Discrimination. The big D word. A word most readily used by many though rarely meritable in its’ use. In our contemporary world of political correctness, discrimination is one of many ‘buzzwords’ that forms a politicians’ lexicon of verbal spaghetti. Political figures love to throw around the idea that one group of people are often discriminated against by another group of people or even by a nation’s laws. It is a fantastic vote grabber for those most instrumental in the art of politics. The truth however, in this day and age, is that rarely are modern-day laws discriminatory in their practice, right?
Have you ever heard of the concepts of affirmative action or what we like to call employment equity in Canada? These are concepts that were instituted into Canadian law to help level the playing field for those who have traditionally suffered the ill consequences of discrimination; especially in the job market. Under the Constitution Act of 1982, containing the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; equity legislation is detailed therein. The Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) is enforced by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and it is this commission that deals with whether or not discrimination has taken place in the workplace.
The following details the issue of Prohibited Grounds of Discrimination in Canada: (Belcourt, Bohlander, & Snell, Managing Human Resources, 5th Canadian Edition, 2008).
Race or colour
Physical or mental disability
Dependence on alcohol or drugs
Marital status
Family status
Sexual orientation
National or ethnic origin (including linguistic background)
Ancestry of place of origin
Social Condition or origin
Source of income
Assignment, attachment or seizure of pay
Based on association
Political belief
Record of criminal conviction
Pardoned conviction
While appearing like a fair and equitable approach to the issue of fairness in hiring practices; employment equity actually creates the framework for unfair hiring criteria – whereby the best qualified person may be the most successful candidate but may not be chosen due to government imposed employment equity legislation. Case-in-point; consider the possibility of two highly qualified candidates applying for the same government or private sector industry, job. One candidate, a qualified counselor who, as a child, was raised in the atmosphere of a same sex marriage; understands the very real social challenges faced by his/her same sex parents. One could surmise that not only is this individual qualified as a counselor; but has the added experience of being raised in a non-traditional family setting, outside of the traditional nuclear family. The other candidate is also a highly qualified counselor but is a homosexual. By the very definition and reasoning for employment equity, chances are that the successful candidate will be chosen due to his/her sexuality and not necessarily for his/her skills.
Another scenario if you will. Imagine an Aboriginal couple fostering a non-Aboriginal child who is raised and immersed in Aboriginal culture. He/she has a university/college education associated with his/her chosen field; speaks an Aboriginal language, is well-versed in the culture and customs associated with the First Nation and has all the credentials required of someone who could work for a government or non-government Aboriginal organization. The other candidate also has some or most of these qualifications but has one added qualification. Their ethnicity or race is of a First Nation. Once again, by the very definition and reasoning for employment equity, chances are that the successful candidate will be chosen due to his/her ethnicity or race and not necessarily for his/her skills.
Sound like rare or improbable cases and scenarios to you? I can attest that they’re not. They’re increasingly happening everyday in Canada and Human Resources professionals have had to contend with the issue of unfair hiring criteria that these laws have created since at least 1995 with the Employment Equity Act.
If you think at this point that our Canadian employment laws are unfair and unjustified then I have even more bad news for you. Consider the above information I’ve provided about Employment Equity. Add to this the increasingly unfair bilingual language requirements as well and you can see where things are headed. A politically correct society where in the quest for fairness we’ve permitted a very unfair system to flourish unchallenged by the people themselves. We need to ask ourselves if Canada’s employment and language laws are really a reflection of what we encompass and value as a society or if our various levels of government are attempting through social engineering, to shape and mould the people’s consciousness to the system itself. In other words, do the people work for the system or should the system work for the people?
Ever heard of the concept of a ‘bona fide occupational qualification’? Believe it or not, this concept currently exists in Canada and it allows for discrimination in hiring! That’s right folks. You read that correctly. In the very ‘Act’, the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) whose existence is to prohibit discriminatory hiring practices there exists government-sponsored discriminatory hiring! As Belcourt et al. reports (2008):
The act applies to all federal government departments and agencies, to Crown corporations, and to other businesses and industries under federal jurisdiction, such as banks, airlines, railway companies, and insurance and communications companies. For those areas not under federal jurisdiction, protection is available under provincial human rights laws. Provincial laws, although very similar to federal ones, do differ from province to province. Every province and territory has a human rights act (or code), and each has jurisdiction prohibiting discrimination in the workplace. The prohibited grounds of discrimination in employment include race, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, physical handicap, and marital status…Employers are permitted to discriminate if employment preferences are based on a bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQ) or BFOR (bona fide occupational requirement). A BFOQ is justified if the employer can establish necessity for business operations. In other words, differential treatment is not discrimination if there is a justifiable reason. (106)
This sounds an awful lot like Orwell’s, Animal Farm, where Commandment #7 which originally stated that:
“All animals are equal”
Was eventually changed to,
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”
Is this the kind of Canada we want to live and work in? Surely the ideology of an individual’s rights should trump group rights in all respects. Should it not? Otherwise, we need to ask ourselves if we truly live in a democracy where all citizens enjoy the same rights and privileges as all others. As of this writing, the majority of our citizenry cannot work for their civil service or hold the highest office of the land due to nothing more than a lack of knowledge of one of Canada’s minority languages.
Please keep in mind that,
“All Canadians are equal, but some Canadians are more equal than others”
Cory Cameron
Timmins, On
Sunday August 25, 2013
(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)
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edudyorlik September 10, 2013 at 8:12 pm
“When you go to this site you posted
and click on “Employment” at the top
you get…
Yes that is correct the EMPLOYMENT section of the RETIREMENT
site is French only. Are you looking for a job or to RETIRE.
All other SERVICE information on this site is 100% BILINGUAL.
I’ll leave it up to the readers to visit and decide if it’s BILINGUAL.
English Lassie September 11, 2013 at 4:39 pm
Deception is hfft middle name, never trusted him from day #1
Quebec is a dictatorship, freedom is dead…
You don’t have trust me. You just have to accept that you are wrong highlander.
These are the facts as they are. Not as you say they are.
Education Act of Onatrio
Part One outlines the policy and program requirements
that pertain to both elementary and secondary schools in Ontario,
from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
( 5.1.1 ) Admission to a French-Language School Board
Parents who hold rights under Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are entitled to have their children receive elementary and/or secondary school instruction in French. A parent holds Section 23 rights if he or she is a
Canadian citizen and:
if the first language he or she learned and still understands is French or
if he or she received elementary school instruction in French in Canada or
if any of his or her children have received or are receiving elementary or secondary school instruction in French in Canada.
Parents who do not meet these criteria may request admission for their child to a school in a French-language school board. An admissions committee of the board will review the request and make a decision. (For more information, see PPM No.148, “Policies Governing Admission to French-Language Schools in Ontario”, April 22, 2009.)
Who is eligible to attend English school in Québec?
Under the Charter of the French language, children in the following three situations are eligible :
children who are residing in Québec permanently and who qualify for a certificate of eligibility for instruction in English
children who are residing in Québec permanently and who are entitled to receive instruction in English under a special authorization
children who are living in Québec temporarily and who qualify for a temporary authorization to receive instruction in English
Who may obtain a certificate of eligibility?
A certificate of eligibility is generally issued to children :
who have received the major part of their elementary or secondary school instruction in English in Canada;
whose brother or sister did the major part of his or her elementary or secondary studies in English in Canada;
whose father or mother did the major part of his or her elementary studies in English in Canada;
whose father or mother attended school in Québec after August 26, 1977, and could have been declared eligible for instruction in English at that time.
In the first two cases, the father or mother of the child must be a Canadian citizen. In the third case, the parent who studied in Canada must be a Canadian citizen.
These are the most common situations that allow a child to receive instruction in English.
A declaration of eligibility for instruction in English issued under sections 73, 76 or 86.1 of the Charter of the French language is permanent; in other words, it does not expire.
In addition, even if they do all their studies in French, children declared eligible to receive instruction in English under section 73, 76 or 86.1 are deemed to have received instruction in English and therefore may pass this right down to their children.
Lastly, when a child is declared eligible to receive instruction in English, his or her brothers and sisters may also be declared eligible.
A Certificate of Eligibility is nothing more than a permanent document.
When a parent wants to educate their child in English, they must PROVE that the regulations that RESTRICTS them, entitles their child to be educated in English.
The reverse is true if french parents wish to have an English education for their child.
Web sites are NOT REGULATIONS,ARE NOT LAWS and can be changed WITHOUT notice, depending on numbers, as per the quebec education act.
