CFN – Sens vs Habs for round one of the play offs. This season it’s great to see so many Canadian teams making the second season, but tragically there are two series that will knock out two of our teams. Montreal, while finishing first is vulnerable. The team nabbed DevanteContinue Reading

CFN – Today Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is on trial.    In reality it is former Journalist and Senator Mike Duffy that’s on the docket and facing a judge, but ultimately Canadians will be keenly listening for glimpses of the man behind the curtain. What’s scariest to this writerContinue Reading

The $99 per month  YOUR AD HERE special on CFN will be for all of 2015! That’s right. Space is limited to the three Top of the Site rotating slots which host 24 banners in total. Banners are 300×250 pixels in size, can be animated gifs, and of course areContinue Reading Serving Montreal, Western Quebec, Ottawa, and Eastern Ontario. Why wait? The ViaMedica Promise At ViaMedica you will receive “The Care and Attention you Deserve”. Our friendly and professional staff will ensure that your experience at ViaMedica is prompt and seamless in an environment that respects the integrity and dignityContinue Reading

On January 15, 2015 at approximately 2:00pm patrol officers from East Division responded to a collision at the intersection of Milton Road and Navan Road. The collision involved a school bus and a car.  No one was injured.  While there were no children on board at the time of theContinue Reading

COMPUTER REPAIR SCAM ALERT               Cornwall, ON- The Cornwall Community Police Service would like to inform the residents of our Community of a computer repair scam. It is reported that the culprit(s) contact the victim by telephone and suggest that the home computer has a virus. The culprit(s) explainsContinue Reading