Pastor Tom Newton of Cornwall Ontario – Letter to the Editors: Legalizing prostitution.

prossyCornwall Ontario



“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).  From the track record of the Supreme Court in past and recent decisions, the court has never read this verse just quoted.  Nevertheless, the Holy Scriptures are for them: “These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates” (Zechariah. 8:16).  This is what the Lord God of Heaven expects of those who are in authority, those who are to rule over the people in righteousness.


The Bible is very clear that prostitution is a very terrible sin. The practice of prostitution is a direct attack against the honourable institution of marriage, which is the foundation for a good and healthy family.  The act of prostitution is an immoral act, and those who participate are committing the sin of adultery. The desire to legalize prostitution is not a mark of liberty and a progressive society, but a sign of reprobation – meaning, God is giving up our society to more sin, as He removes His restraining hand that is upon us. That the Supreme Court and our government – on any level – is considering such a legalization is sure proof that God has allowed fools void of right judgment to rule over us.


“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).  When will “sin is a reproach to any people” come to pass? To whom is the Supreme Court accountable? To whom is our government accountable? What will be next? Legalized incest, pedophilia, and polygamy? Oh, God have mercy on us, and on our children, for the Lord Jesus’ sake!  “Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled; but God will judge fornicators and adulterers” (Hebrews 13:4).


Pastor Tom Newton

Calvary Baptist Church

(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)

Photo: Kay Chernush for the U.S. State Department.

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  1. Apparently the Catholic Church has already legalized Paedophilia, Pastor..

    I don`t see what or where the Church thinks they have a right to voice on laws ??

    In my opinion if you drive these girls underground then bad things happen, this is a move in the right direction to clean something very dirty up.

  2. sin or not its the longest profession in history ……didn’t adam give eve an apple b4 he got any, times have changed………. not for it not against it ……nowadays it part of life …

  3. Rob writes -“clean something very dirty up”. Sin that is in the heart and life can only be wasted away by the blood of Christ. Rob, have you not read of the adulterous women of John 8, or the Samaritan women of John 4? The Lord Jesus forgive them of their immoral life style and acts, and gave them new life in Christ – John 8:10 -11 “When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more”.

    The Moral law of God can only condemn and expose sin – “thou shalt not commit adultery”. Christ fulfills the just demands of the Law by His death – as a payment for our sins, and His perfect life which becomes our righteousness whereby we are accepted as a Son in God’s eyes.

    Rob have you broken God’s law? How will you wash away that stain? How will you pay that debt? We, as sinners, can not change our hearts, nor pay off our sins. It is impossible for us to be right with God in and of ourselves. Look to Christ and live. Salvation is not found in the church, but in Christ alone – a free gift of His grace. By faith we receive God’s gracious forgiveness, and new life in Christ. That is what the women in John 4 and 8 did.

  4. First of all, prostitution has never been “illegal” in this country (civil law) as far as I know. It is not illegal to-day. Check the law carefully. The key is “God will judge……”, not some religious fanatic. Uncivilized societies have been stoning adulteresses for millenia, including Muslims, early Christians and Jews, and despite Christ’s instructions to the contrary. The profession is no worse to-day than it was in Adam and Eve’s time. Adultery is not a crime under civil law in this country. Where it is against civil law, for some reason it’s almost always the woman who is put to death or tortured. Why? Preach sin all you want, those who wish to be “saved’ will listen, but keep religion out of civil law. It has always spelled disaster when church and state are one, and it certainly didn’t improve any country’s morals. For those who have time to research the problem for themselves, they will also soon discover that 99% of pedophilia has nothing to do with the Catholic Church.

  5. Thankfully, Canadian laws are not based on asinine bible passages.

  6. Prostitution is the oldest profession and government is the second oldest profession and both are evil. Both trick the people into something that isn’t good. Prostitution is dirty and vulgar and many diseases stem from it and nobody can beat the power of God when He brings on incurable diseases because people have turned their backs on Him. The Canadian constitution doesn’t even mention God and don’t think that this country is without sin and without God’s wrath to come. I am completely against prostitution and would never accept it at all. About the Catholic church Pope Benedict resigned as one of his reasons so do not think that it is accepted. Other cities have punished and jailed the priests who did pedophilia and only in Cornwall has this all been covered up and it stinks to high heaven. I respect and like Pastor Newton and I am an RC and I like to hear the quotes from the Good Book the Bible and so good to the spirit. Families are falling apart because they turned their backs on God and do not know the true meaning of marriage and family. God’s judgement is coming and many of the signs are already here. Thank you Pastor Newton.

  7. The whole point of separation of church and state is just that…..separation.
    I for one am very glad the Supreme Court does not read nor base their decision on The Magic Book of Spells that Tom is referring.