They may say they offer an English education, however, as teachers salaries are dependent on numbers to justify provincial norms, the so called English education exists in mainly English areas, and even then depending on immigration within a certain area these too may be curtailed or eliminated.
When bill 101 was passed ( 1977 ) it took until 1985 for the full implementation on education was realized.
It was only then, that people ( the English ) began to see that 99% of all immigrants to quebec ,sent their children to ENGLISH schools.
Bill 101 effectively put a stop to this, by stating that ONLY CHILDREN WHOSE PARENTS WERE EDUCATED IN ENGLISH IN quebec could attend. This effectively meant the death knoll to English education in quebec. So they simply stacked the deck against English education, similar to what they are trying to do with their charter of quebec values. they want to eliminate all that is NOT french
it was later amended to one parent educated in English in quebec.
However, the damage was done and coupled with the mass exodus of English quebeckers from 1976 through to the present, it was a purge of the first order.
So quote all of your web sites you want they are meaningless.
And the “we” I am referring to, are Canadians that value the Canadian way of life, that is practiced by the nine provinces of Canada, save the one nationalistic entity that is quebec.
Hungry for the Truth…. September 11, 2013 at 6:53 pm
edudyorlik September 10, 2013 at 8:12 pm
“When you go to this site you posted
and click on “Employment” at the top
you get…
Yes that is correct the EMPLOYMENT section of the RETIREMENT
site is French only. Are you looking for a job or to RETIRE.
All other SERVICE information on this site is 100% BILINGUAL.
I’ll leave it up to the readers to visit and decide if it’s BILINGUAL.
Yes, that’s right Hungry for truth (AKA: lives for lies), the readers will indeed see and decide for themselves that –
just like your bogus claim about how these 70 + Quebec web sites and how they are all supposedly 100% bilingual (which they obviously ARE NOT)
— just about everything else you have spewed here in this forum since you got here has also been bogus as well.
It seems you had a different slant at the beginning when you first showed up but your true colors really came out with that long bogus dissertation (or should I call it – programmed belief drilled into the most French children’s heads over many years) about how it was the fault of the English as to why the French were so “repressed” etc.
That’s just a load of hogwash.
The English did indeed do wrong as I pointed out before. They were Fresh off the defeat of the French which saw to it that CANADA WAS a newly minted British land so yes, they treated them as second class citizens. That was not good but it was the norm for victorious armies to do such things BACK IN THOSE DAYS. As a matter of fact, the other norm back in those days was to ship the leaders back to the host country and kill off or assimilate the peasants. But, alas the British just treated them badly for a few years.
The French also did some bad things too as I also pointed before. They were kept in the farms and held down by those among their own but were later taught to blame the English.
After that, generally speaking it was the English over the last 40-50 years that have done nothing but tried to accommodate the French fact in this country and all they got in return were more demands for the rest of Canada to comply with whatever — FRENCH this and French that — they demanded, while at the same time the English were witnessing their English brethren having to deal with less and less respect for their language and culture within the province of Quebec.
What started with the French revolution and the Parti Quebecois then morphed into the Bloc Quebecois on the federal level (all accepted and allowed to take place by the by the complacency of both the Canadian news media and the Anglophone majority) and is now a full fledged INBREED sense of entitlement the French have in this country that makes them believe that they own the damn place and can do ANYTHING THEY WISH.
Justin even said it himself (in reference to the French). This country belongs to us.
THAT WILL NOT GO UNCONTESTED. The Anglophone people in this country are beginning to wake up and take note of the things that people like you and — Stella not so bright — are saying.
They are realizing that you (and others) are twisting things and using doublespeak at every opportunity to say black is white and up is down.
They are beginning to understand that they (the Anglophone majority) are effectively striped of the capacity to run for the highest office in this country while only 17.5 % of the population have that privilege and THAT 17.5% IS ONLY because they know a language that makes up only a tiny fraction of the population which at the same time happens to be a language connected to a people that have generally shown that they have zero respect for the English language and the English culture and generally speaking have proven time and time again that they want nothing to do with the English language at all.
They now even have the nerve to carry on as if that province is a separate country and even calling it that publicly
while at the same time accepting billions in transfer payments and other monies from the people of Canada as if they are a province.
This IS AN ISSUE THAT MUST be decided once and for all and publicly declared ASAP as it is NOT acceptable to be both. They are either a province or a country. THEY CANNOT BE BOTH while reaping the benefits of both.
The days of “just relax, take a Valium” are gone my friend. The idea of French first, French dominant and French ONLY in Quebec is one thing (and only lives as a result of the fact that the Anglophones decided to let the French have Quebec and not put up a fuss) BUT, this push to move that same French first, French dominant, French ONLY agenda out into Ontario, New Brunswick and all of the rest of Canada will soon hit a wall and meet with resistance.
People are waking up and beginning to see and understand what Danny Williams speaks about in this interview where he tells the Canadian people that this is noting less than a conspiracy http://youtu.be/MhPcV0gtFR0?t=1m32s
So ignore as you please and laugh now if you must (yes, that means you too Furtz) but like my late mother also used to say, those who laugh last laugh loudest.
And on that note, I hope you have a “100% bilingual province of Quebec” (as if) kinda day eh 🙂
gqo September 11, 2013 at 7:16 pm
Dear Get Quebec Out: ( gqo )
“When a parent wants to educate their child in English, they must PROVE that the regulations that RESTRICTS them, entitles their child to be educated in English.”
This is a Federal Constitution provision under the Charter of rights. It applies to Québec, Ontario, and all 8 other provinces and Territories. Section 23 of the Charter. In Quebec it’s called
the Charter of the French language, sections 73, 76 or 86.1.
It’s the same regulations in Ontario when a parent wants to access minority French education.
Charter of rights and Freedoms section 23 and Ontario Education Act, Minority Rights (5.1.1 )
“Web sites are NOT REGULATIONS,ARE NOT LAWS and can be changed WITHOUT notice, depending on numbers, as per the quebec education act.”
No but this one is a pretty sure bet. They have the rules and laws right as they are. Not as you say they are. Don’t believe me have a look for yourself. And it’s even in English.
Quebec does not have “where numbers warrants” like Ontario.
“They may say they offer an English education, however, as teachers salaries are dependent on numbers to justify provincial norms, the so called English education exists in mainly English areas, and even then depending on immigration within a certain area these too may be curtailed or eliminated.”
How can you say Trois Rivieres Québec, Shawinnigan, Québec are mainly English. So the Schools are liars and cheats and are just B S**ing the parents and students not to mention the Quebec Government? For the readers that want to verify here is the link. Why would they LIE.
Click on Shawinigan High School. Get the facts.
“When bill 101 was passed ( 1977 ) it took until 1985 for the full implementation on education was realized.”
Bill 101 has nothing to do with access to minority English education rights under section 23 of the Charter and in Quebec is under the Charter of the French language, section 73, 76 or 86.1.
“And the “we” I am referring to, are Canadians that value the Canadian way of life, that is practiced by the nine provinces of Canada, save the one nationalistic entity that is quebec.”
Well, Get Quebec Out, (gqo), I’m Canadian and I value the Canadian way of life so much so that I can respect Canadians that wish to protect their rights to the use of their language and culture. I’m glad that you self appointed yourself to speak on behalf of all the “WE’S”.
Quebec and all Canadian Provinces all have similar regulations that you do not seem to accept. But they are nonetheless the regulations and they are not any more restrictive than Ontario’s minority Language right to education. I know the parents told you otherwise but the regulations tell me otherwise.
“So quote all of your web sites you want they are meaningless.”
They are not meaningless they are BILINGUAL.
Oh hungry, are you upset that your links were bogus and you got caught? You cannot pick and choose the bits you like and then get upset when someone finds you out again as a fudger of facts. Omitting the truth is the same as fibbing. Clouding the lines so your argument wins is bad form, and belittling those who catch you out in your errors is no where close to the public debate you claim you want and more like wah wha WAH!
Well said and understood there Bella.
gqo welcome to the forum .
Just to keep you up on fellow posters :
Stella is known as an agitator and has not contributed anything of value to ANY conversation over the near 3 years now ,she is known to many as the sites bully.
Furtz much like Stella is an agitator and provides little if any relevent data to the conversation .
Hungry for the truth. AKA lives for lies (his choice of moniker ) seems well versed but has a deep resentment to English (see Aug 30 post).
