CFN – Cornwall Ontario resident Nathanael Newton chases storms and weather with his camera. He caught some amazing footage of the monster lighting storm that hit the River City overnight causing many to wake up and shiver in their beds including my Rottweiler Melly!
To check out more of Nate’s clips visit his You Tube channel.
The video is nuts!!!!
Nate did a great job!
Nate did a pretty good job. I kept myself very busy with so much work and will continue tomorrow. Well the sun came out after that storm. It was a good day to get a lot done. Congrats Nate.
Nathan does it like a boss again. This video, I can use as stock footage in my next Hollywood Horror flick
On a completely different topic… What happened to Russell Barth’s piece that briefly appeared earlier today on this site? I composed a comment re his letter, but when I hit the post comment button, my screen went blank! Too bad. It was a rather provocative essay that might have kicked off an interesting discussion.
Furtz the charming and talented Mr. Barth and I had a mini explosion over site formatting….