Bill 14 – I’m Boycotting Quebec Until After Labour Day. Are you? by Jamie Gilcig – March 13, 2013

maroisCFN –  Is it time to boycott all things Quebec?   A boycott is a severe thing; but with Bill 14 looming and the strange occurrences since the last election there that never seem to be resolved could it be best if people give La Belle Province a wide berth for awhile?

Don’t get me wrong; as a former Montrealer there are many things I still love about the once great city.

But I could go a summer without Schwartz’s and steamies if it makes a statement.

Frankly I visit “back home” less and less.  It’s not just the crazed roads and constant construction.  It’s not just the all too more frequent customer service issues if I dare speak “Anglais”.

It’s this darn Bill 14.  It’s the fact that things became so bad in Quebec that the people of Quebec decided to grant Ms Marois a government.

In Canada we still have free choice; and frankly my choice is leaning towards making my little statement.  My one little token of boycotting Quebec until after Labour Day.   I think I can do it.

Yes, I’ll still visit my family; but I won’t be dining or spending any money there.    Do I expect my little boycott to change anything?  Not really; but imagine if millions of people did?

Politicians rely on people never doing anything no matter how badly they behave.   They’re used to manipulating small groups of people to grab power.   When I wrote during the student tuition protests that it simply was PQ agitation I think the election results showed how right myself and many others of the same belief were.

Quebec made its choice.   In some ways I think it was a good one because people can focus on the brutally ugly culture of linguistic facism that exists.  Francophones in Quebec will have to realize that the only people that can save French in Quebec are Francophones.   Anglophones, and Allophones are not to blame and not the issue.  It’s time to stop punishing the English language and  culture hoping that Quebec will become some Francophone Mecca.

Until Quebec changes its ways the results will essentially be the same.

Now the big question is why the Federal government remains so silent on what’s happening to Canadians living in Quebec that don’t subscribe to the provincially mandated madness, and why they are abdicating those citizens rights…

Jamie Gilcig – Editor – CFN

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  1. @ trembly,

    Again too easy . I am a Canadian History major , Thomas Scott was executed by Riel’s “provisional Government” which was an ILLEGAL entity. He was shot by a firing squad, on orders from riel.

    How does this make, a murderer, a hero ?

    I guess in the same way that quebec SOLIDAIRE MAKES THE MURDERS OF LAPORTE AND KIDNAPPERS OF JAMES CROSS HEROES. Any man , french or English or ANY ONE ELSE, THAT ORDERS A FIRING SQUAD TO KILL SOMEONE, AND USES the excuse of , its a provisional government , one which was NEVER RECOGNIZED by Canada, or any one else in authority, its bloody murder. You can sugarcoat it all you want trembly, but murder is murder. When riel went into exile in North Dakota and then New York , it was only then that he claimed to become the spiritual man he tried to portray at his trial.

    Same as you friends in quebec solidaire, that want to make the murderers of Pierre, LaPorte heroes, they are trying to pull the same stuff as you are with riel.

    FYI: I visited one of riel’s stronghold’s in Batoche Saskatchewan

    As for Bain, he has been deemed to have a mental illness. He has been tested and found to be mentally unstable. In fact, he has a long history of being treated for mental instability. What’s your problem with that, or do you deny facts that have been MEDICALLY PROVEN ?

    As for exhausting argument, do a just a bit of homework and you may actually LEARN something. You and pierre, still have not addressed the facts that it was THE french PREMIERS OF quebec that sold out their own people from 1920 through until late 1950’s

    You want history, here’s history, MacKenzie King offered quebec grants for both the economy and education , that these premiers flatly refused. WHY ? because “THEY wanted to invite UK and US companies to come, offer cheap labor, and tax incentives to these companies to set up shop. They knew better, yeah, right.

    That is why they purposely kept les habitants on the farm and ignorant, this allowed the cheap labor pool to continue into the 1960″s . The catholic Church also supported the premiers. For the record their names were, godbout, tachereau, and Duplessis.
    The modern day separatists were the ones that began to demand maitre chez nous.This was because the economic positons of power were in the hands of the English. Why, because the premiers did not educate the french , they kept out of education and, actually discouraged it. Yet the English were blamed for all that was wrong with quebec, when in fact it was the french themselves that allowed this to take hold.

    The quebec elite, many of whom were educated at college brebeuf, then finally instituted change, in the form of the quite revolution, and rightly so. However, as time passed radicals came into the mix, first led by pierre bourgault and then others followed. they bombed, pillaged, and blamed all of their bad fortunes, inaccurately on the English, because they WERE GIVEN POWER BY THEIR very own french predecessors.

    So please trembly, don’t go off half cocked and think you know more than me about quebec’s or Canada’s history, I am semi-retired now, but believe me, I know my History.

    FYI: The key to KNOWING HISTORY is taking primary and secondary sources and after reading an researching many, many of them, coming to a consensus and interrupting the facts as the consensus dictates.

    Not just going on wikapedia or some other “half baked sources” and deem them as gospel , like you tried to do with Saku Koviu and Randy Cunneyworth. I mention them, because I have a relative, who is extremely well connected in the NHL, so you don’t know what you are talking about when mentioning those players I initially alluded to.

    have a nice day eh

  2. @ trembly

    Can you please indicate where I am bias and blind in my arguments

    Given that my arguments are fact based and not given to the whims of either rhetoric or rant, I would be most interested in you giving me examples of bias .I feel I can support the English culture as adamantly as you can the french culture. Where we differ, is how the french IMPOSES ITS WILL ON ALL, without the slightest regard or care, that it does so, at the expense of another’s language and culture ( ENGLISH)

  3. Rosie
    March 26, 2013 at 3:44 pm

    Well said ,but logical application of french is not to be had.

    Richard tremblay
    March 26, 2013 at 3:50 pm

    “Regulation 17, restricted and eliminated every form of french education in our province. Limited the french language to 1hr a day.”