Hungry has been proven wrong on MANY occasions and it appears he believes himself as intellectually superior only to be proven otherwise .
When proven wrong those many times ,he is not willing to admit fault as his fragile ego won’t support this.
highlander September 12, 2013 at 9:18 am
Welcome aboard Get Quebec Out. ( gqo )
Just want to bring you up to speed on the group that advocates Language Fairness and in the process advocates the Separation of our Country.
They are like an out of control freight train with all their misinformed, twisted inaccurate propaganda. The highlander poster which I’m sure you are very familiar with, almost as if you share the same keyboard. He has self appointed himself as the
groups spokesperson. He has just recently self appointed himself as as the speaker of the WE. You both share consistent views and style. Over time he has earned himself the distinguished title of king of inaccuracies.
Then there is edudyorlik aka, self acknowledged king of of rant, kilroy, kilroydude. His main objective is to be the new ambassador to the English Separatists. He has a full library of you tube links that he uses as his alter ego in an effort to convince all. He is so good at it, in fact he has rewritten much of anything that is facts and has come to believe it. He will stop at nothing to beat you down with his gospel you tube library.
These are the two main characters that pretty much will do anything to win. They will even resort to insults, belittlement and badgering on any one that provides factual data that gets in the way of their radical agenda.
So Furtz has warned you and I have informed you so please tred carefully and don’t forget to wear your “foil beanies”.
Just for one day I’d love to be moderator. I would love to verify IP addresses of a few like minded folks. They all seem to share a certain consistent “STYLE”.
Ya’ll notice how Hungry for truth didn’t touch my September 11, 2013 at 11:29 pm post ?
Yup, that’s right. When you slap the truth down on the table this “lives for lies” agitator gang goes silent. They CANNOT refute the truth and thus they say nothing.
Oh and, gotta love these lame come backs and childish retorts.
Hungry for the Truth…. September 9, 2013 at 1:23 pm
edudyorlik September 9, 2013 at 1:08 pm
Hungry for truth wrote, “(begin whiny nasal voice here) Where is the rule that says I have to answer questions. You have the right to post what you want. I have the right to answer what I want.
Unless of course you can produce the rule that says I must because you say I have to. I believe to still have the freedom to chose.” (end whiny nasal voice here)
Or, use lame arguments like this where you actually agree that i was right but make a lame excuse as to why that doesn’t count and how checking is somehow associated with wanting to “twist the facts”
Hungry for the Truth…. September 11, 2013 at 6:52 pm
edudyorlik September 10, 2013 at 2:35 pm
“This guide is available in French only.
Hungry for truth wrote, “Which is pretty much the norm with Quebec (government or otherwise) web sites.
When one is really looking they usually find Unless of course they have motives to twist the FACTS.”
Which points the finger at the other person for “twisting the facts” when it is ACTUALLY YOU that is “twisting THE FACTS” because — THE FACT is — if that guide is ONLY available in French on the so called web site you claimed was 100% bilingual then it CANNOT BE 100% bilingual.
So, instead of taking ownership of the FACT that you were wrong and those sites were (** as is the case with MOST FRENCH SITES) NOT 100% bilingual you turned around and tried to accuse the other person of twisting the facts.
Then, in the oh so familiar “French way” you use this opportunity where you have talked yourself into believing that — you metaphorically put me in my place in – to proceed to then try to pour salt on the wound that you just “attempted to open” by saying,
“When one is really looking they usually find Unless of course they have motives to twist the FACTS.”
Trying to claim some form of upper ground because I actually decided to check the validity of YOUR — what turned out to be erroneous CLAIM — that these sites were so called, bilingual.
Then, as if ALL OF THAT isn’t bad enough, you have the further nerve to use the “doublespeak” (that is so familiar to you and the agitator group) at the end of your post by saying, “What you claim above is inaccurate and FALSE.”
When in fact I proved that it WAS YOUR CLAIM that was false by showing that these sites WERE NOT 100% bilingual as YOU HAD ERRONEOUSLY said.
Ya know… You could have just said, yes, your right.
I would have respected you more for that.
But… All this to say, i hope you have a great “avoid the truth / keep living under a rock” kinda day eh 🙂
** (see next post)
Ya’ever notice that MOST French sites in general DO NOT have an English button at the top right
Dya’ever notice that most French sites DO NOT “anglicize” many words that SHOULD BE ANGLICIZED. Almost in that
— fu(k you, we don’t want to use English and we won’t —
form of defiance that is so blatant from the French now a days. Both in written and spoken form.
One of the great examples of this is how even the English use the title/phrase,
“L’office de la langue Francaise”
when in fact the English name for this (which should be used in English media and when English are referring to it
is, The office of the French Language
or, what it really should be called (because this is basically what it really is)
is, The office of da screw the English language.
Just another form of DOUBLESPEAK
GOOD ONE highlander. It is also now known as …
Yup, there are dozens of Franco flags flying at town halls, hospitals, police stations and many other places EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR and that’s NOT CONSIDERED “in your face” or “provocation” by the very people who have shown their disdain for English language and the English culture in the province of Quebec.
Heaven forbid…
One Anglo flag flying, for one day at one town hall
is considered — an insult, anti French and provocative — ?
Boy, i tell ya. Things are really messed up in this country.
and on that note,
I wish everyone a happy Anglo day and a happy celebration of Canada’s historical battle on the Plains of Abraham day.
Win or loose
you can’t pick and choose
which history you feel
is indeed the real_deal.
All the truths and the facts
will come out in the end
and find their way through
to the tip of the pen
Oh yeah…
_____(o o)
edudyorlik September 12, 2013 at 11:12 am
“Ya’ll notice how Hungry for truth didn’t touch my September 11, 2013 at 11:29 pm post ?
Yup, that’s right. When you slap the truth down on the table this “lives for lies” agitator gang goes silent. They CANNOT refute the truth and thus they say nothing.”
I have responded and refuted your false claim. You did not slap any truth an the table. You extrapolated one section of the otherwise Bilingual web site. That is not truth that is distorted truth. Created by manipulation of the facts. By you, as usual.
Hungry for the Truth…. September 11, 2013 at 6:52 pm
edudyorlik September 10, 2013 at 2:35 pm
“This guide is available in French only.
Which is pretty much the norm with Quebec (government or otherwise) web sites.
Not very helpful for the Anglophone folks who are retiring is it?
When one is really looking they usually find Unless of course they have motives to twist the FACTS. What you claim above is inaccurate and FALSE.
Hungry for the Truth…. September 10, 2013 at 4:17 pm
Try these and you will be amazed how they are all 100% BILINGUAL.
You even have Retirement services 100% BILINGUAL.
When you are proven wrong then you go on to fabricate distortion of the truth. Claiming that the web site is not bilingual because the employment section is French only. YOU DO NOT MENTION THAT THE GUIDE IS AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH.
You also do mention that other than the employment section of the site, the rest is ENGLISH.
edudyorlik September 11, 2013 at 11:29 pm
Hungry for the Truth…. September 11, 2013 at 6:53 pm
edudyorlik September 10, 2013 at 8:12 pm
“When you go to this site you posted
and click on “Employment” at the top
you get…
Yes that is correct the EMPLOYMENT section of the RETIREMENT
site is French only. Are you looking for a job or to RETIRE.
All other SERVICE information on this site is 100% BILINGUAL.
THESE ARE THE POSTED FACTS. I’ll let the readers decide.
They can visit the site and judge for themselves as to the BILINGUAL Content.
@ Hungry. My guess is that there are about six dedicated freedom-fighters and about six more hangers on.
@ Kilroy. Don’t stop now. You’re on a roll.
@ gqo. Have you heard about the English speaking parrot that was deported from Quebec?
edudyorlik September 12, 2013 at 11:12 am
Just to be clear with the readers.
First you claim the guide is in French Only.
From this web site.
You will find all guides under PUBLICATIONS in ENGLISH.
Then you come back with another web site and claim it’s not BILINGUAL.
One has nothing to do with the other.
This is an attempt at distorting the truth that your claim that the
guides is available in French Only is false, inaccurate and wrong.
ON September 12, 2013 at 10:54 am Hungry for the Truth (AKA: Lives for lies) wrote, highlander September 12, 2013 at 9:18 am
Welcome aboard Get Quebec Out. ( gqo )
Just want to bring you up to speed on the group that advocates Language Fairness and in the process advocates the Separation of our Country.
Uhm err actually, FOR THE RECORD – And for those who are just seeing this for the first time.