    What Tom missed in the Court decision was what the decision was about. It is not that they are of the opinion that prostitution should be legalized but to strike down unconstitutional laws that keep these women in danger. The decision was if the laws in question are constitutional not that prostitution should be legalized.

    Yes Tom we are all familiar with what your Magic Book thinks about women, gays and although not mentioned directly in your book we know how you feel about Muslims.

    Oh yes Pastor Tom I am very very very very very thankful that my Supreme Court leaves their Bibles at home!!!

  8. Pastor Tom you focus on women , they just busted a prostitution ring in Ottawa 8 young men and that wasn’t all of them .The girls have access to money{ babies }where the boys don’t and so i think you should worry more about the boys since theres such a high demand for them in english canada.

  9. Before you can “interpret” the bible with anything that resembles the truth, you have to be educated on it’s history, context, and what it actually says in the oldest original texts that are available to-day. NONE of the bible “translations” that are available to-day have ever been translated properly, in their entirety, from original texts by “qualified” scholars. “Godliness“ is not a qualification for scholarlyness. Sorry. Give any French language text to a 100 people picked at random and ask them to translate it into English. You’ll get 100 totally different English texts, some of which won’t even resemble what the original French author tried to say. When you are dealing with languages, dialects etc.anywhere from 2000 to 6000 years old the problem is even worse. Greek for example, especially biblical Greek, is an extremely complex language where just the addition of a letter at the beginning or end of the word can totally change the meaning, just as one very small example. In other cases, original texts were written in languages, by cultures that don’t even exist to-day. Aramaic is one example. ALL properly educated language scholars, theologians, and biblical scientists, regardless of denomination, will tell you that to-day’s bibles are NOT accurate, and are not being used as intended by the original writers. One of the problems is the monumental task involved in doing a comprehensive translation just in one language. Then add the hundreds of languages in existence to-day and you can see the mess we are in. There were no “Thees” and “Thous” in ancient texts, no one even talked that way for any significant length of time in real life, yet we have bibles that read that way in English. That`s not even skimming the surface of the problem. Those words certainly don`t exist in other languages as something distinct. Anyone who tells you they know exactly what the bible means by quoting literal passages out of context, from existing versions of the bible are either mentally ill, or just simple morons. Why is it that so few Christians can really tell you what Christ`s message was all about, especially if you ask them to do it in one word. It sure as hell isn`t the word `saved`. Take a very well educated professional gynecologist, and ask him or her to do brain surgery on someone. The results would probably speak for themselves. Yet, in some cases, we think nothing of asking a grade-school drop out to preach the `Word of God` to us, in order to save our ìmmortal souls`. Doesn`t make much sense. Christ never, ever, prescribed putting people to death because of their sins. If you want to stop prostitution, (or any `sin`for that matter), get rid of the customers and the problem goes away. The only place you can do that is what you teach to individuals in their homes or `congregations`., not through civil governments.

  10. @ROGER I am not commenting on your assertion that prostitution has never been “illegal” in this country. That is an issue separate to your confusion over law in Canada. You talk about “civil law” but that only applies to the province (nation) of Quebec the rest of Canada is covered by common law. While individual provinces/territories have there own separate justice systems we all become bound by the decisions of the supreme court of Canada.
    I do take exception that you consider that societies that allow stoning are “uncivilized”. Because a society utilizes a different system of justice doesn’t in itself make it uncivilized except in the judgement of those in opposition.
    I do agree however that multiple platforms of law within the same jurisdiction could lead to further societal issues ( religion based law vs. laws of state )
    Based on what I have read and on what the European experience has provided I tend to agree that decriminalization does not represent the answer.
    In closing ROGER, regardless of authority, (religion or state) common sense cannot be legislated and I agree that Christ did not endorse the death penalty. We are not perfect, the act of prostitution endorses that fact of our humanity.
    All the best for the New Year !

  11. So as I read it Roger – you are for adultery, and for prostitution. And you say you are religious? New Age Paganism, I assume.

  12. New Age Paganism would certainly be an improvement over Old Age Fundamental Christianity. Not as groovy as Pastafarianism, but still an improvement.

  13. There is no such thing as “separation of church and state” and all that is mythical that certain people have made up for themselves. In Europe especially in the Netherlands where prostitution is legal it is done where it is a bordello and you pay money for this dirty and vulgar service and those women have licences to practice such a thing and are examined all the time by medical doctors because of diseases. Prostitution done on the street is the worse kind where these women are not examined and without a licence. Drugs are legal in the Netherlands and still people take drugs and are a big problem on society. Legalizing drugs and prostitution is not going to deter the situation but is going to increase and break up families. It is well known that the more society goes on the worse things are going to get and that people are going to get away from God and become this New Age Movement which is part of the New World Order and the NWO is Masonic – pagan. There is supposed to be an antichrist coming who is going to be able to solve the world’s problems and people will fall for this person who will be controlled by Satan and will have all the answers to the world’s problems. The Pope is supposed to be assassinated as well and the Catholic church will come to an end. All this has been predicted for a long time now and I can see it coming even as an RC. At least 60% of marriages do not last and children are thrown from one parent after another – some life that is. Even pets are thrown from one person after another which shows you how society has deteriorated. The Bible is not a fairytale book but a book of reality of what has happened and what is happening and what is to come. People who turn away from God are going to pay a mighty heavy price. This is not the kind of society that I want to live in and the Good Lord knows that.

