CFN – Is Cornwall Ontario Mayor Bob Kilger about to be called on his Conflict of Interest allegations? Legal documents presented to CFN seem to clearly show that.
The document looks similar to the one used against Mayor Rob Ford in Toronto over his conflict of interest. In this case the Mayor of Cornwall Ontario has been alleged to have used his office in helping his son attain an $80K per year firefighting position.
An Order, pursuant to section 10(1)(b) of the Act, disqualifying the Respondent from being a member of Cornwall City Council for a period of seven years;
The judge in the Rob Ford case chose to to impose such a disqualification. Could a judge not disqualify Mayor Kilger if found guilty?
Ontario Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne’s office has refused to comment on the tragedy and scandal connected to the Kilger (Former Liberal Whip & friend of resigned Premier & MPP Dalton McGuinty) Council that includes lawyer and City Councilor Bernadette Clement who was part of the Premier’s transition team. Ms Wynne had plenty though to comment about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (a Conservative)
Super lawyer Will McDowell should be familiar with such a charge as his firm represented Rob Ford.
Mr. McDowell tangled with Hickley Lawyer Fay Brunning in their opening hearing where the city provided no defense simply attempting to have the case tossed on technicalities.
At one point Mr. McDowell suggested Ms Brunning was grandstanding.
And at another he suggested that he’d have no issue with a change of venue.
Mr. McDowell is a partner at Lenczner Slaght. LINK
We will be updating this story as more details become available.
What do you think Cornwall?
Do you think Cornwall Ontario Mayor Bob Kilger helped his son get his job on the Fire Department and is in Conflict of Interest? You can post your comments below. Do you think Mayor Kilger is getting a free pass from Queen’s Park because of Partisan party politics?
Kilger has gotten away with just about everything but murder! Time for him to step down. Everyone in Cornwall knows that he thinks and acts like nobody can touch him, no matter how many rules he breaks. The Cornwall taxpayers will always foot the bill for his cover-ups…..well until now. Your days are numbered BOB!
Politicians are untouchable, They create laws to protect themselves for the decisions made by the BUREAUCRACTS. When was the last time you saw a Politian charged and convicted
Yes I do believe Mayor Bob Kilger acted illegally by interfering in the hiring process and I do believe that his old side kick CAO Fitz had the process changed to accommodate the result that they wanted
otherwise Kilger’s son would not have been given the job . I base
my opinion on the Hickley letters as published but not yet proven in court . IT seems the City are doing everything they can with the assistance of hired expensive Lawyers to refute Robt Hickley in the hope he’ll run out of money & go away . WIN OR LOOSE in Court
& I hope it’s a win, at the next election a real change must occur we Taxpayers should Turf them out of elected office .
Humonculous Kilger must be fired from the city and returned to Ape Kingdom at the zoo.
This is music to my ears!!! What goes around comes around,Mayor will find out soon that Karma can be a bitch
As long as Bobby feels secure in his ivory tower, his henchmen will fear him. He can do no evil. Will the RCMP need to be call in to sort out this characters chafe?
Bare Ass has to go pronto and never again to show his face around council or anywhere. The sooner the better.