This can more accurately be referred to as, Canadian citizens who are — finally — waking up and PUSHING BACK against the blatant cr@p we have been dealing with from the French powers that be for far too many decades now. WE ARE (finally) DEFENDING ourselves, our language and our culture in this country which is majority English but it is being run by the minority French.
As is clearly and easily determinable and provable by a simple cursory glance at what has been going on over the past 40 or 50 years. One can see that IT WAS INDEED — the French fact — that were the ones that started ANY and ALL OF this …
– Laws that make the minority English people, language and culture illegal and unwelcome in the province of Quebec
(clearly illustrated with this clip) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVaN0-vfGKU&hd=1
that were the ones that started ANY and ALL OF this
– Not one but two (count em) attempts to separate from the rest of Canada. A concept conceived, planned and orchestrated by the FRENCH powers that be while the English and others begged them to keep Canada together and united.
that were the ones that started ANY and ALL OF this
– A litany of mistreatment of the Anglophone Canadians in the province of Quebec by not only the general public but also by the FRENCH government in power themselves (both PQ and Liberal).
(And, btw, these attacks and mistreatment of the Anglophones both in the province of Quebec and outside the province of Quebec is mostly what I have documented — using news reports and credible sources to back up most of what is in the videos — and also why the videos are such a threat to those like this HFTT and his gang of agitators who incidentally have come here to this mostly English forum in order to do one thing, and one thing ONLY. And that is, to refute the truth and — BE minority French AGITATORS in a majority Anglophone setting — ) Sound familiar?
So, now that the Anglophones are waking up and defending themselves, the French powers that be (plus the agitators) don’t like this and are now trying to accuse us of being the ones that “want to break up Canada” and accuse the English of being the ones of disturbing the linguistic peace.
when in fact, we are FINALLY defending our language and culture in OUR COUNTRY.
We have simply had enough and we are now saying, “OK, fine. You are not happy? Well then we’re fed up with trying to coddle you, and bend over backwards to MAKE THINGS perfect just to MAKE you happy.
PLUS we’re fed up of paying BILLIONS of tax dollars to make 94% of the Anglophone population know French when it would be so much easier and MUCH MORE economical to do what YOU – the French — seem to have no problem doing which is to FLAT OUT say that… If you live — in Canada — YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND AND TO SPEAK — ENGLISH — period.
I find it ironic that they STAUNCHLY and without a second though DECLARE this for their language and culture in what they call their country (the province of Quebec) but simply cannot accept that this COULD VERY WELL be something they should accept from the REAL country, CANADA.
But, then again, this (MY WAY is fine but you can’t do that too) concept is a common trite with the French. They say, Canada is divisible but Quebec IS NOT.
Nothing ever seems to be applicable to them as there are BEST, don’t_cha_know.
HFTT wrote, “Then there is edudyorlik aka, self acknowledged king of of rant, kilroy, kilroydude.”
Kilroy to my friends and edudyorlik to YOU.
HFTT wrote, “His main objective is to be the new ambassador to the English Separatists.”
All hail 🙂
HFTT wrote, “He has a full library of you tube links”
Can I help it if the French powers that be keep doing stuff that is ANTI English, Anti democratic and anti humanity?
HFTT wrote, “that he uses as his alter ego
What, don’t you like my Kilroy dude?
HFTT wrote, “in an effort to convince all.”
Yes, that’s true. I am simply disseminating information that is readily available (for the most part) in the news media which I put together because I believe it’s important for Canadians to — BE AWARE — of what is going on because in small doses it’s sort of acceptable to Canadians but when they see it all together they can then realize this is not just isolated events.
IE: The fact that those majority unilingual Anglophone Canadians cannot participate in their OWN military beyond a certain rank.
THIS IS A TRAVESTY and SHOULD BE CONTESTED but hasn’t been (YET) because it (as many things the French powers that be have done) was quietly SLIPPED IN)
HFTT wrote, “He is so good at it, in fact he has rewritten much of anything that is facts and has come to believe it.” That’s because it is TRUE. I have ZERO reason to lie.
He will stop at nothing to beat you down with his gospel you tube library.
Aw, shucks. Thanks Hungry for truth oops (AKA: Lives for lies) guess everything YOU said is indeed factual, right? Sort of like all those 100% bilingual web sites THAT WERE NOT 100% bilingual eh?
And in closing I say, I hope you have a “the facts speak for themselves” kinda day eh 🙂
Hungry for the Truth…. September 12, 2013 at 10:54 am
“He has just recently self appointed himself as as the speaker of the WE. You both share consistent views and style. Over time he has earned himself the distinguished title of king of inaccuracies”
Self appoint ????
Are you assuming that we are all the same person,wow you really are nuts ,but keep going with that .Like you all did assuming I was Howard galgonov when really my name is………HIGHLANDER.
YOU assigned king of inaccuracies after I admited I was wrong on one occasion unlike you which at this point we have lost
track as it has become a pattern,BUT OH YOUR FRAGILE EGO.
Oh Hungry AKA lives for lies have a wonderful:
Hungry for the Truth…. September 12, 2013 at 12:24 pm
“I have responded and refuted your false claim. You did not slap any truth an the table. You extrapolated one section of the otherwise Bilingual web site. That is not truth that is distorted truth. Created by manipulation of the facts. By you, as usual”
OH here we go again he has been proven wrong and now he twist and turns it ……great pattern predictable though as usual deferring the blame on others when IT WAS YOU WHO WAS WRONG.
OH YES before I forget :
oh I forgot to mention this on this wonderful day of PLAINS OF ABRAHAM DAY .
At this point of history Quebec WAS ABANDONED BY FRANCE and the north America continent there was 30,000 French and 1,000,000 English so a French empire was never meant to be.
Have a glorious plains of Abraham day,it is your history!
Hungry for the Truth…. September 11, 2013 at 7:08 pm
Does any one have anything to say about this factual evidence that there is no more restrictions in Quebec access to English minority education as there is in Ontario?
It’s amazing how everyone became silent on this issue and has been doing damage control by attacking “The Agitators” with insults. Never once again ever mentioning English minority Educational Rights in Quebec.
They have been proven wrong again and will due anything
to stay clear of the overwhelming truthful evidence that English
Education is accessible and is offered in the Province of Quebec.
PS Highlander I am not assuming that you are the same person
as Get Quebec Out. ( gqo ) I am saying without a doubt that you are, of the same cloth as many others. But of course the only one that could confirm that would be the moderator with the IP
address. Or a Patterns Analyst with the authorities.
highlander September 12, 2013 at 2:41 pm
Hungry for the Truth…. September 12, 2013 at 12:52 pm
@edudyorlik September 12, 2013 at 11:12 am
Just to be clear with the readers.
First you claim the guide is in French Only.
From this web site.
You will find all guides under PUBLICATIONS in ENGLISH.
Then you come back with another web site and claim it’s not BILINGUAL.
One has nothing to do with the other.
This is an attempt at distorting the truth of your claim that the
guide is available in French Only which has been proven false,
inaccurate and wrong. It is available in English.
THESE ARE THE POSTED FACTS. I’ll let the readers decide.
They can visit the site and judge for themselves as to the BILINGUAL Content.
Yes well, YOUR WORDS were
“all the sites plus 70 more are 100% bilingual”
So, ANY AMOUNT OF NON BILINGUAL material (EVEN ON ONE SITE — technically speaking) means it all the sites are NOT 100% bilingual.”
ARE YOU ASLEEEP or just forgetful. You originally claimed THEY WERE ALL 100% bilingual.
THEY ARE NOT 100% bilingual. CASE CLOSED.
See, this is the same problem this country is facing with you folks.
You don’t know the meaning of the word bi-lingual.
The SIMPLE idea is that BOTH languages are given the same money and the SAME available space so they can have the exact same content available in both languages.
As many of the supposed 100% bilingual sites show “some content” as being available in English while the rest is ONLY available in French.
Is that clear enough for you Hungry for truth (AKA: lives for lies) or so I have to draw you a picture?
Hungry for truth wrote,
“First you claim the guide is in French Only.
From this web site.
You will find all guides under PUBLICATIONS in ENGLISH. ”
I never claimed ANYTHING ABOUT THE WEB SITE listed above. I just checked and all my claims were for other sites. The only reference for this site link BY ME is IN THIS ONE MESSAGE RIGHT NOW.
It is NOT in any of my other posts. Thus, i never made ANY claims about this site EITHER WAY.
