CFN – Members and friends of the Cornwall Quilters’ Guild were busy all day Thursday and again Friday morning setting up for their first-ever giant two day event at Trinity Church in Cornwall’s Original Mile Square. 613 guests visited their many displays, which showcased 182 quilts and quilted items, such as jackets, wall hangings and bags.
As guests entered Trinity Church, many a jaw was observed to drop in amazement at the sight before them.

“It’s lovely. The lighting lends to the show and the windows and the architecture, everything; it’s a perfect mix! – Joyce from Montreal“

The $6 admission included a ballot for attendees to vote on their favourite creation. One of Nancy Woolven’s quilts was named Viewers’ Choice.

The guild undertakes many initiatives which benefit the local community, such as making quilts for Cornwall Hospice, residents at St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre and for recipients of Habitat for Humanity homes.

Twelve vendors of quilting goods participated including both local and from as far away as Brockville and Ottawa. There was a Boutique where the public could purchase quilted related items made by guild members as well as gently used patterns and books for a token fee. Draws were held for 18 door prizes. A canteen with refreshments was available for anyone who wanted lunch or just to sit and have a cup of tea. Guild members were available to answer any questions.

Event coordinator Sharon Magee lead a committee comprised of Becky Lama, Sally Blacker, Helen Spencer, Hazel Campbell, Barbara McLean, Helene Couture, Carol Campbell, Carolyn Filion and Nora Cavanaugh.
If you missed the show or would like a chance to re-visit it, simply take a gander at the clip below.
The guild meets from September to May, every third Monday of the month, at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, 1509 Second St. West, at 7pm. They have 65 members, who range from beginners to expert quilters. In addition to their charitable work, they create quilts for family and friends. The group meets for a full day once a month where they enjoy quilting and visiting with each other. Visitors and new members are always welcome at the guild.
Quilts on the Seaway – Cornwall Quilters Guild
Trinity Anglican Church
105 2nd St. West, Cornwall
Hours: Fri April 19 1-8, Sat April 20 10-4
Fantastic photography Don
Gorgeous work ladies! Lots to see.
I must admit though that I went down not only to see the quilts but to purchase 2 for myself. Didn’t realize that it was a show only on the quilts. Lots of other smaller items for purchase though. Worth a look!
Lovely show – wish I lived closer – hope your guild will continue to have your show in such a lovely setting. Nice turn out for your first show. Congratulations! on your success. & thank you for the wonderful video.