  14. There is a prostitution racket that was busted at the Russell Road Ottawa Housing (low income housing) and young girls were involved and were pushed into this horrible act. This kind of thing goes on all the time nowadays especially with the kind of economy that exists today as well as the kind of horrible society. What decent person wants to get married today with the likes of what is going on and you don’t know from one day or another if that marriage is going to end in divorce. My own children want no part of it since they see the deterioration of things today. Both admire what my husband and I have accomplished and we are so very different to one another but we believe in family and good moral upbringing. Russell Road at Walkley Rd. is one of the very worse Ottawa Housing areas of Ottawa. I live far enough and at the same time not too far and not far enough. We are surrounded by the garbage. I feel sorry for the good home owners around. This is one of the worst areas of town and all the garbage from other countries seem to settle in this area. I sure wouldn’t want to own anywhere since a good place sure does go downhill when bad people move in.

  15. For all you separation of state and church lovers:
    1. There is no such thing as the separation of church and state in Canada. The U.S. constitution prohibits the establishing, recognizing of one national religion i.e. The Anglican Church that was over the colonies in their day. Ontario for example has special conditions built into its providential bylaws that allow Roman Catholicism to exist.
    2. As created by God, we have the inward witness of His moral law (Ten Commandments) written on our hearts(Rom.2:14-15). This is what is meant by being created in the image and likeness of God(Gen.1:26). By birth we have a knowledge of right from wrong because we are created in His image. The Ten Commandments, the Bible, and the final Word from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God is all what we classify as special revelation. The Western world society has been influenced by the Judo-Christian Scriptures, as compared to Muslim lands, Asia( Confucianism, Shintoism, etc.) That we have been influenced by Christianity is all part of God’s grace and sovereign purposes for the nations of the world. We are now in a decline of the influence of the Word of God in the West as the religion of Secular Humanism revives, which is seen as the judgment of God, and the failure of the church to be holy, overall. We are perverting back to per- Christian times: Greek gods, occultism, paganism, heathenism, general lawlessness, as in the days before Noah’s flood. It is like going back before the Gospel overthrew the known Roman world – in the Apostle Paul’s day.
    3. God in His Word, the Bible, and only the Bible has any binding authority on you and I. Since we are created in God’s image, and therefore accountable to love Him, and keeping His law is a expression of that love. As sinners, fallen in Adam (Gen.3), we have lost the ability and desire to love God as He deserves, but God has not lost, nor has He relinquished His right to be Lord of all, and for us to love Him, as set forth by His Word, via faith in His Son & new life in Christ. We are now in the age of grace – the long-suffering of God towards humanity until all the elect are saved. Grace will end in the Great Tribulation (Rev. 4-19), the Great White Throne Judgment. The Judge appointed by the Holy Father will be the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus will use the Word of God as His standard of judgment (Rev. 20:11-15).
    4. Nations are responsible to enact righteous, just, moral laws based upon the Word of God – i.e. the Ten Commandments. When a nation forfeits it’s right and obligation to execute capital punishment for moral crimes, such a nation has already forsaken God, and is under divine judgment. God leaving a nation to it’s only foolish mindset, rules, and opinions – Secular Humanism is a result of the nation turning it’s back on God. The God of the Bible is not an idle Sovereign, as many think, but is actively raising up nations, and bringing down nations in judgment. The nation of Israel is an example of this, so were the Gentile nations of the pass – Babylonian,Greek, Roman, etc). Psa 9:16-17 “The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God”.
    5. “Thou shalt not commit adultery”(Ex. 20). Is a blanket negative commandment that covers all sexual sins. The positive command would read like this – Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled, but fornicators and adulterers God will judge”. Prostitution is a violation of this commandment of God. Prostitution victimizes men and women – slave, sex workers, and is a direct attack on the family. God, according to His Word, would have us to not legalize prostitution, same sex marriage, or any other vice that would undermined marriage, the family, and society on the whole.

  16. @ Newton. I certainly wasn’t created in YOUR god’s image. I’m NOT jealous or sadistic.
    I was created in MY god’s image. Kinda warm and noodley with a coating of yummy sauce.