    Once again I do not agree with regulation 17 as it is OPPRESSIVE THE SAME AS BILL 101 .Thankfully it did not last long ,but bill 101 has ,2 wrongs do not make a right Richard.
    Bill 101 is just as oppressive as regulation 17 yet bill 101 remains on the books after 40+ years.

    Bill 101 remains a human rights issue the same as regulation 17, neither were right but only one remains on the books.

    “A good, decent person would say bain did a terrible thing and he doesn’t represent the LFA views. WHat do you do ? Ah, bain had a mental illness.”

    The act is undeniable ,but it still remains that Bain clearly has a mental illness ,yes an innocent person was killed ,but do not put blame on others as this remains a lone sick person.

    “Thank god my canada is inclusive and embraces every cultural difference”

    BULLPASTA not in Quebec.

    “I almost forgot, thank god for CFN because without knowing it they help the french cause. Because with all the racist, the discriminatory and the intolerant comment printed, this LFA crap will fade and go away.”

    OMG LMAOFD lol.lo.. That is too funny lol…lol… who was proven to be racist oh so many times …what color is the sky in your world …that or you are smoking way too much…lol

    Discriminatory, racist, intolerant that very much describes the Quebec government, this is so PASTA funny ,that I almost fell off my PASTA chair .
    You see Richard 60 countries and numerous media beyond that took issue with Quebec and its discriminatory behavior,and YOU DRINK THE SAME COOLAID AS QUEBEC.

  4. peter
    March 26, 2013 at 10:11 pm

    Very well said .

    “I find it funny that we ask for fairness like representation by population” or to stop Language oppression and yet they term us as Racist,discriminatory,oh yes intolerant .
    Yet that distinctly describes Quebec as 60 nations have noted ,but they still defend Quebec`s bill 101 which created the racism,discrimination and lack of tolerance.

    Wow if they defend this bill 101 that must mean they are …… Racists, intolerant and believe in discrimination -remember 60 countries took issue with PASTAGATE and bill 101`s intolerance .

    This Mayor said on TV that what is happening in Quebec is revenge on the anglophones ,yet they continue since the plains of Abraham to hold resentment.

  5. Rosie mon amie…..

    I doubled checked to make sure and absolutely in the french sector, one can get hired upon graduating, provided there is an opening. One is not guaranteed a job.

    A teacher who is bilingual of course will find a job before a unilingual applicant because they know both official languages of this country. That in itself is a bonus to the applicant’s resume.

    Check the school board websites, especially west of Cornwall, there are many jobs listed for french teachers, they are in demand. To know both official languages will benefit the students.

    As for qualifications, merit or whatever else, until one is part of the hiring process, no one can say for sure why an employee was successful or not.

  6. @ stella,

    You actually “checked” something” ?

  7. @ Rosie
    Interesting read 26,13, 3:47pm but iImust say that it’s not enough to know some teachers to judge what happens to all of the teachers of a province.
    I don’t understand your comment ”the immersion school was created so that an Anglo student sould learn French so why should a teacher who just wants to teach English have to know French???”
    Is that question not self explanatory? ”emersion”.

    “peter & highlander
    McGill should have a sign in French or bilingual because ”It’s the law” and if you graduated there, you should know that French is not predominant on it’s sign and that’s the point that I was making to correct you, or an other one of the nightmare clan, for saying that there is no English on signs, in la Belle Province.
    I would wager that the response that you will get from all those crazy and racist letters that you send out will be, a big fat ”0”…
    Wanna bet?

    I could fell you itching to tell us that you were an historian, for a long time… Well, now that you got it off your chess, may I say that you haven’t said anything about history that I did’nt already know, although I may have forgotten some of it.
    I’ve learned about the Battle of the Plains in the fourth (4) grade.
    In high school, I learned about the formation of Canada and about Louis Riel.
    Everybody also knows that that Duplessis wanted to keep the Québécois ignorant and on the farms as he believed that they would be easier to govern and that the Anglos were better at bussiness, at the time… Read my posts I’m the one who added that the catholic religion also plaid a role in keeping the Québécois uneducated (unless they wanted to become priests or doctors)
    As to, Premier, is name is Taschereau, not Tachereau, when faced with high enemployment he did encourage the return, on the farms, but he did help industrialize Québec.

    I may have said that I checked wikipedia when I wanted to read section 2b of the Charter, but I assure you that I do not rely on wikipedia alone for my information as, I know, as most people do, that wikipedia is not always a reliable source.

    Khadir wanting to honor Rose was a stupid idea and I did say that it would never pass and it did not. Nobody in Québec, would have accepted it and Khadir had to back track on that request.
    Very small of you, to spew your hate, for Québec, using that, for an excuse.

    As to Richard Blain, he was an obsessed lunatic who blew a gasket but, he was deemed to be fit, for trail… I wish I could expand on this and make comparisions, but I would risk being deleted.

    Again, you are fabulating. No one in Québec, including the PQ, blames the anglo minority for any bad fortune that our province may have suffered. ”Some blame the federal system we are in. But that’s different”.

    So peter, you’ve heard of the Nutty Professor and you’ve heard of the Mad Scientist. It would do you good, to think of them, the next time, you look into the mirror

  8. stellabystarlight
    March 27, 2013 at 8:44 am

    Representation by population that simple Stella ,now if bilingual is that necessary why does Quebec not want or encourage bilingual .

    Being that Anglophones/Allophones in Quebec are more bilingual proportionally then Francophone why is is they represent 2.5 million (17%+) of the population but only .002% are hired by Quebec?

    Once again having a grasp on the second language (French) which is one of 200 languages in Canada does not mean they are better qualified !

    Language should be an asset as opposed to mandated as this disregards any education or experience the person has that does not speak THE ONE LANGUAGE out of 200 languages.

    So Stella ,Richard and Pierre do you believe that language is more important the Merit?

  9. @Highlander RE:; comment posted March 27, 2013 at 7:29 am
    Highlander wrote, “I find it funny that we ask for fairness”

    Stopping your quote right there and just pondering on that for a moment gives me pause on occasion.

