I am a South Stormont resident, and as I can imagine many received as I did Deputy Mayor Hart’s campaign flier in the mail.
I submitted some questions via email about some issues that I had a concern about, and of yet, after two submissions, still no reply, so I thought maybe if I submitted my concerns again in the local news paper, maybe the Deputy Mayor might read it, and get back to me.
To make things short here is the email I sent –
Greetings Mrs. Hart:
I live in Lunenburg, Rd. 29. I received your campaign flier to day. I was wondering in the wasted expenditure list why was there not listed money used or wasted for two integrity commissioner’s findings? I hear it was around $30,000 for both. Is that true? If that is true, then what are you going to do about it? Payback the tax payer? At least explain to the residents of such a justification for such a waste, and why you did not list it.
Pastor Tom Newton
I understand Deputy Mayor Hart is a busy woman these days, campaign and all, but all I am asking is for accountability and some common courtesy in that she would at least take the time to answer my questions as a registered voter and a tax payer living in Stormont Township.
Pastor Tom Newton
PS – thanks again for the hamburger buns, Mr. Currier.
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Hurricane Hart did not respond to Pastor Newton’s e-mail? How dare she treat her constituents in that way. Richard Currier left Pastor Newton some hamburger buns – he must be wanting to BBQ on someone’s lawn.
To Ms Hart, every penny spent that gets her in the news is money well spent. It’s what she lives for.
I can’t say I blame her for not responding, no matter right or wrong pastor tom would find a way to let her know she was wrong by misinterpreting the bible somehow.
To be fair, Paul, Newton’s question didn’t include the usual bible-thumping.
I hope Pastor Tom didn’t actually expect an answer from Tammy Hart. Politicians trapped in a corner rarely give valid answers.
Trapped in the corner – and she speaks of transparency. Now you see her, and now you don’t.
Pro 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn”.
You expect to hold a Canadian involved in politics with any level of government to be accountable to the taxpayer? Give your head a shake there Tom. The sound that you will hear is their usual response to our feeble attempts and the sound of our outrage when spurned.
It may well have been a politician that coined the phrase “silence is golden”.
David writes “You expect to hold a Canadian involved in politics with any level of government to be accountable to the taxpayer?”. Could it be David, that men like you are the reason we are in such a moral, spiritual and political mess. Your expectations for change and accountability are appalling, if not nauseating. God is still on the throne of this universe, and still bides us to pray, to do what is right, and that for His glory and our good. That includes voting, and holding our elected officials to a standard of integrity, honesty, and moral excellence.
1Ti 2:1-3 “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour”.
Really Mr. Newton!! You had to go there didn’t you? Is it too much to expect to think that politicians be held accountable to the taxpayers?? Blaming the common man for the mess. REALLY!! Then you say our expectations for change and accountability are appalling, if not nauseating. And you wonder why your comments are not liked. Expecting our politicians to be held accountable is neither appalling or nauseating. AND expecting change is again neither appalling or nauseating. What is appalling and nauseating is when you always throw in scripture to justify your views.
If I may, Jamie, I think Mr. Newton’s insulting comment deserves to be addressed.
Mr, Newton, you say that it “appalling if not nauseating” that someone would expect better from our political leaders. And then you follow it up with your usual preaching and bible-thumping. Seriously? Are you saying that it is “appalling if not nauseating” that some people don’t buy into your particular religious beliefs? The commenting policy of this site won’t permit me to express my contempt for you and your never-ending BS, so you’ll just have to use your imagination for that.
I wish to remind all that it’s ok to debate the principle, but please not each other. We’ve reminded some of you before. Debate the point; not the person.
@Pastor Tom Newton…It was a rather pointedly satirical question I am sorry that you missed it. The problem of course is not with corrupt politicians who have a high sense of entitlement but rather with the deplorable apathetic state of our largely ignorant electorate.
Until we, the electorate, start becoming more involved with our future by keeping ourselves informed and voting from a position of knowledge and understanding we will simply get what we have put into it, nothing of true worth.
Amen David!
Hugger1 look at David’s question -“You expect to hold a Canadian involved in politics with any level of government to be accountable to the taxpayer?”. The way David relied – “Give your head a shake there Tom” gives me the idea that I am expecting to much from politicians, and that David was implying it was hopeless – what the use attitude.
David – “pointedly satirical question” – I guess I missed it, but isn’t it time we get rid of the satire and come to the point, as you did -“Until we, the electorate, start becoming more involved with our future by keeping ourselves informed and voting from a position of knowledge and understanding we will simply get what we have put into it, nothing of true worth”. Well said!
Is that better Furtz?
Holy mackerel, PTN and I agree on something. It is time we get rid of the satire and get to the point. The electorate needs to be more involved.
I am not offended at all what Pastor Newton says and I just copied a quote from Proverbs 29:2 that Pastor wrote here and thank you Pastor. God is always in charge even though Satan is badly influencing the public. What Pastor Newton is telling you is nothing in comparison for what God has planned as a vengeance on the people for disobedience. There is a saying: “we get the government that we deserve” and this is true because when we do bad or against the Lord we get the punishments. This is nothing for what is coming down the road and if people have the bad morals that they have today God is in command and His wrath will be the worst kind of wrath that anyone would ever want to experience in their life. People better than or else God would have to forgive Sodom and Gamorah for their sins and believe me there is so much sin nowadays that it surpasses Sodom and Gamorah. If people do not know right from wrong then they are in trouble. Our leader is only as good as its people. The leader is always held accountable and that is what leadership is all about.