Cornwall Embarrassed Again After Police Shut Down Hospital & Schools Over an Alleged Pellet Gun. By Jamie Gilcig JAN 8 2019

In what has to be a most embarrassing mess of policing by the Cornwall Police under Chief Danny Aikman, thousands of residents had their lives impacted today over an alleged pellet gun.

The police are simply not answering key questions. There was no clear incident. No shots fired, no stories of a weapon directly aimed yet the UCDSB and police essentially sent waves of fear through the community.

Is this erring on the side of caution or simply gross incompetence by a force clearly not trained on how to deal with issues like this or when the police force covered up a stolen sub machine gun.

The biggest question a reasonable person would ask is how the police force could know it was a pellet gun if they didn’t know who was allegedly carrying the gun? And if they knew someone was discharging a pellet gun how did they not get to them in such a small city in such a short period of time?

The CCPS confirmed it did not consult with an outside force, but perhaps if they had talked with the OPP or RCMP they might have averted the drama that was needlessly created.

I totally agree with always erring on the side of caution, especially when it comes to safety and the safety of our children, but this clearly wasn’t erring on the side of caution; anymore than a stand off with an empty Cornwall motel room was a few years ago.

This was a force lacking leadership and expertise spending city resources and scaring the crap out parents across the city.

It really is time to ask the OPP to do a costing for service in Cornwall.

What do you think dear Cornwall? Were you impacted by this hot mess?

You can comment below.


Cornwall, ON – The Cornwall Police Service is actively investigating a report of a suspicious male seen in the area of Amelia Street and Seventh Street at approximately 8:50 am this morning. As such, the public will note an increased presence of police officers in the area searching for the male. Schools in the vicinity have been advised. CCVS has been placed on a lockdown and all other schools within that area have been placed on hold & secure as a precautionary measure only. No injuries have been reported. The investigation is in its early stages and more information will be released as it becomes available.

UPDATE – 11:38 AM

The Cornwall Community Hospital has also been placed on lockdown at this time. Ambulances are still being accepted and a triage nurse is available for all absolute emergencies. There is currently no in and out traffic from both Main hospital building and Community Addiction and Mental Health Centre being permitted. 

UPDATE – 12:09 PM 

The Cornwall Police Service is currently looking for a man who may be in possession of a rifle. The man was sighted in the area of Amelia Street and Seventh Street at approximately 8:50 am. No injuries have been reported at this time. Police are asking residents in the area of Second Street to Ninth Street, and Nick Kaneb Drive to Cumberland Avenue to remain in their residence. We thank the public for their cooperation at this time. Further updates to follow.

UPDATE – 1:10 PM

The Cornwall Community Hospital continues to be under lockdown, and local schools continue to be under hold and secure. For the purpose of public safety, anyone wishing to leave these facilities or residences in the previously noted area must do so at their own discretion.  An update will be provided shortly concerning the recommended procedure for the end of school.

UPDATE – 2:50 PM

The Cornwall Police Service continues to thank the public for their patience and understanding as we continue to investigate. The investigation continues to be ongoing and the current lockdowns remain in place until further notice. We are actively working with the local schoolboards to coordinate the end of school pick up procedure and will advise an update shortly.

UPDATE  – 3:00 PM

Please be advised all buses for schools within the City of Cornwall have been cancelled. Parents are advised to attend their child’s school to pick them up.

UPDATE – 3:55 PM

After an extensive investigation, the Cornwall Police Service wish to announce that all lockdowns have now been lifted and public safety is no longer believed to be a concern. The investigation has revealed the alleged weapon to be a pellet gun. This incident is still under investigation, however, it is now safe for residents to leave their homes. We would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation. More information is to follow at a News Conference taking place at 4:15 pm at City Hall.


  1. A real joke The Police call for a lockdown on the schools and hospital, don’t call for any businesses in the area to be locked down? A joke nothing but mass confusion We sat at city hall waiting for our glorious CAO and her pet Geoff Clarke to give direction nothing sweet F@#K all. Mayor, Council all quiet, too busy scratching each others backs Tax payers keep paying. Cornwall you should be pissed

  2. Author

    Once a decision to lock down occurs all local media should be contacted to assist and work with police to get the word out. Everywhere I went today there was fear and confusion and frankly most of it was unnecessary.

  3. A joke? They were getting calls saying someone was walking around with a rifle. If it had been a rifle (and if you listened to the conference you would know to someone who has no experience with guns, it looks like a rifle) and they wouldn’t have taken all the necessary precautions everyone would complain they aren’t doing their jobs. They kept everyone safe. That’s the main thing.

