Does Canada Need More Federal Food Inspectors? Cornwall Ontario – September 26, 2010

Cornwall ON – So do you know what you’re eating?  Do you know where it’s from?  How it’s grown?  Has it been genetically modified?  What kind of water was used on it or what type of soil did it grow in?

What kind of pollutants are natural to the area?   With more and more of our food coming from China, and other places in the world and economic factors playing a larger role how do we make the choices and what is our government doing to protect us?

Here in Canada believe it or not most of our food inspection is done in the country the food comes from and not here in Canada.

I love bananas but they’re not regulated here in Canada.    With over 200 countries exporting food to Canada can we really remain lax in protecting our food chain?

Do we really need Apples from China?

What do you think Canada?  You can post your comments below.

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  1. Visit your local grocery store and stroll down the isles. Take the time to examine products, labels and packaging and you’ll see that it’s diificult to even tell which items are imported …and if they are, from which country.

    And due to mysterious bureaucratic slight of hand, trade agreements, and content/labelling formulas you’ll find some wierdities like …product of canada pineapple juice.

    The whole food inspection system and labelling sytem needs an overhaul not just to protect consumers, but to give consumers enough information to make informed choices.

    Who really wants to trust that narco-state Mexican imports, or institutionally corrrupt Chinese products (eg. watered down baby formula spiked with melamine to mimic protein) are treated as food for healthy consumption, rather than a quick buck, and a cold trail left behind. And even product innocently packed in source country water, that for example Phillipine locals can handle, could leave Canadian bowels in knots.

    Whether more Canadian Food Inspectors means more inspection and safer product, who knows? But maybe we could try shopping at home — and a little more support for farmers and a little more information for consumers would for sure, be useful.

  2. Let us not forget “Farmers Feed Cities”.

  3. I would like more research done into why we can not have more food grown here, is it costs like taxes, machinery and finding help? Is it food boards, transportation and exportation rules?
    People need quality food but it is increasingly difficult to afford them, and some countries even with transportation costs are taking the advantage. Any business minded person would.

    Protect the food chain yes, but look into why we need to import so much.

  4. Stan’s comment is interesting, but at the same time farmers are being co-opted into feeding the blight of the city …cars.

    The government financed by you and I are subsidizing corporate fraudsters that insist ethanol is an environmental saviour, although it takes more resources to produce than it gives back, actually costs more than gasoline, and it doesn’t even produce the energy of gasoline.

    Government should redirect their attention to foodstuffs being for people. And focus their efforts into the development, quantity, and quality of our food.

  5. I think taxpayers are being co-opted into feeding the blight of the province – McGuinty. LOL

    Wind and solar for the most part are costing us dearly, and in the case of Samsung, how much of that is staying locally?

    Governements should redirect their attention to core services, allowing us to keep more of our own money to create programs if, that is if, we want them.

  6. Right on Eric, the blight of the province certainly is McGuinty!

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