The French site i referenced was this
When you go to this site which HFTT claimed was 100% bilingual
and click on “Employment” at the top
you get…
“This page is available IN FRENCH ONLY.
To view it, click français.”
Which you somewhat admitted had a French ONLY guide but you never admitted as a result of that part of that site being FRENCH ONLY this would mean that you WERE WRONG and NOT ALL of those sites were 100% bilingual.
Well, not yet anyways 🙂
edudyorlik September 12, 2013 at 4:40 pm
“The French site i referenced was this”
edudyorlik September 10, 2013 at 2:35 pm
“This guide is available in French only.”
Which is pretty much the norm with Quebec (government or otherwise) web sites.
Not very helpful for the Anglophone folks who are retiring is it?
Hungry for the Truth…. September 10, 2013 at 4:17 pm
YOU WHENT TO http://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/
“Which you somewhat admitted had a French ONLY guide but you never admitted as a result of that part of that site being FRENCH ONLY this would mean that you WERE WRONG and NOT ALL of those sites were 100% bilingual.”
Hungry for the Truth…. September 12, 2013 at 12:24 pm
Yes that is correct the EMPLOYMENT section of the RETIEREMENT
site is French only. Are you looking for a job or to RETIRE.
All other SERVICE information on this site is 100% BILINGUAL.
Hungry for the Truth…. September 12, 2013 at 3:22 pm
” PS Highlander I am not assuming that you are the same person as Get Quebec Out. ( gqo ) I am saying without a doubt that you are, of the same cloth as many others. ”
Yes many others there aka lives for lies ,and you are of the same cloth as Stella and Furtz therefore you are with good company,enjoy your limited capacity companions.
“But of course the only one that could confirm that would be the moderator with the IP address. Or a Patterns Analyst with the authorities”
Confirming what? Please moderator before this person calls in the authorities confirm we are not of the same IP address.
Dear moderator please advise our usually misguided friend that all the posters here are not of the same IP address.
Have a happy,fantastic,great plains of Abraham day!
Holy crow there hungry! A little upset are you?
I chose a link from your list as well. I guess you should have clicked around each site you listed to make sure they backed up your claims. Just admit you were mistaken and move on. To continue yelling at edud is just unbecoming and obnoxious. You were mistaken, and maybe a little too quick to make your point. Stop acting like a child and learn to debate like a grownup.
For the love of the of the good lord (and we all know how busy she can be 🙂 in heaven Hungry.
You got me, i missed that link. That doesn’t make me wrong through. All it means is that after you click that link and are told that this booklet “is ONLY AVAILABLE IN FRENCH.” You have to put your disappointment aside and go on a hunt to see if indeed that booklet can be found in English elsewhere. So what?
The real point and THE FACT of all of this is that the French sites often put a bunch of French on the English pages, or as in this case, send you on a duck hunt, or worse, send you to pages (from what is supposed to be the English “side of the web site” that are ALL FRENCH. Which is NOT PROPER ETIQUETTE.
Oh and in the end, even if this booklet is “available” in English at an alternate spot which is rather confusing to the English who had clicked on that link only to see “this booklet is available in French ONLY”
that still leaves YOU WRONG because you had claimed ALL THESE SITES were 100% bilingual and THE FACT IS … (leaving out this one example)
THEY ARE NOT all 100% bilingual. Not in the “real sense” of what bilingual is supposed to be.
Now, moving on to something a little more pressing.
My favorite lady has been going around telling all of the Canadian tax payers that she is the leader of her own country while simultaneously sucking money from the ROCanada as if she is running a province.
What’s your opinion of that much more pressing issue there HUNGRY FOR TRUTH?
bella September 13, 2013 at 5:37 am
Very well said,he is very upset because HE WAS WRONG YET AGAIN!
His EGO cannot handle it,you see lives for lies better suits him .
When as he stated 100% bilingual ,means equally and clearly he is wrong but his EGO is now in the way of him excepting the truth and going beyond it ………very closed minded ,making mistakes is part of the learning process,not excepting that you make those mistakes impedes knowledge.
highlander September 13, 2013 at 8:42 am
“When as he stated 100% bilingual ,means equally and clearly he is wrong”
The issue has nothing to do with stating100% BILINGUAL.
Read the chronological sequence before twisting the facts.
edudyorlik September 13, 2013 at 8:10 am
“You got me, i missed that link.”
He admits having made a false claim and inaccurate statement.
Yes, edud is a bigger man than you, hungry. He can admit when he is wrong. I’m glad to see you can recognize it. Perhaps now you could find it in yourself to put a couple out there yourself.
Again it’s all about being open minded and fair. Some are determined to make everyone believe that Quebec is acting like a monstrous villain Country by acknowledging acting on their Right to have French as the Majority Language. Portraying this as an infliction of discriminatory deprivation to the English Canadians Right.
Canada and Quebec’s linguistic legislation are not just isolated and unique to Canada. They have been part of many Countries History.
A reflection and a more Global characterization sometimes helps to put things into perspective. They can lend themselves in helping us understand that discrimination is not at the heart of these laws. Respect of ones Heritage of language and culture is often the basis for legislated laws.
According to the article 343 (1) of the Constitution of India, “The Official Language of the Union shall be Hindi in Devanagari script.” The individual states can legislate their own official languages, depending on their linguistic demographics.
For example, the state of Andhrapradesh has Telugu as its official language, the state of Karnataka has Kannada as its sole official language, while the state of Jammu and Kashmir has Kashmiri, Urdu, and Dogri as its official languages.
German official statewide
Croatian official in Burgenland statewide minority language.
Slovene official in Carinthia and Styria , statewide minority language.
Czech statewide minority language
Hungarian in Burgenland statewide minority language
Slovak statewide minority language
Romani statewide minority language
All citizens of Austria are equal before the law. There are no distinctions of birth, gender, status, class, religion or language. German is the official language of the Republic of Austria, but specific rights have been accorded by federal law to the recognized linguistic minorities. The basic rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Federal Constitution were first accorded more than a century ago. The provisions of the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms supplement Austria’s constitutional law.
When minority linguistic rights are framed into a Global contextual referrence point, I can’t help but wonder why we have to bash Quebec’s efforts that wishes to respect the French Majority of that Province. Could we not borrow an excerpt from India’s Constitution, that “The individual states can legislate their own official languages, depending on their linguistic demographics.” and respect Quebec’s historical Heritage as part of Canada.
Separation is not the only option. Respecting ones Heritage and allowing Quebecers to florish and grow within it’s own Country’s Heritage, is also a commendable and viable option to advocate
in a Democratic Country that demonstrates respect, fairness and equality to a linguistic minority, from all to all Canadian Citizens. .
Hungry for the Truth…. September 13, 2013 at 10:20 am
highlander September 13, 2013 at 8:42 am
“When as he stated 100% bilingual ,means equally and clearly he is wrong”
The issue has nothing to do with stating100% BILINGUAL.
Read the chronological sequence before twisting the facts.
edudyorlik September 13, 2013 at 8:10 am
“You got me, i missed that link.”
He admits having made a false claim and inaccurate statement.
No Hungry, that was NOT A FALSE CLAIM.
Those sites ARE NOT ALL 100% bilingual.
But, I can see by this kinda lame argument style you employ that you have that “true pure laine” blood line running through those veins of yours. Yup, I’ve dealt with A*holes like you before.
Well, ya know what Hungry for truth (AKA: Lies for lies)? It is very clear that my first rebuke HAD EVERYTHING TO DO WITH the FACT that you were indeed “trying to claim”’ that these sites were ALL 100% bilingual. WHICH THEY ARE NOT.
SO, if you cannot accept that and wish to continue to try to twist this just because I left out a link and just so you can gain what you seem to think are brownie points, then fine. Go right ahead. Do whatever it is you have to do to make that “thing” of yours feel as long as you need it to feel in order to pretend you are superior.
OK? All done now? Feel good?
Boy, you must have one hell of a fancy car to make up for a personality like that. Shesh. Hahahaha LoL
Now, being “the bigger man” I will move on to MUCH MORE IMPORTANT things like Pauline Marois going around CANADA telling everyone she is running “a country.”
So, Hungry, do you believe Quebec is a country?
Hungry, what is your purpose of posting on CFN?
What of the supposed tackling of unfair hiring practices at CCH and your approach to it?
You had mentioned that you would fill us in on this issue (CCH).
Does anyone else here get the feeling that this HFTT is a politician?
