OCTOBER 31, 2021 – Imagine you’re a parent and get an email from the school board. You click a link and next thing you see is a spread sheet with hundreds of names of kids attending the school, including your own, and their personal info and contacts?
That appears to have happened in Cornwall Ontario. Parent Robert Cadieux reached out to CFN as he was frustrated at the EOHU (allegedly where the link took him to for the data leak) and Cornwall Police who said there was nothing they could do.
Shortly after an email was sent out to parents from a Kate McPhee from the school board.
“On Sat, 30 Oct 2021 at 20:22, Kate McPhee<kate.mcphee@cdsbeo.on.ca> wrote:
Dear Parents & Guardians of St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School,
You have received information this evening, sent in error.
We are investigating. We will send additional information as it becomes available.”

Cornwall City Councilor Maurice Dupelle confirmed in a social media post that he too received the email.

If you clicked that link you were sent to a spreadsheet on the EOHU with the information.
We reached out to Ms McPhee who had not responded as of publication and sadly the EOHU blocks any email queries or calls from this newspaper.
We will update as more information becomes available and you can reach us info@cornwallfreenews.com
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