Cornwall Ontario – Cornwall City Councilor Bernadette Clement’s breakfast buddy Kathleen Wynne and her government have left Cornwall (SD&G) out from a retail outlet for recreational marijuana.
The province announced the first 14 communities that will roll out retail outlets.
Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Vaughan, Hamilton Barrie, Kingston, Kitchener NDP , London, Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie , Sudbury, Thunder Bay, and Windsor.
Kitchener & Windsor are NDP ridings, Sault Ste Marie is PC after a bye election. Sudbury is now Liberal after a bye election.
Clearly Ms Wynne is playing partisan politics as her party only won 58 seats as opposed to the 28 for the Conservatives and 21 for the NDP.
The Provincial plan essentially will be charging about $300 per ounce of marijuana that currently sells between $100-$200 on the black market. The plan also will see more people most likely charged by police for marijuana offences without really protecting youth.
A Montreal area psychic consulted with a prohibition gangster’s spirit who commented with hand gestures:
That dame has balls!
The spirit then went on to complain about the quality of cheese in heaven and tried to mug the psychic who fended off the malevolent spirit with garlic and her cat Pym.
It should be an interesting roll out of recreational marijuana, and even more interesting to hear from Conservative Pot Heads who won’t have stores in their ridings
What do you think dear CFN viewers? Should Mango, Pineapple, and Goat Cheese pizza be the big new munchie after legalization? (or whatever our province thinks it’s doing?)

The NDP media people were asked their party’s plan, but did not respond before press time.
There’s a certain irony that PC leader, until the revolt, Patrick Brown, will be able to purchase his stash locally in Barrie.
Surprised? Not really!!
Failing to support a free market system will ensure that the black market will thrive in Ontario. Bad news for taxpayers who will foot the bill.
I am 100% against marijuana and it is a huge danger to ones health. I wish that the entire thing would close down completely. If people are crazy enough to smoke that garbage then they deserve not to get any health care and to die. We have a neighbor at the other end of the hall who is stinking up the place with that garbage. A good thing that we live further down the hall from him.