LINK Looks like Maple Leaf accidently sent out some dogs without testing for Listeria. The affected products were shipped to Eastern Canada, mostly to Ontario, Maple Leaf spokeswoman Linda Smith told CBC News. People who have purchased 450 gram packs of Shopsy’s Deli Fresh All Beef Frankfurters (product code 20730Continue Reading

New information shows that Vitamin D can help you fight flu and colds. LINK The latest study adds to mounting evidence that the vitamin from sunshine boosts the immune system and helps prevent some cancers and heart disease. Vitamin D comes mostly from strong sunshine or pills, with smaller amountsContinue Reading

LINK If you’re like myself and millions of others a funny thing happened yesterday.   Your GMAIL crashed.   Google’s Gmail product was down yesterday but is back up. Google could not confirm what had caused the outage. “A number of users are having difficulty accessing Gmail,” said the company in aContinue Reading

LINK Interesting letter to the editor in the Standard Freeholder today.   Our taxes are high on our house too, but if we were in Ottawa they’d be higher.     Cornwall faces some interesting challenges as a small city.   Let’s see if I can get a City Councillor to respond to thisContinue Reading

Due to overwhelming demand the Justin Trudeau  Community Breakfast (Saturday March 14th from 8:30-10:30) has had to change the location to the Cornwall Civic Complex Salons A-C. People can still order tickets by contacting Denis at 613 346 5416 or e-mail or check out the Liberal riding association websiteContinue Reading

Weird Oscar show last night.  As one person was quoted they turned on the Oscars and instead got to see The Tony’s. Best Pic went to SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. Best Actor: Sean Penn Best Actress: Kate Winslet Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger Best Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz. So what do youContinue Reading

LINK Good news and hopefully over 100 jobs to the city!  Way to go Cornwall!  And construction for the project will create more local work. The city is also moving forward with the construction of a new north-south road in the business park, connecting SCM Way and Industrial Park Road.Continue Reading

It’s flu season and a lot of people are going to catch it this year.    There are some things YOU can do to help prevent it and help prevent the spread. WASH YOUR HANDS.      A lot.   The more the better. IF YOU SNEEZE.   Try and sneeze into your elbow.   NotContinue Reading

Alex Kovalev led the Habs to victory Saturday night.   Matthew Schneider scored again, and Halak is the man! SUNDAY BOXSCORES SATURDAY BOXSCORES STANDINGS BY CONFERENCE Please visit our sponsors:Continue Reading

LINK Scary times make people do scary things and it looks like right now a lot of people are parking their investment dollars in Gold. This rally is about hoarding. That is what makes it scary and it is the reason why it is likely to continue till more optimisticContinue Reading

Only 3 games  to report on; Colorado beat the Caps 4-1; Carolina 4-1 over Tampa; and Detroit 5-2 over Anaheim. For Sale. Almost anyone on the Islanders.   There’s not much to buy though.   Bill Guerin is about the only non-injured commodity anyone would want now that the Isles have tradedContinue Reading

LINK The Sens give up SJ’s 1st round draft pick and a spare part for Mike Comrie and Chris Campoli.  Sounds like they are prepping to trade Spezza as I can’t see them with Comrie, Fisher, and Spezza up the middle. Stay tuned.   This should be a very busy TradeContinue Reading