Dirty Town Under a Crooked Bridge (FICTION) Her Name was Digger & You Better Watch Yourself!

It was the police that named her Digger.

They said she was instrumental in helping them solve some major crimes. The clinical director of child protection services said that she “saved the lives of many children”, and the community awarded her the Community Service Award.

But more importantly is the personal letter she received written on a wrinkled piece of scrap paper from the eight year old little girl which said.

“Thank you for making my life much better”.

Can you imagine that fateful day that this woman whom has accolades that speak volumes to the professional integrity of her work had to endure the abuse of an attorney named Divine Leahy whom appeared to be suffering from the condition known as  “MeToo”?

Yes it was a highly charged case before the court, and according to the then Crown Attorney, the testimony given by Digger was so damaging to Divine Leahy’s chances of winning her case that she raged in what appeared to be a temper tantrum in the court in front of the judge and crown attorney, saying that she hated Digger and would like to blow up her house.

The comment was so alarming that the crown attorney presented her concerns to the director of child protection services. A week or two thereafter there was round two!  This time it was in front of a police officer, a former priest/social worker, and a hallway of approximately fifteen other people Leahy approached Digger screeching!

“You better watch yourself” “I am going to get you”

Digger was concerned and had a police officer accompany her to her car that day, as she did not want to be alone in the event of a chance encounter with Leahy who ended up with a letter of reprimand from the Director of child protection services, AND rather than being able to reflect and recognize that her behaviour was out of control, she made out right false counter allegations against Digger in a weak attempt to cloud the issue of her lack of professional conduct.

Her counter allegations were investigated by an outside agency to ensure an unbiased investigation. The findings of that investigation was that there was no substance whatsoever to MeToo’s assertions.

So how did it come about that Leahy is now a Judge in this Dirty Town Under a Crooked Bridge?

Well the investigating police officer who agreed that if a client had made these comments and statement then yes there most likely a charge of criminal harassment would be in order, however in this case Bubba said:

“We are not dealing with the usual scum we deal with.”

And therefore no charges were laid….There two sets of rules in under the bridge among the shadows.  Justice for “them”, and Justice for “Us”.

The shady favours for the favoured sons and daughters always get rewarded.

DTUCB is FICTION.   It’s inspired by characters and stories from the heart of Cornwall Ontario. 

To see other excerpts click HERE

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