Cornwall Ontario – For several years now this newspaper has struggled with the CCPS for more transparency and more disclosure.
Unlike forces in Kingston they refuse to give out a breakdown of calls of service. They begrudgingly now give out a total of calls for the day although there are days they don’t report any crime still. They didn’t even report to the public when a submachine gun was stolen from the armoury in Cornwall.
This was their release which we may not have even had if not for CFN breaking the story the day before.
Cornwall, ON – Andrew Bourbonnais, 35, of Cornwall was arrested on September 9th, 2018 and charged with possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose. It is alleged on September 9th, 2018 the man was acting in an aggressive manor while carrying a large sword in the area of Brookdale Avenue. Police were contacted and an investigation ensued. During the investigation, the man refused to cooperate after being instructed to drop the sword and was subsequently tased. The man was taken into custody, charged accordingly and held for a bail hearing.
However the video and photos tell a very different story.
People have died from being tazed and of course there is the emotional damage, especially to someone with what appears to be clear mental illness issues, for being tazed.
While most people would agree the safety of the public and police officers is tantamount, why write a blotter entry that clearly appears to not be accurate? Why not contact the SIU? CFN confirmed that the SIU were not contacted about this incident via CCPS voice Stephanie Macrae?
Again, weapons on the ground, hand on hip, and surely distressed by the amount of officers present with weapons aimed at him. Is it any wonder why so many in Cornwall are suggesting its time for the city to ask the OPP to take over policing? Is there not training on mental health issues for officers? After all, this isn’t Texas.
Cory Arial shot the videos in this story and there are over 150 comments on his social media page with many asking similar questions to this story? How could a mentally ill man be tazed with the weapons on the ground when officers are trained how to immobilize subjects without hurting them or putting anyone in harm’s way?
From Mr. Arial:
…I want him to know I wanna help him he didnt deserve it yes his original actions wasn’t safe but he dropped his weapon he didnt deserve it cops think the badge means do what you want that is why we have laws…

For Andrew Bourbonnais instead of being in hospital he’s attending a bail hearing only this morning, four days after the event. Word is that he may be getting one of Cornwall’s most talented law firms to rep him as this evolves.
We will be updating with more information as it becomes available and if you have any video, photos or information please email us at or dial 855 444 1133. You can be confidential if you wish.
Photos and video by Cory Arial
This is absolutely beyond belief ! Three coppers in position , the sword was on the ground , even from the tape, Andrew was not “well” ! I guess they had no pepper spray ? PATHETIC ! This was terribly executed, are we now living in the South, with this style of policing. I am disgusted. Where is our Police Services Board ? Maybe time for an OPP costing ?
Very painful and disturbing to watch. It appears people are afraid to speak up. Thanks Jamie
Does the CCPS not have pepper spray?
Good eye Jamie. I watched the video twice and didn’t notice that the weapon was on the ground. As far as I’m concerned somebody should be held accountable. A lot of people get seriously hurt and a few have died from being tased when their heads contact the concrete or pavement. This was completely unnecessary. I’m really disgusted that the Cornwall Police Department felt the need to do this
What’s even the point of pepper spray. By the time you’re that close, it’s time to get hands-on. This is the same situation as that gentlemen in Vancouver waiting for his mother. Six RCMP and no weapon involved. I’m fairly certain they could have subdued him manually.
Tazing seems a bit much, pepper spray would have probably sufficed in this situation. But not being there it is hard to judge. I noticed the man kept looking at the sword. And not knowing the background of the individual probably played a part in what happened.
Not accountable for anything in this city. Few weeks ago Police officer struck a man who was riding his bicycle, while the police was making a turn from Second Street to Millville. Nothing more was ever said. Swept under the rug again
Jamie you are the best journalist in Cornwall and you put them all to shame and that is why they resent you because you are #1. Do you know how long since I looked at the Ottawa papers. Yours is the one that I turn to Jamie. You have the truth spoken here in plain English even with pictures sometimes. The toilet papers of record are a shame and even little Fitzie can do better than they can.
I remember some years ago when people wrote in to the toilet paper of record the Freeloader and they compared Cornwall to the Deep South of the US with the hillbilly mentality and no education and the crime and all. That is exactly what Cornwall is well known for and to charge tons of money in taxes (RANSOM) on a bungalow is highway robbery. Only in Cornwall.