    I realize (something us English seem to be quite good at doing) that trying to find fairness as you said, “is the right thing to do” but, sometimes, given how the French and those in power in Quebec have shown their true selves to be (some call it showing their true colors) i get to thinking that we should simply accept that no matter how fair “we” want to be or try to be, “they” are simply going to continue to take advantage of every inch we give them so maybe it’s time to “play their game” go all out and simply straight out say as they do in Quebec.

    There has to be a common language in a country. It’s French or English. Well, when you’re 82 percent of the population the majority wants it to be (in the case of Canada) English.

    If they don’t like it then go live in Quebec when we have ALLOWED you to subvert the charter in order to debase the English people living there because after all, you want out of Canada anyways don’t you? Yes i KNOW you do.

    It seems obvious that even though we were the victors on the Plains of Abraham and THAT should be that. —

    (despite the fact that we can almost be sure, had they won, they wouldn’t offer such grace)

    — i would STILL even throw in the idea that we could apply some benefit, attributable to Canada’s “historical situation” to allow French to be served to “SOME DEGREE” within the federal government ONLY just as the original (and what seemed reasonable) request was back in the day.

    Long before this graceful acceptance by the English was warped by the French into the what we see happening today. A “demand” that Quebec (against the constitution) be TOTALLY French and that all the rest of Canada “cater to the French” and be totally bilingual.

  10. Imagine for a moment the population in Canada was 83 percent French and 17 percent Russian. And imagine for a moment that all grocery stores were owned by that small 17 percent Russian group. Further imagine that they decided that only the 17 percent part of the population who were able to speak Russian could buy groceries from the those stores. These being the only grocery stores in ALL of the country.

    Does that sound fair and right?

    Imagine how upset you S & P and P would be if someone then said to you, “we’ll you little lazy things you. All you have to do is learn Russian and voila, All your problems are solved and you can then buy your groceries.”

    Would you just accept this and run out and learn Russian cause that’s all you had to do to “solve this problem” or would you argue and say i don’t want to have to learn Russian JUST TO BUY my groceries in a country where i am part of the majority. THIS IS WRONG.

    If it were a case of representation by numbers wouldn’t it seem more fair if only 17 percent of the grocery stores could have such a stipulation ?

    That way you could AT LEAST still feed your family.

    But then, you would likely still be a upset and perturbed cause you MAY have to drive a little further or “heaven forbid” have to move from your home town where you feel so comfortable and where you are close to all your family in order to be in an area where those “other groceries stores” were located.

    Would you think, oh that’s fine, i’ll move as it’s easier or yet again, as part of the majority, wouldn’t you be outraged and wanting your government to stand up for you THE MAJORITY and make this right?

    i realize this is NOT a perfect example but there are some elements that drive the point home and before anyone retorts back with something about official languages etc I add this…

    The idea that there are two official languages DOES NOT (and has never) meant that the minority language deserves to be catered to 100 percent at the expense of the majority language. Nor does it mean that ALL services should be provided for the minority language either.

    After all,
    all you have to do is look at how Quebec handles it’s minorities to see that 🙂

    Contrary to what “some” have written here, Quebec does NOT treat it’s minorities very well.
    But who am i to say,

    Why don’t we just leave it to someone who said it much better than me…

    As he was “ramming repressive bill 101” through the legislature.

    Rene Levesque himself said,

  11. @ pierre,

    if that is the law, then as Mr. Bumble said in the musical “OLIVER TWIST”


    Nice of you to make so many u-turns when facts are pointed out to you, it only took since March 4th. when I posted these that you actually had time to try and see if my research was accurate, and it was.

    pierre, if you and your ilk, think that by forcing people to post, speak or restrict their language in favor of yours, it simply, is not and will not work. If bill 101 was actually effective , then why are the french numbers continuing to decline when they are “protected” by bill 101. pierre, I have said this many times, the french are LEAVING quebec, to have their children EDUCATED in English. Go to any retailers, and see what products are being bought, English videos, English CD’S

    What TV programs do they watch, US , ENGLISH, that’s why they have CABLE TV pierre. When the french cross the border they go to an ENGLISH country. How many go to the french islands in the St Lawrence? NONE

    So, please ,all bill 101 is doing, is making quebec and those that support this bill look very, very foolish. They have driven many of the English, out, which, is quebec’s loss. They have managed to make Toronto the business capital of Canada, instead of Montreal..

    They have brilliant Anglos from an array of professions and sent them packing, again quebec’s loss. The economy, has never, recovered from the exodus of English head officies that left Montreal in the late 1970’s. They also lost 400, 000 English quebeckers, whose revenue quebec will NEVER, EVER SEE AGAIN.
    You can multiply that by at least 3, because of their offspring, now living in other parts of Canada

    The cost to quebec has been devastating in both monetary and cultural loss, that quebec will never get back. The loss of francophone jobs, spins offs from English businesses that left are enormous.

    So, pierre, all bill 101 , the murders, the Bombs, the unfair and discriminatory laws have done, is that it has hurt quebec and the french MOST OF ALL

    If you and your ilk cannot see this, then you are blinder than I thought.

  12. You see peter, I actually work for a living so going through different sites is not really my thing. To continue to defend Mr Bain for the murder of an innocent victim shows your lack of logic and biased thinking. I bet you think that O.J. Simpson was an innocent man as well ?
    This ¨orangiste¨Thomas scott, your hero, harassed, threatened to kill Louis riel, fought, instigated treason and on top of everything else had a profound hatred for anything native. But, his trial was more fair then Louis Riel s. How many natives were there in Louis Riels jury ? How many francophones ? Louis Riels trial was a joke and the jury listened to louis riel explain his governments position for hours, IN ENGLISH might I add. The only reason Louis Riel was hanged was because John A. needed a scapegoat to appease the anglos.
    Howard we as francophones are still feeling the effects of regulation 17. English was forced by the Ontario government and they promoted assimilation throughout. Francophones had to fight for the right to be educated in their own language and by just speaking french in the school or hallways was grounds for dismissal or expulsion. I’ll repeat it cause you seem to have glossed over my previous comment, in Québec if you’re anglo, you have your own schools, own university, colleges. You can also post signs in english just as long as the french part is predominant. Have you been to Quebec since you left hudson howard ? Aside for a few individuals that refuse to learn french, Québec is doing fine. Québec is more bilingual then all the other provinces put together.

