CFN – RN Debbie Cameron, Secretary of Language Fairness for All and wife of Chris Cameron, the group’s spokesperson and President, is among the invited presenters at Canadians for Language Fairness’ annual Christmas Luncheon in Ottawa this Saturday. Cameron will be providing an update on efforts and progress made locally in the battle against “official languages” tyrany.
Local human rights activist Howard Galganov, CFRA’s Nick Vandergragt, LFA’s DebbieCameron, Ontario Landowner President Tom Black and MPP Jack MacLaren, and the CLF Official Spokesperson, Beth Trudeau are all addressing the gathering of like-minded supporters and rights/freedoms fighters.
Others who are participating include Ade Oudemaid, founder of OTAG (Ottawa Taxpayer Advocacy) & MTAP (Municipal Taxpayer Advocacy), Joseph Ben Ami from Canadian Centre for Policy Studies, along with Dr. Marguerite Ritchie, founder of the Human Rights Institute of Canada and Jurgen Vollrath, founder of CESCO (Coalition of English Speaking Canadian, Organizations).
It is anticipated that Brian Lilley, host of Byline on Sun News Network and a senior correspondent for Sun Media’s Parliamentary Bureau in Ottawa, will be on-hand signing his new book “CBC Exposed”.
Brian Lilley’s explosive new book CBC Exposed strips away the carefully constructed image of respectability and reveals a group of pampered bureaucrats obsessed with protecting their taxpayer funded perks who are more interested in their biases than reporting facts… the more outrageous, the better… This book takes on the holy grail of the Canadian media landscape and lays bare the truth about CBC. Reckless reporting at the state broadcaster has ruined lives and cost taxpayers millions upon millions in settlement costs yet no one has ever been held to account. This book does what the consensus media cowards are afraid to do, tell the truth about CBC.
Anyone wishing to attend or wanting more info should visit CLF online.
Don Smith reports on a variety of topics, notably good news items as well as social justice issues.
I remember that, when wendell clark kicked marty macsorleys butt for being rough with gilmour. Loved those days..
Ah Duggy was a princess.
you could say that gretzky was a princess as well…he had a lot of enforcers backing him up. thats why I like sydney crosby, once and a while he back it up with his fist. but look where it got him, a concussion..
A cheap shot had got him that concussion ,no need for that.
November 22, 2012 at 5:47 pm
OMG……Should be interesting, a bunch of french haters gathered all together in one room.
November 30, 2012 at 5:49 pm
Highlander……just a word of precaution……stop the false accusations.
The above statement is on language rights groups stand in solidarity.
Ye who cast the stone first my English hater with many more post prior accusing others as french haters TAKE A GOOD LOOK in the MIRROR YOU MAY NOT LIKE WHAT YOU SEE.
While you are pointing your finger in the direction of Galganov and CLF, casting all your hatred and racial slurs let me draw your attention to YOUR Queen:
Quote from news article:
new Quebec Premier opened ugly sides of racism and linguistic hate in the last election that saw her gain a minority victory.
Wow, who’s the racist now?