His writing style is unique amongst these CFN listers as it contains much Machiavellian type political maneuvering.
Throughout his writing you will see such a writing style reminiscient of this approach.
I’ll adapt his approach and you tell me if this sounds/feels accurate to what I’m referring to….
It’s not so much so that Quebec is misrepresenting it’s populaces to unfair laws restricting one language or another. A more accurate representation would state that Quebec is simply protecting it’s majority French language practicioners from a larger North American linguistic (English) context.
See the verbal spaghetti, everyone?!
There is an attempt at formulating very fancy political type language to confuse the original point(s).
I’ll rip apart the latest HFTT argument.
“Again it’s all about being open minded and fair. Some are determined to make everyone believe that Quebec is acting like a monstrous villain Country by acknowledging acting on their Right to have French as the Majority Language. Portraying this as an infliction of discriminatory deprivation to the English Canadians Right.”
Some, you say?
How about the world’s media now catching onto the actions of one Marois and her blatant racist government? Hey, for argument’s sake HFTT, let’s now throw in religion too, right with Quebec’s Nuremberg’s, Charter of Values? Sounds to me like Charter of the Fatherland and not Charter of Values!
And not just English Quebecers’ Rights. 😉 Throw in hundreds of other linguistic/cultural minorities in that province. All hail Marois! It’s asinine to say the least!
“Respect of ones Heritage of language and culture is often the basis for legislated laws. ”
Really now? And exactly who’s culture is being respected in Quebec’s laws? I can see one language and culture being proped up as it were and all others being disrespected. As-a-matter-of-fact, I would add that the real losers in all of this are the kind-hearted Quebecois who look silly having to have their language/culture/heritage (protected) by a set of laws outlawing all others. If I were a proud Quebecer, I would insist that all of these crutches be thrown out as I would want to stand on my own two feet; without the assistance of the state!
“All citizens of Austria are equal before the law. There are no distinctions of birth, gender, status, class, religion or language.”
Not so though in Canada, right HFTT? There are distinctions in Canada for that sort of thing, right? I believe you can find a whole Letter-to-the-Editor dedicated to that very issue written by me in this very forum and to which you’ve so successfully sidetracked any real discussion having to do with it by angering fair-minded Canadians like Edudyorlik and Highlander. Notice I didn’t include myself in that? I think myself more a citizen of the Commonwealth now 🙂
“When minority linguistic rights are framed into a Global contextual referrence point, I can’t help but wonder why we have to bash Quebec’s efforts that wishes to respect the French Majority of that Province.”
We want to bash Quebec’s efforts simply because they have no respect for any other linguistic groups/cultural minorities within their own province. It is no longer about them ‘respecting’ their majority. It’s about them obliterating their minorities!
“Separation is not the only option. Respecting ones Heritage and allowing Quebecers to florish and grow within it’s own Country’s Heritage, is also a commendable and viable option to advocate
in a Democratic Country that demonstrates respect, fairness and equality to a linguistic minority, from all to all Canadian Citizens.”
If the federal government doesn’t reign in Quebec’s social conditioning adventurism HFTT, then separation is the ONLY viable option! The day I begin to respect Quebec is the day that that very notion becomes a two-way street. As of now, Quebec only respects itself and is Xenophobic to all others unless tourist dollars are concerned.
“Respecting ones Heritage and allowing Quebecers to florish and grow within it’s own Country’s Heritage…”
Well, the tenets of Confederation have allowed this and then some, right, HFTT?
Quebec already acts like it’s own country minus financial independence from the rest-of-Canada. Quebec has ‘flourished’ to such an extent due to huge transfer payments that that province can thank due to the charity of the rest-of-Canada. Quebec is where it is today due to the hard work of the other provinces and not necessarily to their own due diligence, sir.
Now, Quebec’s social/political destiny that they have so far acquired (win, lose or draw) they can only blame/reward on their own merit. Canada has largely stayed out of it.
And now we see the result.
It’s like a child (Quebec) who’s parents (Canada) have permitted the child to own a kitten. The child continously mistreats the kitten until one day the parents take it away for the benefit of the kitten’s health.
Quebec, by it’s very nature over these last 50 years; needs to have it’s pet kitten taken away from it due to mistreating it before any more damage is done.
Hungry for the Truth….
September 13, 2013 at 2:49 pm
Hey hungry, remember when you told everyone they were getting off track, and that we should be focused on Ontario? Or the time you said Ontario was too big and we should be focused on CCH and their hiring practises? How come in the last week you have brought both Syria and now Australia into the conversation? How come you set the rules for posting for everyone but you don’t follow them?
Cory Cameron September 13, 2013 at 8:51 pm
“Hungry, what is your purpose of posting on CFN?”
Because it’s an open Public forum that allows opinions and views to be shared and debated. Debate is only debate if all views, for and against are challenged and debated. Otherwise it’s a Public forum that becomes nondemocratic and brings like minded people to dialogue. My purpose is to encourage debate.
“What of the supposed tackling of unfair hiring practices at CCH and your approach to it?”
I’m working on it, and it still is my wish and motivation to do so.
“ You had mentioned that you would fill us in on this issue (CCH).”
Hungry for the Truth…. August 29, 2013 at 2:27 pm
It as been not even 2 weeks and in businesses time less than 10 days. I am working on it. But out of fairness it has been 3+years that you have been working at this. It may take me a couple of months. Surely a bit more than 10 days anyways.
“Does anyone else here get the feeling that this HFTT is a politician?”
Rest assured Cory, I’m not a politician. A Canadian that does not agree that Unfair Hiring Practises in Cornwall Ontario has anything to do with Quebec’s Right to be a French Province in the midst of an English Country.
“His writing style is unique amongst these CFN listers as it contains much Machiavellian type political maneuvering.”
That you perceive my “style” as deceitful, devious or cunning very much confirms your suspicious, victimized writing style. Always writing to garner support and never standing alone on your own beliefs and convictions. Just a few examples….
“Does anyone else here get the feeling that this HFTT is a politician?”
“Throughout his writing you will see such a writing style reminiscient of this approach.”
“I’ll adapt his approach and you tell me if this sounds/feels accurate to what I’m referring to….”
“See the verbal spaghetti, everyone?!”
Was your intent to reply to me? Or again, are you garnering support for yourself?
As to the rest of your “rip apart the latest HFTT argument” I reiterate my beliefs and convictions by which I stand.
When minority linguistic rights are framed into a Global contextual referrence point, I can’t help but wonder why we have to bash Quebec’s efforts that wishes to respect the French Majority of that Province. Could we not borrow an excerpt from India’s Constitution, that “The individual states can legislate their own official languages, depending on their linguistic demographics.” and respect Quebec’s historical heritage as part of Canada.
Separation is not the only option. Respecting ones Heritage and allowing Quebecers to florish and grow within it’s own Country’s Heritage, is also a commendable and viable option to advocate,
in a Democratic Country that demonstrates respect, fairness and equality to a linguistic minority.
I will keep you posted of the developements with the CCH Unfair Hiring Practices.
bella September 14, 2013 at 6:45 am
“Hey hungry, remember when you told everyone they were getting off track, and that we should be focused on Ontario?”
No I do not remeber that. Could you please back your claim.
“Or the time you said Ontario was too big and we should be focused on CCH and their hiring practises?”
No I do not remeber that. Could you please back your claim.
“How come in the last week you have brought both Syria and now Australia into the conversation?”
No I do not remeber bringing up Syria could you please back your claim.
It’s not Australia it’s AUSTRIA.
How come you set the rules for posting for everyone but you don’t follow them?
No I do not remeber setting rules. Could you please back your claim.
BRAVO, BRILLIANT, THREE CHEERS Cory… Hungry, If you want to take this as support for Cory then so be it. We DO SUPPORT each other also. Much like you get support from your “lap sheep” *s*
That was perfectly well said Cory. THANK YOU …
You basically took my thoughts (for the most part) and put them into writing IN your GREAT post here.
I was going to ask Hungry for truth (AKA: Lives for lies) pretty much the same thing about why he was here.
The only small thing that I would add is the fact that I feel a deep personal emotional swell of sadness inside me about this whole situation. I have said it before and I will say it again. I love the French language the French culture and MANY FRENCH PEOPLE.
Well at least the “positive elements” anyways. Like most every race or culture (or anything at all for that matter) there is almost always positives and negative involved.