  13. Stella I made comments and asked just one question which you did not answer…Would the Francophone teachers you know teach Core French to English kids?

  14. Richard tremblay
    March 27, 2013 at 2:49 pm

    “To continue to defend Mr Bain for the murder of an innocent victim shows your lack of logic and biased thinking.”

    Nobody is defending Bian’s actions ,you continue to twist people statements to suit your agenda!

    When talking of the FLQ and RIN and the terrorizing of the population through Bombings and murders ,you directly compared Bain.

    The FLQ and RIN were organized terrorist groups who not only terrorized the English but the French as well.

    We have informed you that Bain is a lone mentally unstable person ,who has a history of mental illness.
    There is a difference between 2 organized terrorist groups and one lone sick individual of which no-one condones his act.

    You really have a warped sense of reality don’t you?
    Are you of need of medications because you clearly are misinforming yourself through delusions.

    Why do you drudge up Louis Riel he was a terrorist as well ,do you believe in terrorist acts against the state?
    That was ancient history like the Plains of Abraham but you and your ilk cannot accept the past.

    Its terrible that I see so many Irish and Scottish names and yet they don’t speak Gaelic -I think its the French’s fault
    It was the responsibility of the family to teach the language -NOT THE STATE!

    “Howard we as francophones are still feeling the effects of regulation 17. English was forced by the Ontario government and they promoted assimilation throughout.

    How are francophones still feeling regulation 17 which lasted what 2 years .

    “Francophones had to fight for the right to be educated in their own language and by just speaking french in the school or hallways was grounds for dismissal or expulsion.”

    Funny you and I don’t agree with regulation 17 ,but as for bill 101 you do agree with -once again both are repressive yet one lasted a few years and the other is still ongoing after 42+ years.

    So you don’t agree with assimilation in Ontario but you do in Quebec!
    In fact bill 101 is even more restrictive then regulation 17

    “Québec is doing fine. Québec is more bilingual then all the other provinces put together.”

    Quebec is the welfare state of Canada and relies on Canada for its survival with transfer payments ,if you think that is fine you really are delusional!

    Yes and the majority of them are anglophones.

  15. @ trembly

    I have a masters degree in history acquired well over 5 decades ago, I have researched many , MANY PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCES, AND I STILL WORK FOR A LIVING TODAY

    None of “my sources are found on sites”, that are both subject to interruption and questionable as to validity. I have been to Batoche, I have spoken to Metis, and I read the actual accounts of this issue.
    Thomas could not instigate treason of any sort, since there was NO COUNTRY TO ILLICIT TREASON involved in this dispute.

    To be Charged or even accused of treason, their must be a country to exist , so a charge of treason can be laid, sir ? Do you not comprehend what the charge of treason entails ? riel , on his own, formed a provisional government that was not recognized, so how could any charge of treason be implemented ? That is pure nonsense.

    As for Thomas Scott, yes, you are correct in that he threatened riel, probably even hated him, but you don’t murder some one for threatening people or even hating them ? If that were the case, then millions of us would be in jail. Think sir ,think !!!
    As well, the lands in question, Rupert’s land, was BOUGHT from the Hudson’s bay company BY CANADA, Scott was one of the representatives of this land appointed by the government of the day.

    You seem to think this was a linguistic issue, you keep harping on Native, and English, this was a murder trial. it was brought by the Canadian government of the day, and to the best off my knowledge, English was the majority language ,as it still is today.
    Why do you have a problem , with the fact that English, has, is, and always will be, the majority in this country?

    Please quote where I “defended” Mr. Bain. I did say he was mentally unstable, how does that translate into me defending him ? I also stated that he has a history of mental illness. Again , how does that translate into me defending him ?? Both of these statements are factual.


    I believe that if Mr. Bain is found to be Legally sane, and able to stand trial, that if he is found guilty, then I believe that he should hang. Is this clear enough for you. I am a believer in capital punishment, regardless of weather the accused is English, french or any from any other language.

    Certainly he won’t get the deal the FLQ got when they murdered Pierre LaPorte “IN COLD BLOOD”, and then returned years later to a heroes’ welcome in quebec. They also kidnapped Mr. Cross and virtually did NO TIME for that crime.

    FYI : In the US , kidnapping is punishable from 25 years to life, WITHOUT PAROLE. here, the FLQ walked.

    So please trembly, I say again, you know nothing about me, my academic background, experiences or the like. But if its a debate you want on the issues, as they relate to Canadian History, and quebec, I can more than hold my own.

  16. howard wrote: Representation by population that simple Stella ,now if bilingual is that necessary why does Quebec not want or encourage bilingual .

    Again…..this is Ontario, Quebec is a different province…..did you know that? Rosie and I were discussing about Ontario schools, ca-vas? Aye parfois tu es niaiseux!!!

    yorlik wrote: There has to be a common language in a country. It’s French or English

    Says who? YOU? The english freedom fighters want to rule, you have proven us right again. Know what? It’s not going to happen.

    Rosie, core french? This is not a term used in the french sector. The french that is taught is proper french, oral and written. They just don’t scrape the surface….what would be the purpose.

  17. Pierre you never seem to understand my comments but in the case of Immersion Program and English teacher I will try to explain again.
    The French Immersion Program in English school includes the study of French as a second language, and the study of several other subjects taught in French, for a total of 150 minutes of instruction per day (50 per cent of the day).
    So why does a teacher have to speak French to teach the other 1/2 of the school day. Now again, these are kids from English homes…and outside the classroom, no one is monitoring them to see if they are speaking French, unlike the French Board. So there is no reason for the English teacher to have to speak French in the English School that offers Immersion Programs…Hope I made myself clear.

