cover Canadian issues and in the very least are doing an disservice to the taxpayers as they are a publicly funded entity.
People if you really want to be informed -please read Brian Lilley’s book -CBC exposed.
Thanks CFN for being the voice of the people .
Thanks CFN Jamie ,Don, The voice of the majority …Bravo
Nice to know I can relieve myself from time to time…… mind that is, knowing for the most part I can get things off it.
Thanks J and. You make a great team.
D. I missed the D. Damn it.
Okay a bit of clarity here, that’s
Jamie and Don.