JUNE 11, 2021 – The Pandemic has brought a lot of changes and upset to everyone, not to even mention some of dire consequences. Some seniors are finding the time long although a friend told me that she is now walking outside more often for exercise and to ease some of the boredom. She intends to continue it when ‘all the smoke clears’
A friend sent this interesting little item which says that “NOT Everything is Cancelled:
Sunshine is not cancelled.
Love is not cancelled.
Relationships are not cancelled.
Reading is not cancelled.
Naps are not cancelled.
Devotion is not cancelled.
Music is not cancelled.
Dancing is not cancelled.
Imagination is not cancelled.
Kindness is not cancelled.
Conversations are not cancelled.
And…HOPE is not cancelled”
One day at a time will get us all through this.
A very wonderful man and nephew, Alex Herrington, is celebrating his birthday this month. Alex is always just a phone call away if I need anything. What a blessing he is. Happy Happy Birthday Alex.
Here is a photo I recently found of three lovely Girl Guides with me. We were all Girl Guides in the Trinity Anglican Church Girl Guide Company in the late 50’s.We are not sure what the occasion was but we are in full dress uniform posing for the picture, so it must have been an important meeting. Perhaps it was something special such as our receiving our Gold Chords or we had a visiting Guide Company from another parish. In the background some other Guides seem to be playfully peeking through.

From the left in front are Frances Glass, Ann Tabram, Myrna Plumley and I. The guides in the back are unknown.
Recently I heard someone on TV using the old expression, ‘It’s a lot of malarkey’. It was often used years ago. On line it says that it refers to speech or writing designed to obscure, mislead or impress, bunkum. I remember it being used a lot when I was growing up.
Oddly enough I had just looked up the word ‘blatherskite’ which is another old word I heard lots of time as a younster. According to a web site it refers to a person who talks at great lenghth without making much sense or one who talks continuously about insignificant matters,
I guess you could say a blatherskite talks a lot of melarky. Great words and fun to hear again.
I found some handinotes with a drawing on them by Joan Levy Earle. It was a nice surprise. I have several of her books which I treasure. On the note paper she has drawn an old tree she probably saw one day. She was a very talented artist and author.
When Joan and her jusband Jack owned the Santuary on Pitt Street it was always a pleasure to talk with her. I went in because it was an oasis for me-great painting supplies, stationary goods and books. Just a wonderful place to shop and visit with Joan.

We all miss her so much. This note paper will be nice to frame.
Limericks are fun. Here is one, author unknown:
There once was a girl named Irene
Who lived on distilled kerosene.
But she started absorbing
A new hydrocarbon
And since then has never benzene.
The pool in Central Park seemed a small one in memory but I found this old photo from the 50’s. and the pool looks plenty big enough. I am sure it was. In the photo another swimming instructor and I are helping some little ones enjoy the water and learn to swim.
The park also had a large Band Stand and we often would lay our towels on the floor of it and take a rest from all the swimming. No one sems to know what happened to it after the park area was changed and the pool removed.
The pool and park were such a great spot for all the kids every sumer and everyone enjoyed swimming there and meetng friends. Our Mayor at the time, Mayor Horovitz would hold his annual picnic in the park which was a wonderful event for all of the kids and adults as well. Later, the park ‘s name was changed to Horovitz Park as is is today.
Ah!!! Those were the days.

A joke from a friend:
Definitly Not Uber
A passenger in a taxi leaned over to ask the driver a question and tapped him on the shoulder.
The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb and stopped just a few inches from a large plate window.
For a few minutes everything was silent in the cab and then, still shaking, the driver said, “I am sorry but you scared the daylights out of me.”
The frightened passenger apologized to the driver and said that he didn’t realize a mere tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much.
The driver replied, “No, no. I am sorry. it is entirely my fault. Today is my first day driving a cab. For twenty five years I have been driving a hearse.”
Have a good week, Dawn