  18. You know darn well that louis riel did not murder anyone. He was the head of the provisional government and reacted to constant attacks from tomas scott. Thomas Scott was antagonistic bastard who only wanted to help eliminate the natives. He had no business being anywhere near the sacred native land. You know darn well your getting off on a technicality by repeating the reasons given by john a and many anglos. Biased again. RIel wasn’t judged fairly. I have a question for you. How many metis, natives or francophones were there in the jury that convicted louis riel ? In the middle of his rhum and cokes, John A needed to appease the anglos and he did, by killing louis riel.
    Bain walked into a place with the single purpose of killing pauline marois. Murdered and injured 2 people .Yelled out ¨Les anglais se réveillent !¨ And all you can say is its not his fault he was insane. Come on are you for real ? No sympathy shown for dead father and husband. OK, I’ll repeat it, bill 101 does not restrict anglos from attending english schools. Regulation 17 lasted more then 2 years and it banned french schools. Cette profonde haine que tu as des francophones est frustrante. Tu me rappelles du proverbe suivant: ¨Attention, lorsqu’on pète plus haut que son derrière, on a mauvaise haleine.¨

  19. @ highlander
    For the 1zillionth time.
    In Canada and in québec and where need be: language is merit!!!!!!

  20. @edudyorlik

    You are nobody to say.

    1million+ Anglos and Alophones accept to live, in Québec, with law 101.

    54% of them believe that law 101 is necessary to protect the French language, in Québec.

  21. @ tremblly.

    I will relate to you the history of this event. You can deny, deny deny, but these are the facts:

    Louis rRiel set up a provisional government, that was both illegal and not recognized by Canada. The land in question, that you refer to as native lands, were actually OWNED BY THE HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY. ( this was called RUPERT’S LAND ) Canada “legally” PURCHASED These lands from the HBC.( hudson’s bay Company)

    Scott was sent as one of the administrators to over see the transfer. When Riel formed his ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT, they began by capturing men that represented Canada, among them general Boulton. Fearing reprisals,Riel later released Boulton from Fort Garry , near Winnipeg.

    However, Thomas Scott, again attempted to approach these lands, that were “legitimately purchased by Canada” in order to carry out his duty. He was “arrested” by an illegitimate ” government and then tried for of all things TREASON. How one can be charged with treason “without a country” , to be treasonous against, is beyond me.
    Riel, ORDERED a tribunal, conducted by one of his lieutenants Ambroise Lepine. they tried Scott as I stated for treason. By a 5 to 2 margin he was found guilty, and sentenced to whatever RIEL felt was appropriate, in Scott’s case death, by firing squad.

    So, here it is:

    1) the provisional government was not legitimate.

    2) they had “no power” to try, and sentence anyone. this was frontier justice.

    3) treason, is a crime that DIRECTLY relates to a country,. here there no country involved.

    4) Riel acted on his own, his government was NOT FREELY ELECTED or represented any elected entity.

    5) No other governments anywhere even recognized his government. It was his OWN CREATION

    So the entire so- called tribunal, was nothing more than a kangaroo court, with NO LEGITIMATE POWER , therefore Scott’s entire tribunal, and sentence, was in fact, MURDER

    AS for the jurors that sat in judgement of Riel, he was tried in a Canadian court, because, he murdered a Canadian. There were no french, or native, because as I stated before, Canada was, and still is the majority in this country. During this period, that Riel was tried, the mores ( that means values trembly ) were very, very different.
    We are talking here of the 1884-85 when Riel was tried. You are trying to compare, the value system then to now some 118 years ago. There were no women that sat on juries then either. There were also no non-citizens that sat on juries. Think a bit here trembly.
    John A. MacDonald, did what was demanded by law, after Riel was found guilty, and carried out the sentence, for that time period, which was hanging.

    FYI: John A. MacDonald was a straight gin drinker. If you know anything at all about Sir John A. , he was NOT EVER AN APPEASER if you read the “Pacific Scandal “episode of 1872, you would have known that. If anything he was his Own Man. If he wanted to appease the Anglos, regarding Riel, he would have sent a much larger force to contain him a lot earlier. However, by murdering Scott, he now was “put in a position” of having to carry out Canadian law.
    This was thanks to Riel , who ordered Scott to be shot.

    trembly, please show where I said it was not Bain’s fault. Can you not read what I have written . What are you smoking sir???

    Here is what I said;


    And finally, bill 101 does restrict English education.

    What it states is that in order to attend an English, both parents have to be educated in English in quebec. So, any Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Germans, etc, or Americans, who happen to have been educated in their native countries , “cannot” send their children to English schools. Since most of the English school system were staffed by people who have parents not educated in quebec, this dismantled the English school system by 75% over the last 43 years.

    In addition, anyone wanting to send their children to English school has to provide PROOF of birth as well as other restrictions.


    Read bill 101, its in there

    Is there anything else I can teach you this evening trembly ???

    you certainly need some sort of course in history and the like, you are very, very weak in both knowledge and support for your so called arguments

  22. @ pierre

    Who is threatening he french ? How ??

    Why ??

    Where is your proof, other than wikapedia or stats that have no validity

    Why are french numbers declining after you have passed a laws to protect the french ( bill 101 )

    How come the french never disappeared before bill 101 ?

  23. @ stella,

    you talk about everything, and yet say nothing.

  24. stellabystarlight
    March 27, 2013 at 4:30 pm

    Says who? YOU? The english freedom fighters want to rule, you have proven us right again. Know what? It’s not going to happen.

    Stella{MODEDRATED}-You keep saying that we -rights fighters want to rule ,still not getting it.
    Perhaps there is a mental deficit here and and you are incapable of understanding what we want a Measurable ,fair equitable approach to bilingualism .REPRESENTATION BY POPULATION.

    IS there something unfair with this?

