Seniors Situation Room. By Dawn Ford – Blue Jays & Time for Covid Boosters & Flu Shots.

November 20, 2022 – Some seniors were talking about what would have been the scenario had there been a strike when we were kids in school. A lot of our Mothers were at home. We don’t think that we would have been having lessons., remote learning or otherwise. No computers in those days. More likely we would have been outside playing and loving it.

Do you remember the old party phone lines? That was a fun time especially as a teen wanting to get a phone call from your boyfriend and someone on the line was talking and talking. I guess in an emergency you could tell them that you needed the line but other than that you had to wait for a free line. Our phone number was 1388J – what the J stood for I don’t remember or how many parties would have been on one line. Wonder why they called them ‘party lines’. I remember some kids used to take the phone off and listen to the other party line’s conversation…until Mom appeared on the scene. Those were the days!!

Here’s a cute limerick:

An oyster from Kalamazoo

Confessed he was feeling quite blue.

For he said, “As a rule

When the weather turns cool

I invariably get in a stew.”

The Blue Jays seem to be around a bit more this lately. I saw one chasing a Sea Gull all over the sky one day. What a racket of cawing from both birds. That Jay didn’t let up and wouldn’t stop chasing the other bird. Soon they landed on a roof and I didn’t see either of them again. Must have been a big fight of some kind. Maybe the Seagull stole the Jay’s food or something.

In this photo a Blue Jay is resting on a branch just looking around. They sure can make a lot of noise.

They are very beautiful. The male is apparently a much more vibrant shade of blue than the female.

Photo courtesy of Bob Katz

I recently had my 4th COVID vaccine at the Cornwall Square. The clinic was very well organized to accommodate ‘walk- ins’ as well as people with appointments. The staff were from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit apparently. They were all very pleasant and well organized with very little waiting. Fortunately I had no reaction at all, not even a sore arm which I have had in the past.

And I had my flu shot by a pharmacist at Fullerton Drug Store at Pitt and Second. Didn’t even feel it. So, I am all set for the winter, I hope. Hope you are also.

I received a new fall /winter menu booklet ” My Menu” from Heart To Home Meals.

The pages list 200 meals, soups and desserts. There are no contracts or subscriptions. Just place your order calling a toll free number and you can enjoy free delivery directly to your home. There are three sizes of meals and indications of any special dietary needs such as low sodium, fat, etc and even a vegetarian diet. A dietarian consultant Andrea, has some articles in the menu booklet which are very interesting and informative.

Call 1-844-384-2333 for information or go to

I have tasted some and they are delicious. I especially loved their beef stew.

Centre 105 is advertising a Christmas Concert Fundraiser for Sunday, December 4th at 2pm. It will take place at Trinity Anglican Church, 105 Second Street West here in Cornwall. Entry is free. Donations will be appreciated..

Guest artists include the Cornwall Centennial Choir with Trinity and Christ Church choirs.

Free parking is available at the Trinity Church, St. Columban Catholic Church ( 36 4th. St. W.) and First Baptist Church (310 York Street).

Refreshments and photos with Santa will take place in the main hall after the concert. Sounds like a wonderful afternoon.

Call 343-585-4360 for more information.

Some funny lines sent in by a friend:

1) Why do dogs float in the water? Beause they are good buoys.

2) I spent a lot of money, time and effort childproofing my house but they still get in.

3) How many telemarketers does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but he has to do it while you are eating dinner.

4) What did one DNA say to another DNA? “Do these genes make me look fat?”

5) My girlfriend says that it is either her or my career as a new reporter. I have some breaking news for her.

6) A turtle is crossing the road when he is mugged by two snails. When the police ask him what happened, the shaken turtle replies, “I don’t know. It happened so fast.”

7) A sign outside a second hand shop reads: We exchange anything- bicycles, washing machines, etc. Why not bring your wife along and get a wonderful bargain??

Have a good week Dawn

1 Comment

  1. I, too remember the party telephone lines. Our number was 1428R

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