Cornwall Ontario CAO Maureen Adams Checks Out After Election Results. Takes Gig in SD&G. Should City Workers Have to Live in the City? By Jamie Gilcig

October 26, 2022 – The first change occurred after the election. CAO Maureen Adams has shifted from bloating Cornwall’s taxes, and moved to SD&G where she will take over for Tim Simpson. Ms Adams is a resident of Long Sault.

More changes are expected at City Hall as residents frustrations are growing in volume and questions about high taxes and less services grow.

The question debated by myself and Standard Freeholder Editor Hugo Rodrigues last night on twitter (and I use the term debate loosely as Hugo can be a total twitter twat) is that I feel that positions at City Hall should only be held by residents. That’s my opinion. I stated it when I ran for mayor and I still feel that way as it’s our cash that these people take home and that they should benefit, or suffer, like the rest of taxpayers that have to live with the results of their works.

Should Cornwall City Staff Have to Live in Cornwall?

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I have no issue with importing talent when necessary, but those folks should move to our community shortly after taking a position with the city. Heck Hugo did (not that he works for the city, although many have called him a shill, and his employer gets a lot of city dosh….)

Too many benefit from Cornwall pumping them up with our tax dollars while living in neighboring areas like South Stormont and South Glengarry. Cornwall should not be carrying the load for those communities who rarely pay their fair share of services provided by local taxpayers. And why should they when Cornwall decision makes live there and can help keep those communities taxes down making them more attractive than Cornwall.

In fact I would propose that new positions moving forward essentially be offered a lower rates with a bonus incentive/rebate if the worker lives in Cornwall. For example if the current CAO position pays $200K per year. Offer the new CAO $180K with a $20K kick up if they live in Cornwall.

The bottom line is that the only way to make things better is to actually make them better.

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