We’re adding a Holiday Greeting page for our current and new sponsors.   Check it out as we’ll be adding greeting each day as we lead up to Christmas & New Years! As you drive this busy holiday season please remember to be careful, and no drinking & driving either!Continue Reading

AKWESASNE YOUTH FLAME ATTENDANT, TORCHBEARER AND HONORARY ELDER NAMED FOR 2010 OLYMPIC TORCH RELAY Akwesasne Mohawk Selected to Retrieve Olympic Flame from Greece AKWESASNE, ONTARIO — Aronhiaies Herne, a 23-year-old teacher and cultural program coordinator from the Mohawk community of Akwesasne, has been selected as one of 11 Aboriginal youthsContinue Reading

Komorowski’s Korner – Richard Komorowski Every Kilowatt Counts For several years now, the Ontario Power Authority has been actively encouraging electricity conservation. One example was their very popular coupon scheme to promote the use of compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) in place of regular incandescent bulbs, which use about four timesContinue Reading

We decided that with Akwesasne being so close to Cornwall and its life impacting our city as much as it does to add a Category just for Akwesasne.    Whether it’s the Bridge Crisis, the Pow Wow or some of the more interesting subjects we don’t get to cover enough weContinue Reading

We now are accepting resumes for Interns.  We have two slots open, one person to work on the webside of the paper and one for someone to work on the news side. The successful intern will be community minded and energetic.  Email your resumé to info@cornwallfreenews.com or canvid@hotmail.com please visitContinue Reading

Garage/yard sale on Sat.May 30, 1518 Frank Court Cornwall, Off Holy Cross Blvd. 8:00am till 2:00pm too many things to list. 613-936-6500 please visit our sponsors:Continue Reading