But yes, there is a sense of sadness about realizing THE VERY VISIIBLE (and demonstrable) FACT that the English people and thus half of me (my English side) are desperately trying (and have been desperately trying for a long time) to create a harmony where by the French culture and language can be accepted and the French people can then have a sense of feeling at home, accommodated and comfortable here in this country.
I can feel relatively secure in saying that this attempt was very heart felt and GENUINE. If you were to have asked most English people in the 1995 era about this, most would have said, and actually did say, “yes, we want Canada “whole” and we want to share this cultural experience with the French.”
But then the French powers that be (not all but the important and powerful ones it seems) seem to go on a binge of taking advantage of what was being offered and began constantly demanding MORE AND MORE AND MORE and cannot seem to settle with or be happy with a certain degree or level of accommodation.
A degree of accommodation which was attained (for the most part) in Canada that gave the French what they seemed to crave (a French dominant Quebec) along with services provided to them by their federal government in French.
This seemed to be the best of both worlds. It allowed the French to seemingly have what they wanted while at the same time allowing the Anglophone (or other Canadians) to live outside Quebec in a manner that is not infringed upon by what was going on in Quebec.
Granted. The Anglophones gave up a lot when “they let” the province of Quebec go. (Don’t kid yourself, the reality is that there was a sense of – let’s just let them have it instead of fighting) This “let them have Quebec” was rooted in that age old sense of common guilt the Anglo’s felt about how they were historically responsible for some negative things that were done.
— this element in itself would need a chapter to explain it as there is much more that would need to be said but —
Then, it seemed that the sense of fairness and balance got surpassed (the pendulum swung WAY too far the other way) with the push for more that I believe was brought about as a result of the FLSA and the OLA.
And now, because of so many years of — “that push for more”, there is a definite sense of what seems to be a — “WE the French ARE ENTITLED to have French in every corner of this country and to hell with how it affects the English.” A sense of “its’ our turn to be the ones on the inside with the English saying, “how come I can’t get a job in my own country”
And THAT — we all should clearly recognize — as the culmination of the oh so famous — je me souviens –
But, it is also a VERY incorrect comparison. There are elements that SHOULD play a part in this that the French seem to refuse to recognize. Even though they recognize the power in being a majority in Quebec they seem NOT to recognize that they are a minority in Canada. And secondly, the fact is… THEY LOST the freakin war and Canada was ceded to the British. I know they wish to forget this and get on peoples case for bringing it up, but, — IT IS AN IMPORTANT FACT and FACTOR —
My final thought on this is that I believe there really is only one way now for this to work. It is indeed unfortunate and sad on some levels but, it doesn’t have to be a completely negative thing. If EVERYONE is honest and fair it really can end up as a positive for all involved.
WE MUST go our separate ways.
As just one reason why. Language: That is a HUGE issue for the French.
They want French first, French dominant and French ONLY. AND THAT IS SIMPLY JUST NOT ACCEPTABLE outside of Quebec. PERIOD.
Let’s face it. We have Pauline Marois and the powers that be in Quebec calling the province of Quebec a country and treating it as such while at the very same time sucking billions of tax dollars from the rest of the Canadian citizens as if it is a province.
Living the life of Reilly and having the best of both worlds. THIS CANNOT be allowed to stand and continue. Let’s be honest. Quebec DOES NOT want to go back to just being a province so…
The way this situation is shaping up right now is headed for nothing but conflict and resentment. The more Anglophones that end up pushed out of their existing jobs and the more Anglophones that end up having trouble getting into the remaining jobs is going to create more and more anger and frustration. And that will build until we begin to see larger and larger numbers of angry resentful people and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the ending to that book.
If we try to look at this in a fair way, the truth is already staring us in the face. Quebec WANTS OTHING TO DO WITH ENGLISH or most other cultures and languages that do not conform to its vision.
AND THAT vision is certainly not shared (for the most part) by the rest of Canada. Well, not in the same way anyways.
And thus, since the powers that be in Quebec want NOTHING To DO WITH the ENGLISH language (and, by extension, the English culture and the English people) then this arrangement with Quebec being “a province” inside Canada logistically CANNOT WORK and should be altered YESTERDAY.
SOMETHING MUST BE DONE… We can NO LONGER just sit by and allow Quebec to have their cake and eat it too. FAIRNESS — MUST BE — A TWO WAY STREET.
ENOUGH is ENOUGH. We are being laughed at and people like Stella, Furtz, Tremblay and HFTT — KNOW IT — They don’t want the gravy train to end. Why would they?
So it is UP TO THE ANGLOPHONES TO finalize the process that WAS STARTED BY THE FRENCH. Remember the English DID NOT start this. The English are in “defending mode” the English are “reacting to what is being done — TO THEM –
If someone came up and took 20.00 from your pocket with a smile and a defensible argument you might let them get away with it once, maybe twice but, at some point you would put your hand on theirs and SAY – ENOUGH PAL — STOP. You are taking advantage of me. English Canada MUST NO LONGER ALLOW this to happen.
This is MUCH bigger than jobs at some Cornwall hospital and it NEEDS addressing.
And, as my wonderful Italian neighbor would say, “PRONTO…”
If ONLY you could now adopt this concept for QUEBEC itself Hungry. You would THEN perhaps “GET IT.”
When minority linguistic rights are framed into a Global contextual referrence point, I can’t help but wonder why we have to bash
How about we take EXACTLY what you have written and…
For the sake of this example — and since i am not sure which are is MOST English — allow me to use to term Westmount to represent a PART OF QUEBEC THAT IS MAJORITY ENGLISH (may very well be, i don’t know) in place of the term Quebec
And the term “section” to represent what could be “provinces” inside the “country” of Quebec.
“Westmounts’s efforts that wishes to respect the English Majority of that section. Could we not borrow an excerpt from India’s Constitution, that “The individual states can legislate their own official languages, depending on their linguistic demographics.” and respect Westmonts historical heritage as part of Quebec?
Separation is not the only option. Respecting ones Heritage and allowing Westmounters to florish and grow within it’s own Country’s Heritage, is also a commendable and viable option to advocate,
in a Democratic Country that demonstrates respect, fairness and equality to a linguistic minority.
And on that note, i wish you a happy “it can apply both ways” kinda of day eh 🙂
“Because it’s an open Public forum that allows opinions and views to be shared and debated. Debate is only debate if all views, for and against are challenged and debated. Otherwise it’s a Public forum that becomes nondemocratic and brings like minded people to dialogue. My purpose is to encourage debate.”
I’m not sure if opposing viewpoints going on 3+ years could still be classified as debate though? I think both sides of this argument can attest to that or at least admit to it. We could go on for another 30+ years with still no advancement nor consensus. The fact is startling. The Quebec problem still exists after 50+ years and will continue to exist until she becomes her own nation. Otherwise, for the most part – we wouldn’t be debating it now would we? Think along the lines of Descartes’s deductive logic here HFTT. I know you can because you’re familiar with Niccolo’s work; judging from your response to me 😉 I take back my comparison of Niccolo to you and wish to substitute instead, Talleyrand. I think it more befitting, good sir!
The marriage of Quebec and Canada needs to come to a close. The majority of these linguistic problems are caused by nationalistic cadres from Quebec with dreams of a Catholic nation of their own. Thoughts of yesteryear fill their dreams and fuel their desires for a French only, French dominated nation. All good and dandy with the exception that in their approach they’ve managed to trample their minority populaces and fund their projects with Canadian taxpayer’s money.
Their projects have grown to such an extent that they’ve spilled into Eastern Ontario as well.
I wrote:
“I’ll adapt his approach and you tell me if this sounds/feels accurate to what I’m referring to….”
I wrote this as an honest to goodness attempt to solicit responses from the reading public to see if it was only me alone who saw something peculiar in your writing style. I have viewed and continue to view this ‘teflon’ type approach you take. It seems you write in such a fashion as to attempt to confuse the reader as to your true intentions.
Rather than write something akin to:
“I was wrong,”
it seems you take the following approach:
“I was misinformed but not of my doing,”
“I expressed no such falsehoods”
“It’s not so much that I was wrong rather than I believe I wasn’t right.”
The reader is left with confusing dialogue by your use of double negatives – we know it for the most part as ambiguity, today. Lawyers as well as politicians use it all the time.
“See the verbal spaghetti, everyone?!”
The above comment was my Aha! moment; stream-of-consciousness, if you will. It was a sort of Eureka situation for me, good sir; upon discovering this writing style approach you use on CFN.
“Was your intent to reply to me? Or again, are you garnering support for yourself?”