    You did not answer this simple question I asked of you Richard and Pierre:

    So Stella ,Richard and Pierre do you believe that language is more important the Merit?

  25. Richard tremblay
    March 27, 2013 at 8:28 pm

    Peter I am starting to think the fraud squad have Mental deficits ,the truth is explicitly explained and they deny it.
    We explain to them very well that we do not agree with what Bain has done yet …they remain confused and seem with their mental deficits to twist their own beliefs.

    Fraud Squad Having Mental deficits does not limit you as being bilingual the government will except you as management.

    “Bain walked into a place with the single purpose of killing pauline marois. Murdered and injured 2 people .Yelled out ¨Les anglais se réveillent !¨ And all you can say is its not his fault he was insane. Come on are you for real ?”

    Nobody here is condoning the act PERIOD -can you read English PERIOD !The act was wrong and all we said he was a loner who has a history of mental illness.

    You compared BAIN with The FLQ AND RIN ,The difference is Bain was a mentally Ill loner who did commit the act.
    FLQ AND RIN were a group of organized terrorist who bombed hundreds of times and murdered and maimed .

    Need I remind you the FLQ and RIN terrorized the population French and English -BUT THEY REMAIN YOUR HERO’s

    Regulation 17 was wrong yes ,but so is bill 101 which is even more repressive!

    It’s like saying you don’t agree with black segregation ,but you do for Chinese segregation .
    Neither are right!

    March 27, 2013 at 9:52 pm
    “In Canada and in québec and where need be: language is merit!!!!!!”

    Still not getting the question:

    So Stella ,Richard and Pierre do you believe that language is more important the Merit?

    Language is an asset ,yes, but should it be the determining factor in hiring?

    March 27, 2013 at 10:24 pm
    “54% of them believe that law 101 is necessary to protect the French language, in Québec.”

    So that remains 46% do not ,yet its not the anglophones that believe in bill 101.

    March 28, 2013 at 12:47 am
    @ stella,you talk about everything, and yet say nothing.

    That is so funny ,so true yet so funny :no facts ,no information based data ,Just pure propaganda .
    Grebiels could have used her on his GERMAN PROPAGANDA TEAM!

  26. Here we go again……the piper on his attack mode.

    the piper wrote: So Stella do you believe that language is more important the Merit?

    For the 5,000 time……one is as important as the other, however, as an employer, it is my choice and mine alone to decide who is the best candidate and who best meets my needs. It is no one else’s business who I hire, especially not any of your business thats for sure.

    Again for the 5,000 Howie…….unless you are part of the hiring process you don’t know dick. The employer’s choice of candidate is their own….got that??

  27. peter wrote: @ stella, you talk about everything, and yet say nothing.

    Well peter…’s like this. When a guy like you has to brag about himself and repeat ad nauseum about his education, where he has been, who he knows along with all the other BS, that in itself is an indication of insecurity.

    Another sign of insecurity, is your never ending attacks on others which were deleted time and time again………to the point of forbidden you to ever post again if you did not change your attitude. That speaks volumes…….

    We aware by now, you are the smartest one of all the english freedom fighters and in fact the smartest one on the www. So please…..find something new to say **smile**

  28. stellabystarlight, when the employer is a city, provincial or federal government, it is NOT THEIR choice alone on who to hire. Because someone adds bilingual to a job, does not mean it is justified.

  29. “For the 5,000 time……one is as important as the other, however, as an employer, it is my choice and mine alone to decide who is the best candidate and who best meets my needs. It is no one else’s business who I hire, especially not any of your business thats for sure.”

    As a private employer yes it is the choice of that employer ,but as for a government entity it is the public’s business to know that the best employee was hired for the job.

    So you are saying language is just as important as Education and experience ?

    If language is just as important ,why refuse to look at the resume in the first place because they are not bilingual -Therefore merit is not as important?

    If all things were considered equal why not look at the person’s resume that is not bilingual if you say “one is as important as the other”?

    If that employer is the government -yes we do have a say as it is our taxes that support this!

    March 28, 2013 at 8:09 am
    peter wrote: @ stella, you talk about everything, and yet say nothing.

    But he is right Stella “a lot about nothing”****SMILE*****

  30. You just don’t get it piper..

    piper wrote: language is just as important ,why refuse to look at the resume in the first place because they are not bilingual -Therefore merit is not as important?

    If I need a bilingual employee and you are not bilingual……why apply. You don’t qualify……..simple enough.

  31. stellabystarlight
    March 28, 2013 at 9:26 am

    You just don’t get it piper..

    “If I need a bilingual employee and you are not bilingual……why apply. You don’t qualify……..simple enough.”

    You just don’t get it Stella :

    As you said language is equal to merit why not look at the merit even though they are not bilingual ?

    Simple language is deemed more important then merit!

    So it is you that do not get it Stella:

    You stated yourself that “language is as important then merit “,but if you exclude the applicant based on language requirements you are as well excluding Merit!

    For if merit were truly equal to language the applicant would not be excluded on language alone!

  32. @ Rosie
    Well ” clearer”
    But it sounds to me you girls may be splitting hairs.
    I just got involved, in that exchange because, I wanted to understand what you were saying.

    @ Peter
    You have the old version of the Louis Riel story. It was accepted for a very long time but, as you know, he was a very controversal figure and the work of many generations of real specialists still have not been able to shed the light (clarify) on his mental state, he may have been more unstable than murder suspect Bain, or in his role in the North West Rebellion…
    One thing is for sure though, and very much verifiable, is the ideas that motivated Bain, ideas that he voiced at his arrest : ”The Anglos are waiking up” are shared, and expressed, by you(s).
    So, the most important question should not be whether he was crazy or not but, what do we do to appease the other like minded Anglos that are running free so that they do not blow a fuse, as he did?

    As to your question. Who is threatening the Francophone? Well you(s) do by refusing to accept the need to protect the very fragile official French language,
    by inticing others to do the same,
    by refusing to buy from francophone or francophile bussinesses
    or by inticing others to do the same.
    But in a wider sense the French language is threatened by the sheer number of Anglophones sharing this country and in the USA. The attration of the English language is like that of no other, in the world, today.