  17. @Pastor Tom Newton…..”…providential bylaws that allow Roman Catholicism to exist.” That is a really good one ! Do you actually believe what you say? Caution Tom, quoting your version of the bible could land you in hot water like Phil of Dick Dynasty fame. People might think you dislike gays and the wrath of the media will come crashing down around you like hail and brimstone !

    Unfortunately Tom society has all the appearances of already having been undermined.

  18. Just for the record, and for those who have difficulty understanding my poor use of the English language, I am not FOR adultery or FOR prostitution, or for anything else that violates the 10 commandments. I am however very much a Christian who believes in Christ`s message of “LOVE“ towards all of my neighbors, including the `garbage from other countries` and His instructions not to judge or persecute others. I am very much AGAINST the baffle-gab bull-shit that gets passed off as religion in many churches. I am also aware that white Europeans have caused more destruction and butchered more people than any other race in history, most often in the name of the Christian religion. Christians have also killed and persecuted more Christians, their own people, than any outsiders. Those are well documented historical facts. The religion of love. I should have used the `laws of the state`, rather than civil law. A little know fact for some people I guess, but Islam is also known as being part of the so-called Judaeo-Christian tradition, and shares major parts of Old Testament type teachings, particularly when it comes to capital punishment. That`s where the ideas came from I suspect. Today`s world, at least in Canada , is no worse than any other period of history as far as lawlessness and crime is concerned. The so-called “Good Old Days“ never really existed.

  19. God Almighty Roger Islam is not part of the Christian Judeo religion at all. There may be parts of their Koran which may be a big similar to our own but in no way is it based on anything that we were taught. Today both Suni as well as Hezbollah/Shite and others are fighting one another. I did learn from my husband a while ago that a few Islamic people do put up a Christmas tree and I have heard that a few Jewish people do so as well. Not all Islamic people are bad nor are all Jewish people and the Jewish people have always been the better. Christians have killed Christians during the Middle Ages like Catholics killing Protestants which we have heard of in France and other places. I was raised in a mixed household of Catholic and Protestant and heard plenty and seen plenty and what Pastor Newton comes out with does not offend me. I have heard it from the Greek Orthodox people as well which was shocking to me and yet my husband has a medal here of the Blessed Virgin Mary from a Greek Orthodox friend who went back to Greece and gave it to him as a remembrance of him. I agree in the vast majority of what the Pastor says and I too do not believe in same sex marriage – that is a sham and not a marriage and it is in the Bible about that as well. I am 100% against such a union as well as legalizing prostitution – this world is going to hell in a handbasket. I want absolutely nothing to do with legalization of any of this including the legalization of drugs. What a society that this is coming to.

  20. Well Dang! I guess my last submission was a little too critical of Newton to be posted. So I will respectfully ask Mr. Newton this… You say “When a nation forfeits it’s right and obligation to execute capital punishment for moral crimes, such a nation has already forsaken God, and is under divine judgment.” So are you saying that in order to avoid YOUR god’s wrath, Canada should get busy hanging all the people you and your god hate? And who would you and your god appoint as judges? We’d be in seriously scary times if …. Oops, I almost crossed Mr. Newton’s defensive line.

  21. Read up Jules. Islam is most definitely part of the Judaeo Christian tradition, and according to any authors I’ve read, always has been. Any recognized author on religion will tell you just that. Most of their Koran is identical to the Old Testament, some books are used verbatim, and Christ is revered as a prophet in Islam. as are many other prophets from the Old Testament. Much of the punishments in Sharia Law come directly from the Old Testament. Everyone should condemn sin or crime. That doesn’t mean you should condemn individual human beings or impose your views on others. Leave that to God.