  4. Everyone safe, NOPE? what about local businesses in the area, city hall, Library nothing In any press release about local businesses. I get the fact some weird whack job with a gun was out walking around and police must act but the police should have looked at everything not just schools or the hospital. the CAO and her glorified pet Geoff Clarke could have but failed city employees again, not new

  5. As a father of children who potentially could have been impacted, had the situation been more serious, I commend the CCPS on their due dilligance. I think your comments are out of line as im sure I sit in the majority on that. You should be happy it was just a pellet gun and arent writing a story tonight on something more serious! Get a life!

  6. And there is probably no pellet gun. Society is weak.

  7. Wow! You are such a negative person…..I would much rather CCPS be safe then sorry… as a parent of a child at CCVS I am happy they kept our children safe and I am hapoy the kept the hospital on lock down… better safe than sorry so Thank You CCPS and to all the school staff that made sure our kids were safe today!

  8. I love reading your articles when I feel the need to be irritated. I say kudos to Cornwall Police Services, and the only one that should feel embarrassed, is you..for writing this garbage.
    When it comes to the saftey of our children every precaution should be taken.

  9. Good job…. thank you. Better safe than sorry.

  10. Cfn…. no. Don’t be so negative….

  11. Remember the Dawson College shooting back in 2006? I was there. I don’t want to see something like that to happen ever again. I don’t give a damn whether it was a pellet gun or not: You don’t mess around with this kind of stuff.

  12. Geeez if the police had not issued a lockdown and someone or many people would have been hurt or worse they would have gotten the short end of the stick! Damned if they do, damned if they don’t!!! I’m Glad they protected the Cornwall residents!

  13. They did they’re job and took every precaution to ensure it wasn’t anything more serious. They did everything right. This article is a joke, just like the rest of your “news.”

  14. I agree with Jessica and Ryan 100%. To “Wow” I say WOW!! In the heat of the moment, at times, it’s hard to please everyone. Everyone will not be satisfied with the response no matter what they did. This could have turned out so much worse. I’m glad it didn’t.

  15. Perhaps I can refresh your memory with Sandy Hook, the shooting that took place in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012. Those children, most of them just in the first grade, lost their lives when a deranged shooter entered and shot up their elementary school! SERIOUSLY…..

  16. I think the police did a commendable job today. Why do people have to find something wrong in every situation? There may have been some oversights, but in the end everyone was safe, and that’s what matters.

  17. Thank You CCPS for your service and due dilligance in keeping our safety and our children’s priority! I will accept any inconviences that may come our way when such incidences occur, because in the end people were safe! Situations like today help us to learn and be better prepared in the future.

  18. My daughter attends St Joseph’s High school in cornwall. I agree with the way the cornwall police handled the situation. I would rather they place hold and secure on the schools rather than keeping them open and possibly having a school shooting. At the time they did not know it was a pellet gun. So my thanks to the cornwall police on treating the situation as the worst possible senerio.

  19. So Mr publisher you block my post because it’s negative towards you and CFN. Hopefully the new owners will turn a new leaf and publish truths and not be biased like you and your little click. Are you happy with the response you received to this incident. Not many of the respondents backed your article.

  20. I am puzzled by having parents pick there kids up at school…all parents lined up…if there was a shooter on the loose … parents are now in danger…funny that didnt cross anyone elses mind…just saying

  21. Why no lockdown at Central Public School a mere 2 blocks away. As soon as the call came in from whoever called it in saying a male with a possible rifle. (No description?) And why weren’t the CCPS at that location within seconds/minutes after the call to find the individual with the possible rifle. There was no description given. Giving description to media to , anybody seeing individual call 911

  22. Author

    Mr. Emerton your posts are deleted because you seem to be a hateful ignorant person who may not have a grasp of reality or the truth.

  23. School board’s decision. All schools were in “secure and hold” As for no description given out there were conflicting “eyewitness” reports on how the person looked. Only thing they agreed on was that it was a male.

  24. Whew!…

    It seems that in the end, there was “nothing to fear but fear itself.”

    Here’s hoping that erring on the side of caution isn’t just an excuse for the CPS and School Boards’ less than coherent response and — as evidenced by the Seaway Snooze’s headline of a Paralyzed Cornwall — a recipe for hysteria.

    Perhaps there’s room for improvement all ’round.

  25. Author

    If the person even existed Hugger…

  26. Agreed Admin. Overactive imaginations??

  27. The forest for the trees………..

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