Neither. Thank you. You’ve just slipped my friend. Part of discovering whom your debating with and the way in which their thought process works is to try and peg exactly the manner in which they communicate their interpretations of what you’re saying to them. I touched a nerve with the above I see. You are assuming that I’m garnering support for myself. No, I’m not.
The reply for the most part was meant to put my mind at ease to discover if any other CFN listers felt the way I did about your style. I want to see, in other words, HFTT, if it’s just me that views the twisting, turning, style.
And thanks btw, I am earnestly looking forward to the results of your endeavour with CCH.
Will you make the results of said work public?
Will you inform CFN in an official capacity?
Will there be a paper trail to follow so that we can trust that you partook in said project and are not just telling tales?
All the best.
It’s not just — A politician — Cory. It’s an even worse type of politician
— A “French” politician —
You know, with such famous “twisted” lines as these…
P. Marois. speaking to the minority Anglophones in the “province” of Quebec who presently (and disgustingly, i might add) have very few rights as Canadian citizens living in that province of Quebec, CANADA
when she said,
“Don’t worry, your rights will be fully protected.”
Yup, i guess it’s pretty easy to protect rights that don’t exit to begin with.
Or, in this other little gem of hers where she is attempting (of all things) to get the English to vote for the PQ she said,
“if they (the English) want to choose a party which has been very open to the English community, which have respect the English community then i think that is the party Quebecois.
Uh huh, yes of course “the twist” in this one are obvious.
Yes, they — HAVE BEEN — “VERY OPEN” to the English community. If there is something the French powers that be tend to do most often, it’s Fu(k you RIGHT TO YOUR FACE. No holds bared. They flat out come out and tell you about it too.
So yes, they have indeed been “very open with the English community.” One could argue that being that open is indeed a form of respect. As opposed to going around behind your back as they do with other more sensitive things they wish to screw the English with.
So, there ya have it.
Of course, there are a ton of these examples by her De courcy, trying to easy the tension saying, “we must be clear. The Anglophone community are at home here.”
Of course “they’re at home here.” They live there for crying out loud, but that does not specifically mean they are “at home” in the sense of being “comfortable.”
You see, it’s all this kind of twisty cr@p.
Cory Cameron September 14, 2013 at 1:14 pm
“Think along the lines of Descartes’s deductive logic here HFTT. I know you can because you’re familiar with Niccolo’s work; judging from your response to me I take back my comparison of Niccolo to you and wish to substitute instead, Talleyrand. I think it more befitting, good sir!”
WHAT ? ??????? You wanted to say this, now you want to say that, make up your mind.
“All good and dandy with the exception that in their approach they’ve managed to trample their minority populaces and fund their projects with Canadian taxpayer’s money.”
What are you talking about the Transfer payments again. Why don’t you look into why and how the transfer works before asserting lies again. And as for trampling the minority
English population that is your opinion and not all “readers”
“Their projects have grown to such an extent that they’ve spilled into Eastern Ontario as well.”
History…..it’s been happening long before the Separatist where ever elected. It’s not their projects that brought French Canadians to Ontario it’s been going on for allot longer.
“I wrote this as an honest to goodness attempt to solicit responses from the reading public to see if it was only me alone who saw something peculiar in your writing style.”
You can call it what you want. It still amounts to the same at the end. SUPPORT. The reading Public???????? Come on……readers do not post. And the ones that post are your “like minded people.”
edudyorlikSeptember 14, 2013 at 11:45 am
So who are you soliciting? The readers that never post.?????
Or your comrades. Your “like minded friends”
Was your intent to reply to me? Or again, are you garnering support for yourself?
“Neither. Thank you. You’ve just slipped my friend. Part of discovering whom your debating with and the way in which their thought process works is to try and peg exactly the manner in which they communicate their interpretations of what you’re saying to them. I touched a nerve with the above I see. You are assuming that I’m garnering support for myself. No, I’m not.”
I’m not assuming anything, all evidence points to that conclusion.
Did you not say just write moments ago that,
“I’m not sure if opposing viewpoints going on 3+ years could still be classified as debate though?”
Then why would you have to discover whom you are debating? Make up your mind. I do not seek to PEG anyone but the issue. It’s not personal.
“And thanks btw, I am earnestly looking forward to the results of your endeavour with CCH.”
“Will you make the results of said work public?”
“Will you inform CFN in an official capacity?”
“Will there be a paper trail to follow so that we can trust that you partook in said project and are not just telling tales?”
SHHH…..SHHHH. Quite. I’ll say like your spokesperson said you never let your opponent know your coming. You creep up on them in the night. How creepy is that.
Of course Cory I will make it public. It may not be me, but they will have a press conference. I’m not looking for recognition just results. Paper trail? I’m not a suspicious sort. I will be happy with their word and the results. The RESULTS will suffice as evidence.
Yes Kilroy. There should be legislation passed that would prevent French people from being elected to political office. Don’t stop now, what ever you do. You’re on to something here.
Fight on!!
Cory Cameron September 14, 2013 at 1:14 pm
“The reader is left with confusing dialogue by your use of double negatives – we know it for the most part as ambiguity, today. Lawyers as well as politicians use it all the time.”
Well, ambiguous? That’s a new one. I have written thousands of documents in my life and this is the first time someone tells me that I’m not clear in the delivery of my message.
Could you refer me to an example that illustrates your accusation that I leave readers wondering and confused with the use of “double negatives.”
If I’m to correct it, I need to be shown instances that this “style” exists.
Maybe then I can share in your euphoria;
“The above comment was my Aha! moment; stream-of-consciousness, if you will. It was a sort of Eureka situation for me, good sir; upon discovering this writing style approach you use on CFN.”
I did not develop a “writing style approach” to use on CFN. It’s the same “style” that I have utilized in my personal and professional life. Which has served me well, UNTIL NOW.
Cory Cameron September 14, 2013 at 1:14 pm
“Will you inform CFN in an official capacity?”
You bet your boots I will.
And will even guarantee that no authorities will be called to
have any one escorted out. Civility and respect are always good
ingredients to utilize when seeking a resolution. And I intend to
use an over dose of both.
Unless the damage done from your attempt is irreparable.
Pending the details of that incident, at this point I have every
intention to ask that the story be Breaking News on CFN.
How is it that you’ve suddenly changed your writing style to reflect a more pointed, no-nonsense style approach in your rebuttal to me. No more double negatives?
Another quality of a decent politician. Chameleon type qualities to reflect an argumentative stance. Treat it like boxing and stick and move, stick and move…
Do the reading public a favour and change your moniker to Hungry for the Agenda; will you?
How is it that you deny being a politician and yet you insist that an organization may have a press conference in response to something you’re doing?
Are you now Hungry for Power?
@Furtz RE: POST on September 14, 2013 at 6:44 pm
Furtz wrote, “Yes Kilroy. There should be legislation passed that would prevent French people from being elected to political office.”
Great idea Furtz. Get on it will ya. If you need a template for that bill just run over to the “Quebec side.” I am pretty sure that have either done that already or are working on it for sure.
The English are just catching up with the stupidity that the French have been doing for years now. Seems the English have two referendums waiting for them as well.
As for the bill to ban the politicians. All we would have to do is exchange the word English for the word French on their drafts.
Ah but, wait. You don’t speak French right? That means they may not address you in English. It’s hit and miss kinda concept with them but, what the heck. Give it a try anyways.
Careful though. If you sound like your too pushy they may call the cops and have you scuffed up for NOT SPEAKING FRENCH.
OR, uhmm errr … Perhaps it’s just a state of being that presents itself naturally without having to be legislated since English people are generally not even welcome in the province to begin with. Check into that will ya ?
Thanks and, oh… I don’t quite remember when it was we crossed that line and became friends so, on that note, i would like to wish you a nice “edudyorlik” kinda day eh 😉
@hftt (aka lives for lies)post 9-13-13 2:49pm
Did I miss the referendum, since when is Quebec a country??
Also, I have absolutey NO problem with the provience of Quebec legislating French as their OL, however, the issue lies in legislating language laws such as Bill 101 & Bill 14. You can not force people to speak or live in any language, that becomes discriminatio &/or oppression.
I would welcome Ontario to embrace English as it’s OL, it is the common language…
@ bella
Re: hfft (aka lives for lies)
Methinks he needs to see a Doctor for a bad case of amnesia…
Ontario is soon to have surplus of medical professionals, this should surely decrease our wait times, lol…