BMO Donates to Winchester Hospital After Cashing in on Cornwall by Jamie Gilcig 070618

Cornwall Ontario –  Some irate taxpayers in Cornwall were offended when they read that the Bank of Montreal just sent a big bag of cash over to the Winchester Hospital instead of CCH, especially as Cornwall just bought it’s old empty BMO building on Pitt Street,  in need of millions of dollars of renovations,  for over $400,000!

One gentleman suggested that the bank would have been smart enough to make a large donation to the Cornwall Hospital as essentially it felt like it was Cornwall’s money for buying the building which is quickly becoming known as the Elaine MacDonald Follies after the City Councilor that spearheaded the purchase after she broke the law while a board member of the now defunct Cornwall Art Gallery.

Another regular CFN viewer questioned why the bank didn’t simply donate the building to the City instead of selling it as a thank you to the millions of dollars that the bank has made off of the community all these years?

What do you think dear CFN viewers?  Does the BMO simply disrespect Cornwall or is someone in their PR department dropping the ball?     You can post your comments below.

1 Comment

  1. Don’t even care anymore. Nothing will change with this town! Corruption and incompetent people will always rule over Cornwall!

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