We decided that with Akwesasne being so close to Cornwall and its life impacting our city as much as it does to add a Category just for Akwesasne.    Whether it’s the Bridge Crisis, the Pow Wow or some of the more interesting subjects we don’t get to cover enough weContinue Reading

This was just sent to us: UPDATE ON THE CURRENT CBSA SITUATION Today on September 18, 2009 the CBSA at the Cornwall port of entry seized two vehicles from  community members. The vehicles were seized because the community members failed to report to CBSA before returning to Kawennoke. Many ofContinue Reading

Hmm…election drama dies down, government goes on the war path.   Here’s a press release from the MCA released today. For immediate release: Seskehko:wa/ September 18, 2009 For information contact: Mohawk Government Office Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Tel: (613) 575-2348 AKWESASNE LEADERSHIP RESPONDS TO CBSA ATTACK AGAINST COMMUNITY MEMBERS Akwesasne —ThisContinue Reading