    Do you really believe that the decission to designate a job bilingual is taken without any ratlonality behind it?
    I doubt that , very much.

  33. I believe there has been a lot of thought putting bilingual into job ad’s. Very few only speak French and only a very few more feel more comfortable speaking French over English, but the thought has only been to add more French to society.

    In the last 30 years we have not seen a budge in our bilingual rates, but with hundreds of taxpayer funded and various governments support for Francophone groups, we will either see the English & new Canadians take notice and complain, or the bilingual rate will be bumped up.The government is “banking” on it creating votes.

  34. Pierre, the French language is not a rare bird or tree species, we are often told how useful it is around the world, but if Francophones want to keep the language alive they should teach their kids. Why do all Canadians need to pay for it?

    Many Scot’s came to Canada (Upper & Lower) only knowing a Celtic language, there was even a Celtic only newspaper for many years in Ontario until people learned English. Maybe we can learn from a time before the State sponsored social programs.

  35. @ pierre,

    The fact that the sheer numbers are dropping, does not make that a threat. Numbers,( populations) go up and down all the time and for a variety of reasons. Economy, floods, disease, weather, etc. etc.
    Pierre, as I stated many times, BEFORE bill 101, before the language cops, before the 1960’s , when these policies and laws were NOT IN PLACE, the french flourished. Simply there was NO NEED for them to even exist.
    These language laws and the like, were put in place as an “excuse” to attain POWER and CONTROL Period. Take along look at what mayor Gendron said in Huntington. There are other prominent francophones, including Gilles Villeneuve, who believe the same thing as mayor,Grendron . How was he treated by the franophones, his home and car vandalized. This is your society, pierre and how it reacts when anyone disagrees with language policies there, or language laws. You condone this ? This is OK with you ? This is the type of society you want to raise children in ?
    A while back I posted a series of questions, the entire post was to ask why do the french feel the way that they do and other pertinent questions? Please refer back to that post, I would be very interested in hearing what you have to reply to these questions.

    As I outlined to you before, it was the french themselves that GAVE ECONOMIC POWER to the English and Then kept the french on the farms and uneducated.

    If there was any threat at all, it was from the french themselves.

    For God’s sakes man read “YOUR HISTORY ”

    AS for Bain, can you please read my quote from last evening at 11:54.

    How many times can I say this:



    There are no” VERSIONS ” of the Riel story. There are facts. keep in mind Riel murdered Scott in 1870, but was tried in 1885.
    Also, keep in mind, Riel was an extremely bright, businessman and, as well a teacher. He also could command an audience and was very well versed in law. This is why he fled IMMEDIATELY after ordering the murder of Scott. He knew what he ordered was murder. This has been documented from the archives in North Dakota . The question of his sanity came into play many, many years later, but at the time Scott was murdered, Riel, showed NO SIGNS of any mental illness. Again, this has been documented.

    I really wish you guys would do your homework, I should get my standard fee of $40.00 per hour. tutoring fee .

    Didn’t any of you”the fraud squad” go to school ???

  36. @ stella,

    I am very proud of my accomplishments, it took a lot of “hard work ” study and an open mindedness, of which you are unfamiliar

    Insecurity stems, not from one’s accomplishments and pride in them, but in an innate knowledge that one doesn’t quite know what one “thinks” they know. Does this sound familiar to you ?

    Not only do I hold masters, I have also owned three businesses. One, in transportation, one in travel and one, I am still active in ,stocks and financial planning.

    As I have said to people before, “I do not suffer fools well ”

    This means that when people say or post blogs here, and they are so inaccurate and false , that it makes my blood boil. , I have to react. But, a wise man learns from his mistakes and respects the forum he is blogging on. So, now, I try to respond, with facts and also to try to control the emotions that sometimes run rampant, when I have to read, the blogs of people, who to quote Jesus on the cross ” forgive them father, for they KNOW NOT what they say

  37. @ Eric
    The francophone parents do teach their kids French.
    No problem there.
    Your mistake is that you are treating the French language like the first language of all other Canadian minorities while it is not… Never has been and never will be.
    So please, get this in your head, once and for all. You’ll be a better Canadian for it. French is the language of one of the two recognized founding people of Canada.
    That means that it has the same value and the same rights as does the English language.
    The fact that there are more Anglos that Francos is irrelevant, in the Federal government and in it’s institutions except that there is that clause ”where numbers warrent”. It is applied when possible. At this point in time, There are more Francos in the FPS than numbers warrent because, the number of bilingual Anglos is insufficiant but, the the disparity is closing as more and more of you are learning French.

    To your question : Should every Canadian have to pay for the cost of bilingualism?
    All Canadians should and do pay for the cost of bilingualism at the federal level and, the tax payers of each province pay for the cost of bilingualism, in their province…
    I understand that the cost of bilingualism is much higher in Ontario. I don’t know where the money goes.
    Some professionnal analists find that to be very suspect and misleading.

    There will always be a need for bilingualism in Canada.
    My question to you Eric is.
    Why would you have only, the Francophone pay for it?


  38. @


    So, if a doctor is not bilingual he is not hired.

    He may be one’s of the world’s most renown in his field, he may be at the head of his class, the best. have great experience and a flawless record, but no bilingual no hire . gottach ya

    but, if a doctor is bilingual, he is hired, even though he may be questionable surgeon, may not have been at the head of his class, has been say, reprimanded , has a poor overall record

    So here is the question, and this can apply to any field.

    Would someone, be rather treated by a competent doctor, who is not bilingual, or a doctor that is bilingual, but is a lousy doctor?

    This can apply to any position, job, service provider etc.

  39. Eric wrote: Because someone adds bilingual to a job, does not mean it is justified. OH Ok……PLEASE!!!! lol

    Pray tell, who are you to judge whether it is justified or not? Until you are part of Administration…… don’t know. Just by repeating it is unjustified, doesn’t make it so

    piper wrote but as for a government entity it is the public’s business to know that the best employee was hired for the job.

