April 4, 2022 – For many of us struggling through Covid in Ontario it feels like the Ford Government secretly supports the Randy Hillier crowd. Horrible take back of mask mandates as a sixth wave of a World Wide pandemic that has killed over 5 million people and you can’t even shop safely.

The public simply is left defenseless. Kids in school? You’re doomed. Utterly doomed as the little disease spreaders bring it home. Why? Because Premier Ford and his crack team appear….to be on crack when it comes to the science and real knowledge we have about airborne viruses which Covid is.

Cornwall’s highest paid Sunshine lister, Paul Roumeliotis is home to the area with the highest rates of Covid and least amount of vaccines in the province. This writer can tell you that nearly 90% of people encountered shopping locally are not wearing a mask. Their answer when asked? We don’t have to. Thank you Ford government for dropping masking which is already leading to more illness and death in the province.

Testing? That costs money that could be better spent on election ads and programs at the taxpayer expense to help with the June election for Dougie.

Do you thing Doug Ford is doing a good job as Premier of Ontario? APRIL 4, 2022

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And now this complete and utter piece of nonsense. Doug the Thug feels our pain being gouged at the gas station. He wants to cut gas taxes, but not before July, AFTER, the provincial election, and frankly, for not enough. He wants the big headlines about cutting taxes, but why not now, in April? What about May and June? Do people not drive during these months? Why wait until July Doug?

Instead of passing anti gouging laws, as the gas we pay for seems to jump in price far faster than it reduces based on market prices, he’s now casting some crumbs to the poor voters.

Sadly in Ontario, like in Federal politics, it seems the two major parties want to take turns being in power without mounting credible or strong enough opposition? Will a Wynne throwback or the horrid and shrill Andrea Horwath have any chance of beating Ford?

Well actually, with enough of us catching Covid because of the unscientific handling of the pandemic anything is possible.

Doug Ford is not your friend, and neither is his government. Do you feel doomed?


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