  22. it’s funny .. I used to attend Calvery when I was a boy … I witnessed a church split apart because of a difference in beliefs .. confusing since if your a Christian you would think that the word would bind people together .. but it tore them apart … then I attended the church that splintered off from that church … years later trouble arose with that congregation … a house divided against itself will fall .. one thing I saw a lot of .. hypocracy … manipulation , emotional blackmail .. all in the name of god … I don’t think jesus came here to start a religion … religion is man made .. its full of laws and bylaws and politics … you cant just join a church .. you have to be invited … but the worst I’v see is so call Christians who hide behind their so called faith and think they can do bad things , as long as no one knows .. I know Christians that are verbally mentally and physically abusive to their children .. Christians who are closet drunks .. secret porn junkies …. … jesus came here with a message of love .. he told us that we should take care of each other .. he taught that no man is greater than the next … all have sinned and come short of the glory of god .. faith is a personal thing pastor and when you come into a public forum accusing folks of paganism .. or out right calling someone a sinner .. well You are out of bounds.. Pastor You are a sinner .. You canot tell me You have never used Your so called faith to manipulate people or control them … don’t worry about the saw dust in your brothers eye when you have a 2 by 4 in your own .. he without sin shall cast the first stone .. do any of these versus mean anything to You.. because You Yourself are a sinner .. you have no right to point and accuse – do you understand me? I certainly will not buy what your selling because you do not represent god .. your speaking on behalf of yourself .. Your Pride .. no man is without sin .. and saying your saved doesn’t make you sinless – for You have had bad thoughts against a brother .. or have said bad things about others ( like Your doing now ) .. and pastor you should know this because it is in mans nature to sin .. to be willful .. it is also in a mans nature to be free … heres what I have to say .. Christianity is a facist cult … I know because I have been manipulated , controlled , and emotionally damanged by the likes of You !!! Get thee behind me SATAN …. all has been lost and its because teachers like You don’t know how to interpret the word of god correctly … I may be a sinner … but you know .. I accept responsibility for every bad thing ive ever done … id rather be free then have someone like You lay a guilt trip on me because if you want my opinion guilt is the greatest sin of all .. it causes people to take their own lives .. throws people into depression .. causes anguish … .. but You use it as a tool of manipulation …. keep it up pastor tom because The road to hell is paved with good intentions !

    As for the article.. It’s so disheartening [for me] to see people so highly animated over the legality of prostitution, the narrow-minded Duck Dynasty character — all filler material designed to distract and occupy the minds of individuals that might otherwise notice events and decisions that are happening now that will effect our children, grandchildren, and all of humanity for hundreds of generations.

    Sadly for us, humans have evolved in such a way that we are most responsive towards immediate dangers such as the tiger or snake in the grass, and have difficulty correctly appreciating the often far more dire consequences of more slowly unfolding events.

    Some people just cannot handle the complexity of the wondrous universe we live in and must constantly reinforce their minds with a construct of their own making, independent of physical reality. They imagine a world that to them is simpler, easier, has less perceived chaos and provides security and hope. Moral rights and wrongs are then externally provided by an authority figure, releasing one`s self from the responsibility for their own actions. Since they no longer must provide a clear logical chain of reasons for doing or not doing anything, all that must be done is to recite memorized rules, and, not only does one not have to discuss the motives and relevance of any of these “moral rules,” that very act is considered blasphemous.

    Today I skimmed through the first published laws of the American New England colonies from the early 1600s compiled by a protestant minister of the time.

    Even all the best, purest intentions in the world cannot excuse a system of belief that so actively ignores the most basic concepts of logic and cognitive thought, in favour for a closed minded strict set of rules that, without the moderating effect of others in the community, would resort to the burning of “witches,” execution of homosexuals, and unmarried couples all the while happily supporting such atrocities as genocides and human slave trafficking.

  24. @Nate Newton
    Nicely expressed.
    Your comments are sympathetic with those developed as part of what the Situationist, Guy Debord described as “the spectacle” .
    For those interested, Debord’s “Society Of The Spectacle” is a brilliant, visionary examination of society’s relationship with media and morals (and related issues).


    Islam is a works, human achievement type religion. Muslims say they don’t need a Saviour, they can save, work their way into heaven. The Word of God says such are deceived, and will end up in hell.
    Gal 2:16 “Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law(the Qur’an), but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified”.
    Gal 3:10-11 “For as many as are of the works of the law(of the Qur’an) are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith”.

    “Christ is revered as a prophet in Islam” – is not enough to come into God’s favour. Reject Christ’s Saviourship, His blood redemption, God rejects you. Simple as that! John 8:24 “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins”.

  26. Mike writes “Pastor You are a sinner .. You canot tell me You have never used Your so called faith to manipulate people or control them …”.

    Since you want to air dirty laundry, particular examples that apply to me, that you have personal knowledge of, is in order. Any one that knows me knows that I am a sinner saved by His grace. I have never said in the pulpit or out of the pulpit that I am sinless. But Mike I know what to do with my sins – Pro 28:13 “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy”. What about you? I can see by your bitterness, resentfulness, that since you can not attack God personally, you must attack His Word, His people, and His grace.

    Hebrews 10:26-31 “For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”.

    P.S. these verses apply to you also my son, Nathanael.

  27. Michael Clifton -The Society of the Spectacle is a work of philosophy and Marxist critical theory. All hail the gods of Lenin, Stalin! Come worship at their feet. Hallelujah, what a deceiver!

  28. The asinine bible quotes only apply to those gullible or feeble-minded enough to buy into the BS. When a so called “religious leader” publicly advocates for the killing of “sinners” (sexual or otherwise), any person with a functioning brain will see that the line of decency has been crossed. Thankfully, the numbers of people subscribing to this particularly toxic religion are diminishing.