    OMG NOW THAT IS FUNNY. Yep the entire country will have a say on who should be hired. So I guess the english freedom fighters would decide who is the best employee

    again piper wrote: If language is just as important ,why refuse to look at the resume in the first place because they are not bilingual


    Piper the key word is: REQUIREMENT……..NOW DO YOU GET IT?


  40. Pierre
    March 28, 2013 at 11:11 am

    As to your question. Who is threatening the Francophone? Well you(s) do by refusing to accept the need to protect the very fragile official French language,

    Pierre the native languages are fragile near extinction ,how about their protection ?

    How are our actions threatening the french language ?
    Once again to maintain language and culture you must teach it to your youth ,not by forcing it on others through legislation.

    Should we lay blame on another culture (french)that all these Scottish and Irish names in Canada and they do not speak Gaelic?



    If you cant except that its your responsibility to maintain your own language and culture ,then it will demise.

    The world is watching Quebec and its responses to its minorities ,this will hold Canadian government accountable for its minorities treatments .

  41. This whole thing is getting offside, first of the topic, and then proof we need a cross country discussion. Clear goals, definitions and true and actual needs as it relates to language.

    Pierre, as one example, Heritage Canada gave $717,000 last year to promote French only with one of hundreds of groups. Just over half of that went to salaries to Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario. Certainly federally, but also Ontario is increasing the number of roles calling for bilingual, but still saying to high school students that 1 out of 30 credits in French is enough. The lack of fairness is obvious.

    French can have the same status and recognition all day, but realistically, we will never have everyone bilingual, and there certainly has been a big push.

    How is that going to help English seniors in a Montreal nursing home as more language bills come into play? That is French in Quebec & bilingual everywhere else.

    My goodness stellbystarlight, how many government workers have you spoken with say this year alone, that are in bilingual positions but do not use it? How many have had to become or take courses just because of this working in the language of your choice?

  42. @ stella,

    if a province, say Ontario, that is 92% English, why would bilingualism be a requirement in the first place ?

    If 9.2 of every person doing business with you is English ?

    This makes no sense and is extremely costly

    Simply put the NEED IS NOT THERE. therefore the so-called requirement not necessary

  43. @ stella,

    As owner of my travel and ground transportation business, I was in the administration, so I do know, how hiring works.

    If the MAJORITY of my clients are English, and they were, there was simply NO NEED of making bilingualism a REQUIREMENT. This is COMMON SENSE. The same applied to my current stock and financial planning business.

    when the majority of your business is in English, why do you need Bilingualism , it is NOT JUSTIFIED.

    That’s like saying, I live with a family of three , however, I will shop for a family of 10, buy a house for a family of ten just in case someone drops in, that never does. So I have wasted time and resources and energy for nothing.

    I pay higher food bills, higher home taxes, higher upkeep, higher everything, and for what nothing. There is simply NO NEED.

  44. @ Stella
    You keep calling them ”freedom fighters” and they are not.
    They are for the subjucation of francophone Canadians.
    That is in total opposition to the values of freedom.
    You validate their effort by calling them so.
    They don’t deserve such an honor.
    Don’t you think, as I do that ”the nightmare clan” is much more appropriate?

  45. @ pierre,

    great name, “the nightmare clan”

    can you give us our very own moniker too, pierre,

    I am glad you are at least realizing that nighmare is what all of you will have once the word gets out about forced bilingualism and of, course that embarrassment called quebec.
    In all of your posts here pierre, and the use of that glorified dictionary, wikapedia, did you ever LOOK UP THE WORD FREEDOM ?

    Its means right to free choice. Now, if you want I can explain that to you, because your posts and that of stella and trembly ,reflect the opposite of what free choice entails.

    Just trying to be helpful

  46. @ Peter
    Your hypothesises, march 28, 1:50 pm, are ridiculous and totally bogus. That is clearly proven by, guess who’s, previous statements… ”Yours”…
    Because in an other case, you believed that a francophone paramedic, who was not bilingual, was not fit to save a little anglophone girl’s life, who may have been dying, on the floor.

  47. Ok, peter has contacts in the federal government, provincial government, was in the education field, living in Québec, Ontario, travelled to Winnipeg, owned a travel business, was in administration, was a history major….come on… are trying to sell me some land on the moon or something. You have a really warped view of history and called a great canadian such as louis riel a murderer. What I’ll suggest is to stop reading stuff that only shares your views. Diversify, it would broaden your way of thinking and dare I say make you more logical. Its a well known fact john a died of cirrhosis. John A macdonal n’était qu’un suiveur.
    – Getting back to the trial, learned a few things today asked a history teacher.In Riels provincial government he had reserved a very important place for anglos. He wanted to be legitimate. And when he tried scott, a traitor, he was even despised by a lot of anglos at that time. They captured him and let him go more then once and warned him not to come back. Scott was a bastard and antagonistic, riel had not choice. And on top of everything else, he was tried by a variety of cultural differences. He gave scott that curtesy, john A didnt return the favor. John A wasn’t a leader, he was an alcoholic follower.

  48. No metis, no french guys, no minorities in riels trial. I guess John A sealed the deal really wanted Riel, a great canadian hero die.

  49. @ pierre

    We are talking abut the “necessity “of bilingualism not the requirement. Are following along here ???

  50. @ pierre,

    How about those francophones that keep leaving quebec, in order to educate their children IN ENGLISH

    How about 92 % of an English province, serving a community where 92 out of 100 people served are ENGLISH are English.

    Why again is bilingualism necessary ?

    Yet quebec, has NO POLICY of bilingualism, Why again are we supposed to adopt that policy .

    OH , pierre, the para-medic CHOOSE NOT TO SPEAK ENGLISH<,IN AN EMERGENCY,

    The scenario I presented to you, was of necessity of hiring, based on criteria not applicable to your reference.

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