JULY 12, 2021 – Ontario does not have a good record during Covid. The Ford government put in place orders riddled with loopholes that police essentially in many places like Cornwall refused to enforce.
This journalist reported several cases to the CPS who refused to take any actions; referring me to the EOHU which is not a law enforcement agency.
Now people are acting like Covid is over because our numbers are low, but it’s chiefly because the majority of people have followed real science, worn masks, social distanced and been vaccinated as soon as they could.
However we now have a group of anti vaxxers and Covidiots that are still floating around. We know that most of the cases contracted are among people who have not been vaxxed. We know most that end up in ICU’s or dying have not been vaccinated either. This adds a huge burden to our healthcare workers and systems as well as our tax bills.
There simply is no scientific reason not to get vaxxed; just like there was no legitimate reason not to wear a mask. We are at a stage that if we can limit new variations of the virus we have a chance to truly move forward.
In Canada we have socialized medicine which is wonderful when it works. But it still costs money. One day in an ICU can be over $25,000 to the public purse. Long term Covid treatment can run over $100,000. Add in societal and economic costs and you can see why negligent spread is something that governments have to look at before Delta and other VOC’s take root in Canada.
We know over 40% of Canadians over the age of 12 have had both vaccinations. There is no hurdle to getting a vaccine now.
It’s time to stop with the carrot and being reasonable with unreasonable people and be clear . It’s time to simply say that we can’t refuse you health care, but if you show up with Covid at a hospital after October 1, 2021 and haven’t had your first vaccine shot you will be fined.
If you are traced to have caused spread of Covid-19 without having a vaccine shot by October 1st you should be charged with criminal negligence. Akin to having unprotected sex knowing you have AIDS.
No loopholes No exemptions unless a real doctor signs a real government form for an exemption.
We need to continue to fight Covid-19 and as a Province and Country need to do so without thousands of people putting us all at risk.
Science over politics.
We need to fine those who suggest that fining others for exercising their right to make their own decisions in a free society.
Sorry, you don’t have the right to infect others with a known virus that has killed far too many on this planet. You simply don’t and you’re an idiot if you think you do.
I’m told the shots are for only the Covid-19…tell me..Who is gonna take blame for the variants that have started? Fining people that haven’t recieved the shot/shots is not the answer. This could be reversed..say like for anyone who didn’t have the shot got the Covid-19 from a person who had the shot could be fined.. We all have Freedom of Choice.. Did anyone come up to you and said you had to have the shot or else? Most likely not…it was your choice to do what you feel is your best choice.. I feel that if people were to be fine cause others think/feel they can force a choice upon a person that disagrees.. could cause a big fight.. Personally I don’t care who did or didn’t have the shot..I just need to make sure I’m making the choices that suits me..
Sorry it’s not a choice issue at that level. If your child is sick with chicken pox or measles you don’t have the choice to send them to school, right? We have vaccines that have dramatically impacted those child hood diseases.
It’s really simple if you or anyone doesn’t get that we have mental health services that might be of assistance to you. The only choice you have is that if you refuse a vaccine for Covid-19 then you don’t get to mix with the rest of society and put people at risk.
How that is resolved is what needs to be discussed.