  29. PTN – How typical of you to dismiss the erudition of those that don’t share your narrow path.
    Of course we’d all be better off if we drank your brand of kool-aid.
    I don’t expect someone like you to respect Debord’s observations. He exposes the commodification of morals that is so rampant today. People mesmorized by the ol’ “idiot box”, passively soaking-up all that toxic middle American fundamentalist spew. That’s your stuff right?! You can have it.

  30. @Pastor Tom Newton
    I don’t wish to leave an impression of hostility towards you personally. I defend your right to express your beliefs in this forum 100%. And you do seem to trigger people’s passion for discussions around religious beliefs.
    I am not a believer, but I will admit that your kind of religious zeal has produced some of the greatest country music:: the gospel bluegrass of the Stanley Brothers Jerry Lee Lewis’ country gospel stylings and who can forget Jerry Lee’s virtuous cousin, the soulful swine Jimmy Swaggart.
    You see, I’m not a religious man. but I loves me some good country music and I don’t like to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
    BTW Bill Monroe (the father of bluegrass) was once charged with assaulting his wife with a bible – no shit!

  31. maybe we should put all Christians on trial for crimes against humanity .. after all they are responsible for the death of millions ( if not billions ) of innocent people .. they are responsible for starting how many wars? .. in the old testament … god led his kings into battle .. the mission to totally kill off races .. killing innocent woman and children .- but god loves you ???? see pastor jesus didn’t come here to save us .. he came with a sword to divide the people .. to turn people against each other .. he certainly succeeded in dividing me from the Christians .. and as I said ive had dealing with your kind all my life .. if a Christian party ever took power in Canada .. they’d kill off anything they deemed unclean …you come here and you hit us over the head with your doctrine .. maybe we should all show up at your church tomorrow and run you into the ground in front of your congregation !!!!!

  32. Furtz I would not call myself “feeble minded” even though I may be getting up in years. You do not know about the power of God and if you did you would not use such words. I laughed when Pastor Newton wanted to dump spaghetti on you. LOL LOL. You wished everyone a Merry Christmas and not knowing what the word Christmas means. It seems that what people call themselves Christians are not even Christian at all but only in name so if you are only in name then you are not a Christian. The Bible doesn’t just apply to a few people but to all and believe me the power of the Lord exists. When my sister in law was given the last rites her sister was present in the room and nobody could get her to open her mouth to eat. The only time she opened her mouth was to receive communion by the priest which was her last. It was like God opened her mouth for her because she died just then. I am crying just now because it hurts so much. Furtz nobody knows when their time is up and if you do not get right with the Good Lord then I hate to know what would happen to you and to others. My husband’s family along with so many have suffered during the Lebanese Civil War. When my mother in law came to Canada when my son was just born she did not want me to throw away my dirty dish water because they went through literal hardship during that time. I told her that we had plenty of water and there was no war here. My sister in law who passed away was shot in the leg by a stray bullet while going to get bread nearby and hasn’t been able to walk well since and suffered with soreness and pain. Get down on your knees and thank the Good Lord that you live in Canada and not abroad where all the hell is happening.

    Another thing have respect for Pastor Newton and this man is not one of us but is held in respect. I am not a Baptist but we have a few Baptist friends and they gave me a King James Bible that I cherish. You need the church badly Fertz and others and show respect to the Pastor.

  33. erudition – the quality of having or showing great knowledge or learning; scholarship. Who a Marxist?

  34. athame – you are welcome to come. By the way the text verse for the 11:00 o’clock is going to be – Mat 10:34 “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword”. You must be a prophet 🙂 But I am one that believes the Bible teaches that prophets are not for this particular time, so maybe God in His overruling providence is saying something to you? Tell Anna I said hi!

  35. @ Jules. I don’t give a rat’s finger what anyone believes. You can believe in Jesus Christ or purple bunny rabbits, or whatever turns your crank. Just don’t tell me what to believe. Got that? What really gets my blood boiling is when a {MODERATED}Christian minister, says that his god is p!ssed off because in Canada, we don’t execute (kill) morally deficient (sinners) people.
    Here’s his quote again… “When a nation forfeits it’s right and obligation to execute capital punishment for moral crimes, such a nation has already forsaken God, and is under divine judgment.”
    So Jules, Are you up for killing non-believers and those who stray from Newton’s path to redemption?

  36. I believe in the Bible and am an RC. I was brought up in a mixed household of RC and Anglican. I love the Bible quotes from Pastor Newton. About Islam it is not at all like our Judeo Christian faith and is completely different. Yes there may be a few things from our Bible and not only that but they do have high regard for the Blessed Virgin Mary that Protestants do not have and yes to them Jesus was a prophet but in reality He is the Son of God. Only a few things in their Koran is similar to ours. You sure wouldn’t want to live under the Muslim Brotherhood nor Sharia Law so I would say to all you better get yourselves right with God because we don’t know what is coming. I do know some things and I do not approve of a lot of what is coming and won’t go into it here. Get right with the Lord now is your time.

