What’s Biting Hugo’s Bum & The Return of Denis Carr to Council by Jamie Gilcig NOV 11, 2015

You ever see someone and you know that either they aren’t sleeping, are about to lose their job, or simply aren’t getting enough TLC?

Hugo Rodrigues, editor of the Standard Freeholder, has been on the warpath of late.   We here call it “Gilcig very very lite.”

The biggest difference is that I tend to focus on facts and build from there.   Hugo’s latest rant against our city’s only public art gallery is cringe worthy.    The big question asked of me after its publication was whether Hugo would have written about our Public Art Gallery if  I wasn’t on the board of TAG?

He laments that our public gallery gets called a….public gallery.  Hugo says he cringes every time he sees TAG called a public gallery.    Sadly Hugo doesn’t seem to be terribly versed on what a public gallery is which is odd with his fou fou use of Shakespearean spirited quotes that he on occasion tries to mix in?

Hugo was actually president of the CAJ which stands for Canadian Association of Journalists.  He’s no Todd Lihou hack who simply is editing a paper because he couldn’t hack it in the cop biz.   Could you imagine being pulled over by Lihou?  Oy gevalt!

Hugo’s latest tirade comes at the expense of Denis Carr who council has chosen to return to council, as is their choice.   They’ve broken no rules and frankly it has been tradition, at least over the last decade or two, to simply replace an elected official with the next one down the list.  (Please remember that council in case Leslie flies on any any Russian flights over the Middle East)

Now CFN viewers know that I can be very hard on the boys and girls of our council.   They are a boggling group this term from a mayor who would not be mayor if not for yours truly and CFN viewers to some of the other mayhem and silliness that emanates from the likes of David Murphy, Claude McIntosh, Elaine MacDonald, Carilyne Hebert, and yes, even Bernadette Clement who I was told is upset at missing a Cabmin gig with Justin by just that much…

Denis Carr is not the worst choice to replace Brock Frost, nor the best.

Fitzy March 29 13

Frankly my dog Fitzy could do a better job than Frost without as much legal overhead and risk.

I’m sure Denis will be his consistent political self for the next three years.  While we have been known to disagree with each other on certain issues we’ve always had a um…..steady rapport with some interesting subject matter.

I think that deep down we both care a lot about this community although we differ in opinions on some area.

Councilor Carr was nice enough to sit down for a video interview this aft and here are the results.

Denis gave kudos to the administrative team at City Hall.   We talked about out sourcing jobs at City Hall; he talked about it being more important for 47,000 people having good jobs and food rather than be over 50,000.   We talked the art scene in Cornwall,  including Aultsville theatre  possibly purchasing the building from St. Lawrence College.

He admitted that Small Business is having a tough time.     What do you think Cornwall?   Is Denis Carr an improvement over Brock Frost?  You can post your comments below.


Hugo Rodrigues Photo :  Facebook


  1. Denis Carr is a wise decision for the next 3 years,I,m thinking that he himself has evaluated why he lost out in election & will improve to what voters expected. Frost not to hard to improve on,with Kilger gone I,m expecting much better,however, new mayor leaves me with some doubt

  2. Wonderful interview. I’m so pleased that Mr Carr has stepped up to the plate. He brings wisdom and experience to the table, is very passionate and supportive when it comes to the community and businesses.

  3. Did Lihou beat you to the muslim refugee story hypothetically?

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