FEBRUARY 26, 2021 – A local gym has shut down after sending out emails to members informing them of two cases of Covid-19.
It has not been confirmed if these are new variant cases, but it does reinforce why any activity that involves taking off a mask needs to be kept closed until we reach a point where the public has been sufficiently vaccinated or we have better treatment for the World Wide pandemic.
Aerosol spread, especially of the new variants, is not limited to 2 meters.
There was no release from the EOHU. A CFN viewer sent us information which the Gym confirmed.
Frankly the Gym rep’s response was frightening.
“Hi! There is NOT an outbreak. It has all been resolved with the EOHU.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.
Thank you and thank you for your concern. Josée
P.S. I heard there was an outbreak at Fantasy Realm… it’s called the Hate Train variant. Lol! “
Any institution that has a case is labelled an outbreak.
An outbreak in Canada is generally defined as:
“While most outbreaks will consist of two or more positive cases, the prevalence of the virus already in a community impacts how cases are classified.
So even one single positive test can be labelled an outbreak in a setting where you wouldn’t expect a COVID case, such as in a small, insular community.”
The gym’s email did not state whether all staff are being tested or anyone that was in the facility the day of the outbreak.
Again, nothing from the EOHU which refuses to answer any questions from this newspaper.
Stay safe, wear at least a 3 ply mask as per PHAC guidelines and hopefully the province will replace the corrupt and incompetent Paul Roumeliotis before we end up in lockdown in the Cornwall area as the new variants are here.
We will be updating this story as more information is confirmed and the gym has been advised that they may send us a statement for publication.
This was allegedly posted by a MMA pro who shares the space, and others in Cornwall. Caveman Strong has refused to answer whether all staff have been tested and are now referring questions to the EOHU.

In videos from the MMA’s social media page no masks are worn while in the gym with contacts of less than 2M.
You can reach us at info@cornwallfreenews.com