  37. M.D.S. = Morally Deficient Syndrome – Furtz, that sounds like some disease one might catch by not washing their hands. Is their a shot for that?

    Psa 9:16-17 “The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God”.

  38. Yes Jules. I’ll get “right with the lord” and the “blessed virgin”, and Stephen Harper once I get this god-dang ice cleared from my driveway. In the meantime, you and the preacher should be lobbying your MPs to reinstate the death penalty for non-believers.
    God Bless.

  39. Too Funny. Newton says that sinners should be killed. That’s cool, and unchallenged by the moderator.
    I say that Newton is a nut-bar, and that observation is blocked!
    Carry on.

  40. Christ Himself told His followers to mind their own business, and worry about living their own lives, not that of others. When asked what was the greatest commandment, He didn’t talk about sin. He talked about LOVE, or the greatest commandment. It doesn’t take a lot of intellect to read the ten commandments and realize that all they do is forbid things that are against the concept of love. Christ also told the priests of His day that they were too bound up in rules and observances, and empty talk. As Christians, we have to realize that Christian behavior has not always been civilized. Even to-day we have extreme right wing fanatics who appoint themselves pastors, and actively promote the death penalty for sin, any sin. If they could have their way they would apply the death penalty to all ten commandments, as was once specified in the Old Testament., but is forbidden to-day in most civilized countries. Right to-day we have “pastors” from Canada & the U.S. promoting the death penalty for homosexuals in Uganda, hand in hand with Muslim extremists, or the Muslim Brotherhood if you prefer. Those people are not Christians but satanic servants of the devil, pure evil. They are nothing but white trash, the same as those “pastors” who supported slavery, took part in the KKK, and other atrocities in various parts of the world. They are definitely NOT servants of God. The Christian faith as prescribed by Christ is something beautiful. These people turn it into filth. Most of these people suffer from various forms of mental illness. You can find passages in the bible to justify almost any kind of criminal behavior, which is exactly what many prisoners or inmates do.. Visit any prison chaplain, or mental institution. They can justify behavior like beating or abusing their spouse or children, or some hear God speaking to them and instructing them to kill, while they quote passages from the bible. Christians should also realize that we may only have half of what originally would have made up the bible. Where are all the other gospels for example? There’s a hell of a lot more to Christianity than quoting passages out of context from the bible. If it sounds hateful, there’s something wrong, it’s not what Christ instructed. Many Muslims, and followers of other religions, know more about Christ’s teachings than many Christians do. Why is that?

  41. I love hookers. Best way to keep a man from cheating on his wife. I think Pastor Tom is a meme.

  42. Furtz -“lobbying your MPs to reinstate the death penalty for non-believers”. No, you have it wrong Furtz, not for unbelievers but for those who commit moral crimes against the law of the land – Rom. 13:1-7.

    1Ti 1:8-11 “But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing this: that the law is not laid down for the righteous, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for killers of fathers and killers of mothers, for murderers, for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is opposed to sound doctrine, according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, with which I was entrusted”.

    So whatever the law of the land would prescribe in righteousness and in justice for such crimes against humanity one must accept. I don’t believe the death penalty should be used in all cases, actually not at all but for intentional, premeditated murder. Mercy rejoiceth against justice! We are at the stage in society that their is no just punishment for any serious lawlessness. Our prison system is a joke; it reforms no one. The criminals has more rights than the victims of the crime. Psychology has rendered everyone – not my fault. No one is accountable anymore. We are all victims! Shall I say anything about our justice system?

    Stricter punishment for crimes is how a society maintains law and order. Remember “righteousness exalted a nation”! There has to be a standard of right and wrong, or society will destroy itself. All that we are doing today is lowering the standard and allowing legalized vice to run unchecked. I am for law and order, not for permissiveness, libertarianism, and lawlessness. Legalizing prostitution – legalizing adultery & sexual immorality is not good for society, because it violates God’s law as revealed in the Bible. God is not going to set back and allow such to go unpunished. Such sins also have a built in aspect of misery built into it – broken homes, divorce, spousal abuse, children hurt for life. But on the other hand God blesses a faithful marriage relationship between one man and one woman, and that for life – divorce is committing adultery too. Mark 10:11-12 ” So He said to them, “Whoever should put away his wife and marry another commits adultery against her. And if a wife should put away her husband and be married to another, she commits adultery.”

    The Ten commandments has been the standard for society for years now. Leave out our duty to love and worship God and love to man falls to wayside. There is no morality without a clear knowledge of the Almighty. It is the fear of God that is the beginning of wisdom. Vindictive retribution has to be part of law system or we will fall as did other nations in the past. If we rule God out, then the State – government will take over and rule every aspect of our lives according to their rules and regulations – totalitarian dictatorship = Antichrist!

    Why can’t Secular Humanism teach morals? Why can’t it come up with a standard of right and wrong and not use the inspired Word of God? It can’t since we are told we are all animals. Animals have no souls, only instincts of survival. Behavioral modification is all that science can accomplish.- drugged out robots! 1984 is here.

    Rev 17:17 “For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the Beast, until the words of God are fulfilled”.

  43. @ Newton. You, Sir, are the last person on this planet that I would turn to for any kind of guidance. T{MODERATED} It doesn’t surprise me in the least that you are now calling for the death penalty for those who commit “moral crimes”.

  44. Author

    I would remind all to please temper their comments.

    Principles over personalities. The comments section is not a place for personal attacks.

  45. Nate Newton, I am in agreement with Michael Clifton, nicely expressed. Please continue to contribute. Roger you are well read and level minded perhaps you could help Pastor Tom Newton with this biblical conundrum, or perhaps he will endeavor to respond himself. There exist several gospels which remain unsubstantiated and therefore have not been included in mainstream versions of the bible. Part of the difficulty in corroborating these writing exists in the fact that there was a forty year gap from the time that Christ died and the appearance of historical writings concerning his life, his deeds or his mission if you will. Can anyone explain the reason for this timeline gap in the history of Christianity or enlighten us on when the Qur’an was written ?

    Sorry about the duplication above, I obviously hit the wrong key

    Michael Clifton… I saw Jerry Lee perform live at the Starlight Theatre in Saratoga Springs, NY, it was memorable !

  46. David rights -“There exist several gospels which remain unsubstantiated and therefore have not been included in mainstream versions of the bible”. So why are you so interested in what is called the “Pseudepigraphal books”? In the providential workings of God in the life of the early church, the church came up with a solid criteria for accepting true apostolic writings vs heretical Gnosticism. Any general book on Bibliology will substantiate this. You accept the un-canonized books as authoritative(or having something to add) and reject the authority of the ones that God has approved?

    And also, this forty year gap you write of – where not the apostles, the ones the Lord Jesus chose still alive? Did He not give them gifts of inspiration/miracles to write a authentic, infallible account? (John 14-16). By most reliable sources i.e. Jensen’s Survey of the New Testament, the first accepted epistle was written by 45 a.d. and the gospel of Matthew appeared in 58 a.d. So I don’t see where you come up with this so called 40 year gap. James was written 12 years after the Lord’s ascension, and Matthew 25 years, and that while some of the apostles were still alive so they could verify the early writings accepted by the church body as authentic.

    The English Bible, the KJV has been the accepted translation for over 400 years. It is the translation that God has used to bring about 7 evangelical awakenings through out church history, including the Reformation. It is the translation that God Holy Spirit has used to save millions since the Day of Pentecost. The Bible is sufficient for all doctrine and practice in which the Christian, and the evangelical church can safely build it’s life upon, and that all to the glory of God.

    The Qur’an was written, as one source writes, “According to orthodox Islamic scholarship, the Qur’an was compiled in the years 646-50 from materials written by Muhammad before his death in 632”. Final note – the Qur’an is a religious book that is not inspired by God. No further revelation was foretold to be given after the writing of the book of Revelation by John. The Apostle John closes his book by writing –

    Rev 22:18-19 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book”.

    This same warning is found in Deut. 4:2 and Prov. 30:6. Pro 30:6 declares “Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar”. These warning can be applied to the above Pseudepigraphal books, and yes of courses to the Qur’an, and any other extra biblical writing man comes up with. In fact the Qur’an writes that Muslims are to obey the Torah and the Gospels – Sura 5:47,68. So the Bible has first place over all man written books.

  47. Thanks David.
    Isn’t it amazing that we have Jerry Lee, Little Richard and Chuck Berry all still with us? God bless them all!

  48. @Roger
    I’m certainly not a biblical scholar, but I believe the Muslims are very protective of what is thought to be the word of God in scripture. They feel that man has perverted the word of God with endless interpretations and (possibly alcohol fueled) anecdotes from misled prophets over the centuries.
    As an observer only, I have to question the spiritual relevance of a lot of the violence-filled passages in the bible. A lot of people taking revenge and generally acting in a very non-loving manner. Some pretty graphic stuff that often seems to suffer from errant translation of earlier texts.
    As a youngster I found the bible hopelessly confusing and absolutely uninspiring.
    I respect your obvious scholarship in this field.

  49. Pastor Tom,

    What does God honestly have to do with Canadian Law??

    And if God set the “Laws” I think before you start pushing god on others you should start cleaning up the church… If there is a god in reality why are so many Children molested by Gods people???

    I am not here for a bible lesson..

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